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aplace had given much importance to applying chemistry to biology. He and  Lavoisier, the French scientist in chemistry have found out that water was  produced when hydrogen was burned. Lavoisier  had another very meaningful theory.
I think you know that…
‘’A thing which exists will never get lost and something which is non-existant is not going to exist.’’

Is it possible that something which we assume as existant can get lost afterwards?
Is such a way of thinking realistic?
If  something becomes non-existant does it mean that it has never existed before?
These questions drive their importance from the existance of  ‘’the feelings’’, which shape the human relations, the interaction between the humans and which are accepted as ‘’the absolute values’’.
It is observed that the conventional feelings such as being good, brave, tolerant, generous,  or having enmity intensify or decrease the friendships or sometimes completely abolish them at certain levels.
The types of behaviour which reflect the love and friendship in the individual sense would be to give a helping hand to the person who has been forced to live as a limited composition or satisfying his need for finding a support.
Naturally, the individual does not have any right other than feeling himself as secure.
Under these conditions he is going to search for support from someone else or from the society to lean on, for this purpose he will be creating the necessary circumstances and will get attached  to  those****

However, when death comes one perceives that the values of this world were not valid at all. Therefore at the first stage he lives this moment dreadfully and becomes shocked.
All those  years that he has lived with his feelings have been lost for nothing and the life style in his cocoon has made him a robot.

On the other hand there is an alternative way for becoming closer to the Absolute Values. To be able to live the infinite, countless nice things that belong to Allah in this physical body one has to abandon, has to set himself free from the conditionings which make up the cocoon. In addition to these one should also abandon a life style which depends on the returns gained from the social life…
When the individual struggles in this world of values that he  has built with his conditionings, value judgements, comments and genetic heritage; he will have to direct himself from this emptiness to the Absolute One.
The advantage of the one who is living the love to the fullest extent is that he notices these assumed values by himself and chooses to release himself from being addicted to these values.

All of us keep on living in our coccons, in ‘’our own universe’’, in a world  away from the real universal understanding until the true faces of these assumed values show themselves.
Upto a certain time***the conscious**mind tries to get adapted to a life style directed towards the five senses which actually is a must in the society. The conscious mind also does not have the courage to resist the rules and traditions of the society and sometimes it even does not bother to think about these. Due to all of these reasons it can be said that the individual conscious mind is like a prisoner. It can only meet its real structure, its identity only by climbing the steps with the understanding of freedom.
On the road to freedom, the fears, sorrows, the pains or temporary pleasures become invalid and they no longer exist.
As a result all the conventional, individualistic values that we have got used to disappear. From this point onwards, the individual has become colourless, he has mixed up with both with his closest friend and his worst enemy. Now, he is a mirror to his being.

In other words,
The one who looks at the mirror sees himself,
The mirror gets lifted up and what remains is himself.

The science of sufism describes the individual who could approach this position with the following lines;
Allah is a mirror to the man,
Man is a mirror for Allah.

The individual, who with the life energy that he has on this world chooses to untie himself  from the conventional values would  be   happy till eternity with the idea ‘’something which exists will never get lost’’.

Hz.Rasul of Allah  ascribes the following words for the state of lacking all of these, for this state of  not being tied up  and ends the argument

‘’Being poor is my pride’’.

 Ýstanbul- April 8th 2000

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