we can make a research on our social structure in evaluating the
Koran, believe me it is very possible that there would be a very
interesting yet negative result.
Therefore, anyone
who speaks and makes comments on the Koran without having a
sufficient dialogue with the mysticism has not understood the
Koran. Moreover, he has not stepped his foot out of the door of ignorance.
Yesterday this was so and today it continues in the same manner.
This means that the situation is based on different details...
A hadith which
proves this opinion right is as follows:-
‘’The Koran has been brought down on seven
letters (dialect, style of declaration). Each letter has
an outer meaning, and an inner meaning, an objective/destination
and a place of birth’’.
Therefore, the Koran cannot be evaluated immediately as soon as
it is being read.
Perceiving the Koran and the statements of Allah’s Rasul and
solve (understand clearly) the messages that have been given and
reach the universality of mysticism can only be possible by
getting to know the Absolute Creator. Most important of all by
not regarding the Absolute creator as a God and at the same time
being able to read/ to perceive the system at least at a certain
There is an important point which should not be forgotten, which
is : In any place where the universal values have been covered
up, it would be difficult to perceive mysticism.
The religion
speaks to the mind. For this reason, in many of
the verses the human beings are invited to contemplation
(deep thinking). However, I have to say that for understanding
the Koran being narrow minded (for the individuals) would not be
Any person who does not deal with the science of Astronomy,
Physics, Chemistry, who does not believe in the existence of the
waves in the invisble universe; moreover who does not believe
that they are loaded with the meanings. In short, any human
being who is not interested
in the contemporary
science cannot be expected to decipher the statements of
Allah. Of
course, as a result of this
disinterest, the unperceived knowledge the individual will not
be able to put it into practice in his life.
Please, do not misunderstand.
I meant that under the above mentioned conditions the
Koran cannot be understood completely and
the mind cannot form
the necessary
relations . However, I did not say that
the Koran should not be read if the above mentioned
conditions are not satisified.
Another special
condition is that the popular science has been delayed very much
in determining the messages in the Koran given to the human
being. This gap has
been covered partially by the metaphorical information given
within the scope of the theory of sufism.
The positive science had made incredible advancements and
deciphered a lot starting from the beginning of the ninetenth
century. This has given the chance to examine the
universe and the Koran in a more rational way.
Almost all the
Rasul(s) and the Nabi(s), especially Hz.Mohammad(s.a.v), the
prophet of Islam have taken into consideration the above
mentioned important factor and they have told the knowledge that
came to them through divine inspiration in a way which the
people of those days could understand. The purpose was to save
the individuals who had faith from denial.
Today, the positive sciences have made some subjects more clear,
in this way it can be understood that all the terminology used
in accordance with the prevailing conditions of those times are
a message too.
If we could
relate, join mysticism and the contemporary science, then
we would no longer be lazy to think and we would have the chance
to understand the religious data, in other words understand our
religion completely.
The structure of
the human brain has a working style which functions in a
hierarchy going from the simplest to the most complicated. On
the one hand it has very simple functions on the other hand it
can solve the most difficult, the things that cannot be
understood at all.
Therefore, the
human beings should make use of this advantage in a good way.
As it seems impossible to reach Allah with instinctive behaviour
and ***