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hese two words do not seem to have any connection at the first glance. However, according to the widely accepted findings in the scientific and mystical fields, it can be seen that they are the main elements in understanding the system of life.

Hz.Rasul of  Allah (s.a.v) has suggested all the people to give importance to this point by saying ‘’There are two kinds of science, one is the science of religion and the other is the science  of medicine’’.

Medicine investigates the bio-chemical structure of the individual and the science of religion covers the biophysical and chemical structure of the individual. Let us try to explain how important these are and their rules under the heading ‘’Fasting&Medicine’’…
Giving a rest to the body and the organs is one of  the methods that has been used since thousands of  years, since the time of the oldest civilisations.
Fasting is practiced in every religion, but in different ways for the purpose of  increasing its material and spiritual benefits.
In the fasting process some of  the organs in the body rest and at the same time they get rid of their toxins. In this way they are made to function better.
According to the dieticians of our age, from time to time it  is a must to make such practices. No matter how good and balanced the diet of the individual is, if the body does not get rid of the toxins, then it cannot get the necessary benefit from the nutrients.
Fasting is the best way to save the body and the mind from the toxins consciously.
According to the laws of the nature, when the body cannot find something to eat, then it starts to nibble the elements in itself which it finds as the least necessary. In this manner it saves itself from illnesses such as rheumatism, diabetes, gout(having excess proteins), migraine, obesity, constipation, digestive disorders.
Lots of people fear from skipping even a single meal thinking that their energy level would fall down. Actually, this idea is not correct, because in such a case the body puts into circulation its own reserves and starts to burn the excess fat. We can observe in many places that the survivors in the accidents can go on living for many days without eating and drinking. We have witnessed how the  people who have remained under the collapsed buildings for days long could survive after the earthquake.
The female birds, and the female fish  use the eggs in their bodies for nutrition when they cannot find food.
According to the researches, it has been stated that after a fasting period of thirty days in which there is  an average 12 hours of hunger time per day and which is supported by good nutrition, there is a ninety percent detoxication.

Also, it has been found out that practicing many of the below mentioned methods are also giving good results:-
_Once a week staying hungry for 24 hours long,
-Drinking boiled water for thirty six hours  every fifteen days or once a month,
-Eating the same fruit for every meal once a week  on the same day,
-Each month having only herbal teas, fruits and water for three days,
-Once a year eating only fruits and vegetables for fifteen days and taking no proteins, flour and sugar during that period.

When you start fasting,  in the first days a biochemical change starts to take place in the organism. In order to prohibit any problematic feelings it is suggested to drink water with lemon juice every day.
During these first days,  due to the fall in the blood sugar levels one feels sluggish, there can be headaches and concentration problems. However, following these days the organism gets adapted to hunger and there is a considerable increase in the concentration accompanied by  an increased adaptation in the organism.
Meanwhile, the heart is sending the blood to the brain which it has to use in the digestive system more comfortably and the blood is more clean. In this manner, the decrease in the speed of thinking turns into an increase.
The sleepy and overrelaxed state which takes over after the meals disappears and the daily productivity increases. At the beginning of the fasting period while the toxins start to be eliminated it is possible to experience a rotten tongue, smell in the mouth, constipation, stomach disorders, dizziness etc.  At the same time the blood pressure decreases or if it is already low it becomes normal, the pulse rate slows down and the circulatory system as well as the heart itself feels more comfortable.
In  resting the body according to the suggestions of the  the medical authorities, the change in the body and the mind starts 10 days after the beginning and it is completed in four months. However, in fasting the chnage starts on the third day and comes almost to the desired level within thirty days.

As a nation we set very rich tables for breaking the fast. What we should do is to start with a warm soup and try to chew all the food that we eat very well. This is very important for the health.
It would be very wise to choose bread made of bran instead of  the pide and to eat some fruit a few hours after having eaten the meat and/or the vegetable dishes.
If you start the fasting day without having the meal at dawn, then the time that would be spent without eating will become longer and in this case the body would burn less calories, your energy level would be very low and there may be complaints of lethargy and headaches.
During the meal at dawn it is suggested not to eat much (the best choice would be to have a light breakfast and some fruit), however in the evening while breaking the fast you can eat a little bit more.
Actually, Hz.Rasul of Allah suggests us not to skip the dinner and eat moderately, otherwise the body will become old earlier than expected.
As it is stated in the mystical sources those who suffer from coronery and heart diseases, high blood pressure or diabetes, pregnant women or women who are still nursing  their babies should not fast without consulting a doctor.
As in every activitiy, in fasting too one should act according to the laws of the system and his mind.

İstanbul- December 09th 2000

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