The society who has been
busy with those well known subjects for some time has at last observed that science is the thing that
is absolutely necessary for itself. Most important of all, the people had the idea that most of the
things that they have learned in Mysticism, or from the Koran and the Hadiths were only metaphors.
For example :
Hz. Jonah’s going
into the fish,
Hz.Moses’ looking at
the mountain,
The matter of
expelling Hz. Adam when he comes close to the tree...
Along with the above,
the people have also understood that even the concepts such as the Ahadiyah ( the Supreme,
unconditioned Unity), Samadiyah ( the whole which does not let anything to go in or out, pure
solid), Vitriyat (being odd, single), Abd (the one who is in servitude), Rabb (the
Lord), Malakut ( the permanent Sovereignity, the angelic universe), Ubudiyat (to be
devoted to Allah with faith and obedience), Uluhiyyat (the quality of divinity) are all
metaphors that have been used to point out the meaning. In short, the people have become aware of the
fact that all of the above were a sort of ‘’MESSAGE’’.
Whereas, nowadays the
people are in a hurry to run away from the things that they have once accepted as the truth and for
which they have spent a lot of effort to understand . As it is in the old proverb that says ‘’The one
who falls into the sea gets hold of even the snake in order not to get drowned’’, they are in a hurry
to find the way that’ll take them from the darkness to the light.
Their only problem is to
evaluate the Metaphorical Messages!
Before, I have written
several times and now let me repeat again:-
One should be able to
differentiate the limit between perceiving and knowing. As a matter of fact, in very simple subjects
the word ‘’to perceive’’ finds its place, but when one goes into the depths it is seen that ‘’to
know’’ is necessary. Yes, it is necessary to know at first. Following this there comes the
maturation of that knowledge.
Perception comes to the
forth in this manner and in the next stage this perception is put into practice, it gets transformed
into a lifestyle.
This means that in order
to analyse something it is necessary to know it first. If, one is going to know what the truth is, then
he should at first know these events and concepts known as metaphors and afterwards one should be able
to decipher them and sense/perceive what is being told in them.
The Koran is emphasizing
this explanation with all the details, but still by metaphorical words such as Ilm al yakin
(sure, firm religious knowledge and belief; to have certitude scientifically), Ayn al Yakin (
after having realized the truth to feel that in one’s essence and live accordingly), Hakk al
Yakin ( to understand the truth fully and live it).
The learned men in the
visible realm are evaluating whatever is going on by the state of death that we all know, however this
is an explanation which does not find its place and which is given by an instinctive attitude (which is
led by instincts). Of course, as a result there comes out a viscious circle.
The truth is that the
metaphor is the sum total of all the concepts that are changeable. In a man’s world ‘’ not being able
to evaluate the metaphors’’ is placed at the top of the negative effects. The reason is that the
absolute, in other words the truth has been veiled by various names. Therefore, all the basic points
of view which do not come from the origin have to change.
When you examine
carefully this situation looks as if it has been arranged and conditioned on purpose. First, the real
facts are being presented with the data that are compatible with one’s data base. Then some
advancements are expected from the individual. In these expectations along with the capacity and ability/talent
of the individual the resistance point of the body is taken into consideration, in other words as it
has been named by the elderly the matter of ‘’being able to absorb’’ is taken into
When you have a careful
look you’ll see that there is a very important warning made by Allah’s Rasul Hz.Mohammad in order to
prevent the humans from falling into this whirlpool:- ‘’Talk to the people in the direction of
their minds...’’
The men of wisdom are
saying that such applications in the philosophy of Sufism are made, because various metaphorical
phrases accompany the individuals and they have almost become the relatives of their thoughts. However,
they are brought into the verbal dimension because they have a contribution to the path of the truth.
These metaphorical concepts are used as tools to enable the individual reach the whole, in other words
the truth.
While one tries to make
these concepts stable within himself (while one tries to understand/to comprehend these concepts) and
while he goes on walking on this path, he should not forget the dialogue between the truth and its
metaphorical forms and he should leave them easily at the proper time and place.
As a matter of fact
this is the way to differentiate between the truth and the metaphor!...
Istanbul, August 29th 2002