o what extent the  modern science that has been founded by Isac Newton who says
“I don’t know what the world would think about me, but I feel myself like a child who hangs around by the sea side playing with stones and shells while an ocean of realities stays unknown in front of me” agrees with the realities that the mystics have said or indicates these realities?
Let’s try to evaluate the answer from the point of  today’s  physics:-
Modern physics  is evaluated in two main groups.  While the first group is interested in the theoretical results  that can be observed through the experiments,  the second group  tries to explain the realities, the facts that have been told by the eastern mysticism since centuries in a way that covers the statements of the first group too.

The most significant examples for this are Hysenberg’s indefiniteness principle and Schördinger’s the cat paradox. According to the indefiniteness principle, designating exactly an object’s location and momentum at the same time, is imposible. The more we approach to determine the location, the more errors appear in determining the momentum.There is  also the vice versa.  In other words, to measure exactly the particle’s future location and velocity, it is necessary to hold a light to  the particle. As some  of the light waves  hit the particle and scatter around  we can fix its location.  As the mistake in this process can’t be less then the distance between two  waves,  to measure it more precisely a light of a shorter wavelength is needed.

According to  Planck’s particle theory,  the light that has little grade isn’t used. One unit of light is needed. That one piece will change the velocity of the particle which it touches in  an unknown way.  To measure the location more precisely the light that has a shorter wavelength will be needed, so that the particle will have a higher energy. In this case, the particle will be  effected more. In other words,  the particle’s velocity will be measured wrongly. John Wheleer explains this case and says “the observer interferes to the observed event, therefore he  is not in the position of the observer anymore, but becomes the participant.”  In other words, the observed  and the observer become the same uniqe thing.

In Schordinger’s cat paradox inside a chest or a big box there is a cat,  a bottle of potassium cyanide and an hammer ready to hit . In addition  to these, there is a piece of radioactive material inside the box.  Nobody really knows when it will emit the alfa particles. When it emits the alfa particles, the hammer will hit the bottle, the bottle will smash and the gas will kill the cat. Unless, nobody searches the case it will stay unknown whether the cat is dead or alive.The answer, according to Hysenberg’s indefiniteness principle will be determined by the perceiver.  In other words, the individual creates what he/she sees. This result explains the duality case that when particles are observed they exist, but when they are not observed they behave as waves. Prof. Wigner states that unless it is based on the conscious, it is impossible to make a definition about quantum mechanic processes. John Wheleer asks  “Is the universe created strangely by these participants?” and Sir James Jeans says as if he answers this question “The universe exists as a giant  idea more than a giant machine, and  the mind can be  the creator of  the physical universe and its ruler.”

In such a  universe the difference between the mind and matter abolishes, matter is considered to be  a state of mind and the difference between the  physical realities and the imaginary  realities cannot be distinguished. This indicates the reality that we are not  discovering the existing things, but we are forming them. Just like the scientists accepting neutrino as a matter ( they have materialized the neutrino) which does not exist in reality. They are using it in the  assumptions  of the equations.

Einstein says “Gravity, electromagnetic force, energy, current, momentum, neutron etc. are all theoretical structures, resemblances and symbols that the human mind sets up in order to explain the reality that lies underneath everything.”  and in this manner he clarifies  the subject.

We can find the relation and its structure  between the mind and the matter comprehensively in David Bohm’s hologram theory. Hologram is formed by separating two different laser beams from a single laser beam. The first laser beam is reflected from an object which will be photographed. Later,  the second beam is made to collide with the reflected first beam. As a result  an interference pattern appears and it is recorded on a film plaque. If another laser beam passes through that film and illlimunates it (or any other form of bright light),  the three dimensional image of the object will appear again. When you reach out your hand and want to touch the image, your hand goes through it; only then you recognize that nothing exists actually. That is to say, what ever your sensations tell you, none of the devices in the world can determine that there is an extraordinaryl energy in the place where the hologram swings in the air. The place it covers in the space is only as much as your three dimensional image in the mirror, just like your image takes place on the back part, silver like surface of the mirror. In addition to this, if you  break  the plaque into  pieces, each  of the pieces of the  will form the same image when illimunatedl with the laser again.

Because,  Holography means that every piece of the film has the information of  the whole. Thus, having the characteristics as being  formless and being a whole, explains  the following facts at the quantum level:-

Primarily, it  explains that the effect can be noticed at the same time both  on the matter and antimatter regardless of the  distance between them;

Secondly, it explains  the movement of every electron in the plasma by having the information and knowledge of the whole,

and it also explains that in the double split experiment, when hundred hypothetical particles are let to go through the split, after 10% of them have hit the A area, the following  ones which are going through the split part  run away from the area as if they knew the probability.

The Neurophisiologist Karl Pribram has found that the brain works according to the holographic principle at the end of his researches. As a result,  questions in the following manner were asked to him :

” If the vision of reality  in our brains actually is not a vision, but a hologram then whose hologram is it? What is the true reality?  What was observed by the observer? Was it this world  which looked as if it were made of  materials, or were the things that have been observed only the interference patterns that have been recorded by the brain/ the plaque?’’

His answer  was  “ Maybe the reality that we perceive in the form of objects (such as the coffee cups, the view of the mountains, the chairs, the tables …etc) is all a land of frequencies, a symphony of ringing vast wavelengths which turn into the world that we know only after they reach our sensory organs.’’

In other words, our brains form the material reality mathematically by interpreting the reflected frequencies from a deep existence order which is beyond space-time. That is to say,  the brain is a hologram within a  holographic universe . David Bohm has explained this with the following statement  “The reality that lies beneath everything is the vision of an order which appears at the second stage.  The one who sets up this order is at the same time the  order  itself. The one and only…”.

This is the same as the  basic thought of  the mysticism which says that everything in the universe is imaginary. All the beings, within the limits of their capacity  perceive and bring out the cosmic consciousness which is the only one whole structure that cannot be divided into pieces. All of these vibrations of  the consciousness do not have a separate existence of their own, they are only images….

Kenan Keskin
http:// afyuksel.com

August 11th 2000

Ahmet Fevzi Yuksel; ‘’Bilim Dini Etkiliyor’’ (Science is influencing the Religion)
Michael Talbot; Holografik Evren   (The Holographic Universe)
Paul Davies; Hem insan hemde ýþýk hýzýnda dalga olabilirmiyiz?  ‘’Can we be both a human being and a wave at the speed of light?’’
Tubitak Bilim ve Teknik; sayý 237, cilt 20


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