Wolf holes make the universe
endless and limitless from the macro plan to
the micro plan by equalizing all the points to each other
in the structure of the space-time and by binding separate
universes to one another like in our universe. At the same time
this situation throws
light on the question why electrons have the same value all
around the universe. Regarding this situation John Wheeler and
Richard Feyman have expressed that there is One electron which
can appear everywhere
at the same time by passing through the wolf holes which are
located in the structure of the four dimensional space-time
existing in the universe.
Thus, all the anti-electrons ( it
is valid for all the particles
too) exist as a different appearance of that One electron.
Another characteristic of the wolf holes is to give an
opportunity to travel in time. As the matter moving to the event
horizon jumps to the future because of
the speeding time.
Also, when it
enters the tunnel because that
time works backwards, it moves to the past in proportion to its
length of stay in
the tunnel. If we try to explain this state with a more concrete
example, first let us form
an earthworm hole which a
spaceship can proceed the distance
between the two ends in an hour. Let us move our
spaceship around one of the earthworm’s ends for an hour long
beginning from noontime which is
12 o’clock a.m. As the body travels with the light
speed (or under the effect of attraction) its time will freeze
and when the clock shows 13:00 outside, it will still show 12:00
on board the ship. In other words, it had jumped an hour
towards the future. (At the other edge time shows 12:00 again,
but outside it is 13:00.) When the outside time shows 13:00
and if we send the ship into the hole at that moment, it
will come out from the other end at 12:00 by gaining an instant
speed along the tunnel and
after travelling to the first hole for an hour, it will meet
itself entering into the tunnel.
Besides, a black hole has three
measurable parameters like mass, electric charge and rotation
speed. Until now we had placed emphasis
on black holes of Schwarzchild type. Now,
let us examine the
ones that have electric
charge and the
rotating types. It is known that electromagnetic force is
trillion times stronger than the gravitational forces. Keeping
this state in mind when we think of letting electric load fall on
a black hole that is not loaded and which is stationary,
the outcoming electromagnetic force will resist the gravitational force and
cause the formation of two
different events around
the singularity. That
is to say two regions where time stops. As the electric load of
the hole increases, the inner event horizon starts to expand,
but the outer event horizon which has been formed due to the
gravitational force shrinks. When it is charged with the highest
charge that it can have, the two event horizons collide and
destroy each other. This
makes the event horizon disappear and makes the plain
singularity appear. But, here the important point is that we
should not expect
to find a black hole like this in the universe.
As the fields of electromagnetic force
are so strong that in every direction they become neutral
by separating the atoms of the gas and dust clouds between the
stars which are light years far away from each other and by
pushing the electrons in the orbit and pulling the positively
charged nucleus towards itself.
when we think that if the hole is charged positively it
becomes neutral by pulling the electrons with negative charge
around itself. Here
we come to an important conclusion…
The strong electromagnetic force which will be formed by
the electrical load
will decrease or
destroy the gravitational effect. So,
it is made possible for a ship to move in a very powerful
magnetic field with a speed closer to the speed of light (or an
equivalent force of attraction) by blocking its
harmful effects. This at the same time shows that by
using the existing brain power a person can radiate very strong,
powerful electromagnetic
fields. So, by
using these fields a
person can stop the negative effects which may appear and he is able to
go from one point to another at very very high speeds. Just like
the moving state that the mystics named as “tayy-ý
mekan”, namely the
changing of a
In a second way of tayy-ý
mekan a
mystic can be seen in his physical appearance
anywhere with the electromagnetic (microwave) body namely
as a soul by leaving his body.
As it being explained in the mystic sources, in spite of
passing over to Barzah, which is a dimension of waves and to a
body of light, some can retransform this body into the
biological body again.
Hz. Hýzýr (a.s.) takes place in our world whenever he wants by
transforming his hologramic body (body of light) in other words
his soul to his biological body.
Similarly Hz.Jesus a.s. will within a short time make his
hologramic body of light
denser and transform it into the biological body and take his
place in our world. Most of the mystics and the wise men agree
on this, but today according
to the materialistic-mechanical view of life several brains
refuse this as they do not find the
idea scientific
and rationalistic. (See Ahmet Hulusi / Kendini
As a third one, as we have
mentioned before,
let us have a look at a black hole that has no electric charge
and which is
stationary. When we start turning the hole, a second event
horizon will appear again. The reason for that (as it is the
case in the centrifugal force), is to resist against the
attraction force by turning. If the turning speed of the hole
increases, the inner event horizon starts to increase, but the
outer event horizon narrows. When the turning reaches
a maximum speed, the two event horizons overlap and they
get lost and bare
oneness is formed just like it happens in the charged black
holes. But despite the similarity with the charged kind, this
kind’s oneness is perpendicular to the rotation disk and has a
loop form at the equator plane.
the characteristic of
the black holes to bind separate space-time points to
each other has been brought up.
Then, in the case of
the other two ones (the ones which do not turn and the
ones that are charged) no matter from which side they are being
approached all the material structures are destroyed by the
infinitely curved space-time.
However, it has been understood that in the kind that turns the
destruction (breaking into the pieces) takes place only when
they are being approached from the plane of the equator. If it
is being approached from any other angle then the matter would
not be affected by the infinitely curved space-time and it has a
chance to pass through the
loop of oneness. (Only when the oneness is being
entered with a certain angle.)
The following statement supports this idea: In the systems with two event horizons, the space in
the middle of these
horizons is abstract. In
spite of this, the space between the inner event horizon and the
oneness is the same as our space. However,
all of them seem
as a compelling principle, because of the existence of not eternal but increasing and decreasing
strange powers of attraction tides.
Theoretically there
is the possibility of passing through these alive without
getting destroyed, but in practice it is impossible. (Actually
nobody has a definite knowledge about this subject.) However,
here a very important point is being missed.
This is because of our approaching this subject in terms
of the relation of
the piece to the whole as usual. However, when we take into
consideration the universe as an indivisible, unbreakable one whole in an
independent way from the space-time, then we should not be
discussing the vanishing of
the matter expressed as above by being broken and being
separated into components. Instead of
this we should perceive that there is a
transition of the things accepted as matter into
different structures in different dimensions. This shows that
both the metaphysical formations and the compelling principles
expressed above could be abolished. This proves at the same time
Hz.Muhammad’s (s.a.v) visiting the heavens from Jerusalem
during the ascension have been realised towards the essence in
the dimensional platform.
Because of our evaluating
everything in comparison with the five senses, we suppose
that heaven and hell which are the dimensions
in the next stage would also be perceived according to
our five senses. The reason for this originates
from our perceiving the concept of reality, the
only One conscious through our five senses. As a result
it gets covered and becomes manifest in the scale of the
five senses and defines itself according to this.
Consequently, the transitions
could be to our universe along with the transitions to the
anti-universes (See. The nature of time-Sufism and Human Being /
Besides, if enough pressure
is applied on an object, its material could be compressed
down to the size of a proton
and with the outcoming attraction force a black hole can
be formed in the size of an atom nucleus. (Its structure is
different from the spinning and charged black holes.) In the
beginning of the universe the density was very high, because
all the matter that formed the universe was at the same
place, at the same time.
As a result of the big bang, within
10 powered (-20) seconds of time such mini black holes
may get formed by compressing the extremely dense zones.
It is thought that the nearest
black hole like the above is approximately 1.6 trillion
kms far from us. A black hole that will approach
the Sun and move inside
it without being affected and without getting evaporated
can produce a very large amount of energy by swallowing mass and
it can leave as a bigger black hole. Also, this kind of
a bigger structure’s hitting the Sun or its being
positioned on an orbit
close to the Sun can destroy it inside the black hole by
absorbing all the
matter which belongs to the Sun. In this case it would be
possible for the Sun to be a black hole which we think
would keep its existence as a white dwarf.
We can understand this from the double star systems which are
abundant in the universe. One
of them is a normal star and the other is a black hole that has
completed its life and collapsed.
The hydrogen and the helium gas of
the normal stars that got caught up in the membrane of
the event horizons belonging to the black hole can be
dissolved easily. So, in the
whirlpool at the surface of the black hole their temperature
increases by billions of degrees and they start forming helixes.
As a result they start spreading X-rays and become
There was this kind of
x-ray radiation in the white dwarves and the neutron
stars. However, they are different in the sense that
they are too small to be a white dwarf and they are not
as shiny. As they
don’t spread x-rays on regular periods they cannot also become
a neutron star. Such a body that would be
dangerous for us has been
determined to be approaching us from a distance which is
9 light years away from the center of the galaxy
with a speed of 50 kms per second. Even if
we think of surviving through this event,
it is a quite high possibility that we would vanish by
getting dragged into a black hole with a gigantic mass and which
spins very fast (proved by the radiation received).
The observations and
the calculations that have been made, show that the
rotation of our
hundred thousand light year wide galaxy around its axis which is
completed in 250 millions years is caused by the extremely
intense force of attraction
coming from a black hole placed out of the galactic system.
be continued….
April 20th
Popular Science
September 2001