‘’Women are very difficult!...
To get married is really an important matter.
They are always triggerring us for the better, but they do not
give us time and they always complain. I wonder, if there is
any woman who is content with what she has and does not ask
for more all the time?’’
One of my readers has asked me a question of this kind and
he was looking for an answer. So, I have decided to write
this article in order to be helpful to my reader who is looking
for an answer and to all the other readers as well.
must state that definitely the woman is placed in a very
different category in the whole universe of living things.
The women think that they have the key that gives the first
start to the universe. They are the ones who make up what is
already present The woman’s field of interest is only the
worldly values and what she will do is never certain. (It can
never be predicted what she will do). For a man it wouldn’t be
wise to be rude to a woman especially during the times when her
feelings are not stable. (while her feelings are fluctuating).
is quite DIFFICULT to understand and to know them .
As the woman is very changeable, and has endless wants; in
short she is a being that plays the role of the
This is how she has been created (this is her nature).
One should not get carried away with the attitude of the woman
that wants to dominate and rule the whole world!...
For this reason it would be really bad for a man if he wants to
think of marrying a woman that he has met only because he has
got carried away by his sexual feelings without making a careful
Therefore, getting married only for the sake of having been
married would bring along a very big mistake which would end up
in disappointment.
man should not consider only the sexual aspect, but he should
accept all the aspects and everything as a whole, so he should
be broad minded, able to see the future and take into
consideration what the woman whom he has chosen as a wife may
do in difficult times. He should make his approach by taking
into consideration all of these factors. The woman that one
will marry should be controlled well by fictitious
difficulties, problems and clever tactics. It is important
‘’not to step on the wet piece of wood’’ as it is expressed
in the old saying.
this manner one can predict what she’ll do in the future from
her reactions at those critical moments.
life – a marriage
which wouldn’t be a headache, which wouldn’t be an obstacle
gets formed in this way . There is also another point which
should not be forgotten. The woman always hides behind her
feelings. Her attitude and type of behaviour is her mask
and most people cannot notice this. Especially, at this point
the eyes of the young men are almost closed as their sexual
feelings are extremely intense. Afterwards they can understand
what is what, but it is too late.
happy marriages the compatibility between the sun signs of the
partners is very important. This detail must be taken into
consideration, in the first place.
For example, the signs that belong to the same
group/structure cannot get along well in a long lasting
relation. Whereas, the opposite signs are in a state of
continuous struggle and argument with each other. This is
like saying ‘’I can neither be with you nor without you’’.
is quite difficult for the people who belong to the signs of
the Fire and Air group to be compatible with the
Earth and Water groups.
For example, the marriage between a slow and heavy Capricorn
structure (from the Earth group) and a Gemini or a Libra from
the Air group will not be very stable. The compatibility in a
marriage depends on the angles between the both signs and these
are the 60 degree or the 120 degree angles between the sun
signs of the wife and the husband. For example, for Cancer the
sun signs Virgo or Pisces would be good, and for Gemini the
signs Leo or Libra would be compatible...
Marriage is a holy matter.
The ladies, who do not share the belief-life of their husbands
and who rebel constantly, please be careful, because for such
females theKoran uses the concept ‘’woman’’ and not
‘’a wife, a partner’’ as can be seen in the statements
‘’Noah’s woman, Lot’s woman’’.
This definition shows that the wives who are expressed by the
word ‘’woman’’ are not so respected.
As a result, I am saying that the individual should know how to
look after his wife that has been given to him as a trust by
Allah (for safekeeping), but he should never get carried away
by her dominant attitude...
Istanbul, September 5th 2002