individuals put forth the life in the societies and these lives
are the indicators of
the prevailing level of understanding within the
There are considerable differences of opinion among
societies about
an event. Sometimes, in making these differentiations,
especially while defining the pressure on the individuals/the
servants of Allah people tend to go too far and accuse the
Absolute Creator as ‘’using force in the things that hu is
tell the truth,
it is impossible for us to expect a person with belief,
who can think and
contemplate to accept such a theory.
There is a very clear warning of Hz.Rasul of
Allah (s.a.v) for those who feel themselves close to the
philosophy of compulsion and say ‘’this is my culture’’
The warning statement is ‘’They will be the possessors of
In this way he has pointed out the target
where the ones whose
philosophy is compelling would reach.
This dangerous end is a result of
the approach that has been made without evaluating the
warnings of the Hz.Rasul of
in this world of realities many of the events do not end up as
we wish. We see and live this.
We may not be able to finish a work that we have in hand
in the way as we have wished it to be done.
In spite of the fact
we keep on boasting all the time, when we confront
situations that we do not like or in the works where we are not
successful we take the shortcut and say ‘’There is nothing
that I can do, Allah has made me do this by force’’ or
‘’The wish of
has been
in this way’’...
We are saying these as if there isn’t any mistake in our
nature and we load the mistake unto the ‘’Absolute Being’’.
The worst is that
there are the ones among us who bring the subject almost
to the point of insanity when they are too much frustrated with
such a scene.
there is anyone who says that
these ideas were not correct and this way of
thinking has to be changed, we simply label him as
‘’Akl- evvel/ too much intelligent’’ and just laugh. For
this perverted thought we take as a basis
the verse ‘’Allah has created you and the things that
you are doing’’. However, when we do this we do not evaluate
and unfortunately we cannot become aware of
the seriousness of the duality, the hidden polytheism and
the process of
getting veiled from Allah that takes place automatically
as a result of this statement.
perceptions in this direction and
the information transfers that are being made without
knowing the subject well are creating a science that
has no objectives and a society who have a tendency for
imitation. Actually, it is us who do the act of
compelling without knowing…
us stop for a while and decide if
we are using force in imposing our ideas to others. Let
us evaluate ourselves and weigh our ideas;
in transferring information to the others, we could have
been respectful to how many people, considered
their rights and the position thay they were in?
am sure you won’t be able to say ‘’I did not use force’’,
because the human being who is individualistic will definitely
apply the things that I have said in one way or another.
As we all are almost at the same level, the problem becomes
visible with all its nakedness.
Beneath all the things that are being said and beneath all the
recommendations there is pressure. We can understand this by
making a self criticism.
in the first place we should know how to judge and control
ourselves and approach the universal values from the perspective
in which we had known ourselves. Then, we would see that it is
our own selves who is wrong.
Compelling is inherent in our personality!..
accordance with this perception it is impossible that there can
be the attribute of
being compulsive which people want to ascribe to Allah.
Allah is free from such attributes.
only observes, watches the universes within Allah’s science.
As a result of this observation and due to the attribute of
Tekvin/Creation the universes get formed which actually do not
this order of existence
there isn’t any place for compelling.
If this
happenning is being expressed as ‘’Allah is doing
whatever Allah wishes to do’’ and in doing so if the
individual does not see himself, his own self,
then it may come
to the point.
for a sign of
compelling in the statement ‘’The creator of
everything is Allah and there is no other creator besides’’
is to make
an invitation for individualism.
On the other hand, the statement ‘’The human beings act by
their own free wills’’ brings along another mistake.
Let me try to summarise this point in short:
wall asked the nail :
‘’Why are you penetrating through me and trying to make a
The nail answered:
‘’Ask this to the one who is hitting (the hammer)!.
Here, the nail expresses that it is acting by means of force (compulsion).
We do not have to agree with this opinion. Also, the one who
thinks in this manner cannot
stop the following question from being asked :
‘’Haven’t you taken your existence/your being from the one
who is hitting you?’’
such a question should make invalid the subject that we have
been evaluating.
the one who is hitting you has given you your being, then it is
impossible for you to have a being ( a separate being).
the wise men of
Mu’tezile think that their greatest wish in life is to
pasture the sheep and they say ‘’Man can manage/direct his
However, I do not agree with this and neither
with the philosophy
that says ‘’Allah makes hu’s servants do whatever
Allah wishes them to do by using force’’.
understanding of compelling is a live example for our people who
could not save themselves from the quick sand of
being underdeveloped and who struggle desperately amidst
January 1st