Newton physics,  by taking space-time separately from each other  accepts that time is absolute for each and every  particle of the universe and it flows exactly in the same manner in  every particle,  independent from all the  reference systems. In other words, a clock  in Istanbul (if we accept that it is a perfect and unmistakable one) or another one in Los Angeles or another perfect one in Andromeda Galaxy, will  all show exactly the same seconds.

On the other hand, according to Einstein’s relativity theory, light spreads independently from its origin with a fixed speed equally in all directions. Also, time varies with respect to the reference systems and this abolishes the existence of absolute time. As a  result, time is a whole which cannot be independent from space (place).   A beam of  light that originates or reflects from an object  goes with the same speed no matter the object is moving or motionless. Thus it can’t be correct adding the two speeds together according to the classical physics, because it is impossible to go faster than the speed of light. This   means  that  there is a perpendicular fourth dimension to the three place dimensions of time.
In this way, each of  us proceeds  in a second by a speed of  1 second units with the speed of light in time. The presence of time  together with  a place (if one of  them do not exist, it means the other one doesn’t exist too) means time functions differently for different dimensions. For instance; while at the quantum level  the lives of the particles are 10 to the power –23sec.,  in our dimension  the lives of  the people are approximately  60 to 80 years.  In the dimension of the planets, in the dimension of the stars and the dimension of  the galaxy the life of an individual  is billions of  years long.
In this manner,******** if they are compared with each other, for example; our length of life is like 7-8 seconds with respect  to the sun’s 1 orbital tour around the center of  the  galaxy.
In other words,  every observer has a time unit  which is being recorded depending on the clock that he carries with him.   That is to say, time is not the same thing, which is being measured by different observers; it is a concept that depends on the  observer.  Therefore, it can run at a different speed in this coordinate system and at another speed in a different coordinate system.

However,  when an object starts to go faster, at first the observer doesn’t see anything abnormal, when it gets closer to the speed of  light the observer watches  the object’s time getting slower, its mass increasing  and its dimensions becoming smaller.  At exactly the  speed of  light, he notices that it stops, its dimensions become zero, its mass becomes endless. The other observer who looks out from the inside of the object starts to see as the speed increases  the edges of  the objects in front of him/her although he has left them behind (the reason for this is the bending of  the  space-time due to the motion). By getting  closer to the speed of light  s/he watches that everything gets  squeezed, turns into a little circular window. It is also noticed that the mass of  the space decreases, dimensions lengthen  and the time becomes  faster. At exactly the  speed of  light,  the mass is zero, the  time and dimensions become infinite and the circular window disappears in the oneness.
The reason why a moving object cannot go beyond the speed of  light  is that when it gets closer to this speed,  the increase in  its kinetic energy is totally spent for its mass, so the speed remains constant  and the mass gets bigger and bigger.  So, if we produce a rocket with  sufficient capacity and insist in  increasing the  engines’ pushing force, we wouldn’t have done anything more than increasing this space vehicle’s mass. At exactly the speed of  light, the mass will reach  infinity, therefore it would never be possible to go further than the speed  of   light.  As the origin of   everything is energy and  not matter, at the speed of  light, the thing that we call matter turns into energy which is its origin.  So, while at the state of  matter  it has infinite mass, but at the state of  energy, it recedes to zero mass and  in this way, it reaches the speed of light. If we open this a little bit more; the objects that have no  mass, zero objects with an unmoveable mass are the photons which are the units of electromagnetic radiation.  Their moving at the speed of  light  means that they do not have time (time doesn’t exist there and they move at zero time).
An object which is sent to the  speed of  light has  zero dimension and time whereas its mass is  infinite. This is an evidence showing that  a photon is actually a collapsed form of the universe and a single structure which has been compressed to that  point. Although, it seems like a contradiction  that the photon is existing without a mass, and  the universe that has collapsed to this  point  has an infinite mass;  basically everything is energy and the mass is just the name given to a denser state (form or appearance) of energy.   Therefore, it becomes necessary for the  infinite mass not to remain in this form,   turn back to its origin and  appear in the form of  infinite energy.

According to the Hologram Theory,  it is considered that all the photons which make up the universe (which make us accept that the universe is existing)   are the multiple appearance of only one photon in which there is the whole universe with  all its  dimensions   relatively.  The multiple appearance of the photon’s in the Quantum Potential Area is tossed about like in a rough sea  in the form of  infinite energy  and it appears as material depending on the angle through which the energy waves are aspecting each other. In this manner it makes up  the universe which it contains within itself.
Related to the expansion of  time,  we can give the  example of   Mü mesons, that appear as a result of  the ruination of the  unstable particles.  It has been observed that a Mü meson created in the upper atmosphere by very fast particles  coming from the space to the Earth has  reached the sea surface.  The life of these  mesons  is 2.10 to the power -6 seconds and they are supposed to travel only  600 meters  without reaching the sea level . However, due to the fact that they are moving close to the speed of  light , their length of  life increases to 31.10-6 seconds,  it becomes possible that they can travel  9500meters. (The increase approximately 16 times more).

One of the most interesting aspects  of relativity is the “Twins Paradox” case. (Expansion of time is not valid only for the  clocks,  it is also valid for any organic, biological and anatomical formation).   Let’s think about  the twin brothers named as A and B...     Let us assume that B stays on  this earth and  A travels to the space at  V speed and returns after T time.  A takes off and goes at a speed of  0,99c (c=the speed of light) when he is 20 years of age.  Compared to  B who is on the ground, A seems to be living  slower than B. That is to say,  A lives 1/14 th  times slower than B’s speed of life. Whatever A does; breathing, eating, thinking… B does those things 7 times more. According to B’s calculations, after 70 years when B is 90, A comes home as a man of only 30 years old. However, according to the Theory of  Relativity,  the movement of all the objects  in the space  at a speed of   V with respect to each other means that there is not any fixed point in the  space. As a result of this, from B’s point of view, when B is motionless,  A is moving  with a speed of  0,99c; and  at the same moment from A’s point of view  B, who is on earth is moving at a speed of  0,99c and A is motionless. In this case A would be 90 and B would be 30 which is a paradox.  This paradoxical approach  which occurs with respect to our sensory organs, can be eliminated by the parallel universes. In other words,   in  one universe when B is staying still and A is moving, in the parallel one A should be staying still and B should be moving.
Besides, all the objects in the universe exist with respect to each other, there is no fixed (Absolute) origin and the space-time is determined according to the perception of the observer.
All of these mean that in reality,  the universe   doesn’t exist neither inside nor outside of itself (as there is not any centre),  but whatever exists is present according to the relative self and whatever  is present and existing is exactly the absence. This is the expression of  Oneness and Wholeness.

The General Relativity Theory says, the expressions which are related to speed could be created by using a similar amount of gravitational power equal to that speed. In other words, we can realize the expansion of  time  without sending the person A to anywhere and without accelerating him with a speed close to the speed of light.  This can be made  possible  by using  gravitational power equal to the rate of  speed.

If we try to explain the gravitational effect at this point by two examples we can say that although the neutron’s half life is 10,8 min. outside of a nucleus (it is transformed into 1 proton, 1 neutron and 1 antineutron at the end of this period of time.) its life is almost equal to universe’s age, because of the strong gravitation force in the nucleus.  The   second example is when National Airline’s 727 flight numbered plane was approaching the Miami Airport for landing from the north-east side, it disappeared for ten minutes in the radars of   the control tower  and after that period it became visible again  and landed very successfully. Although the passengers in the plane didn’t notice anything unusual, they couldn’t give any meaning to the agitation of the people outside the plane. After the explanation of the case to the flight crew and checking all the watches and plane’s time instruments (although the captain pilot had checked the  instrument panel and he saw that all were correct) they understood that there was a  ten minutes difference. The clarification of the case was that the plane had flied close to  The Bermuda Devil Triangle where from time to time there are electro magnetic storms.  These kind of occurrences seem to shed light  to  Ashabý-Kehf’s living in a cave for 300 years which is mentioned in the religious sources.

As it is known, the brain creates a magnetic field as a result of its bioelectrical activities. When this activity  reaches a very high level, (if there are  a few people together, it becomes  much more powerful) the body expands the time in the area around of itself by shrinking the space-time. This also  explains the conscious creatures made up of  micro waves in the religious sources who move at the speed of  light and  their life lasts 600 to 1000 years with respect  to ours (they perceive that we live only for a few years).
Time has two aspects; each  of them has an  imaginery (abstract) and a  real (concrete) side. In our dimension, the first aspect occurs as a relation between reason and result, it  flows from the past  to the future and it is abstract. The same thing is valid  at the anti tachyon dimension which exists relative to the  antimatter,  but it is concrete. The second  is the time aspect  at the  tachyon dimension, the dimension which exists relative to the  matter and concretely it is exactly the opposite of the dimension in which we are  currently .  The reason-result principle comes out in the form of  result-reason at this dimension.  It is the same for the antimatter dimension as an abstract situation. These four different dimensions (and the endless dimensions that are inherent in them) are present with respect  to each other, they don’t have any particular dimension pertaining  to themselves. All of them become equal at the quantum potential and reach a  unity, become one. In other words, they are all arranged from this field and they are not independent from each other. It is just like, an electron, which is a particle of our dimension and a positron (anti electron), which is a particle of  the antimatter dimension, are the same particle or they are two different images of one particle. The same concept is valid in the relation between time and timelessness. Thus, the role of  timelessness  in time is to be present at all points of time. It proves us that according to our sense of time,  the Universe existed 20 billion years ago within the timelessness as a result of one big-bang’s explosion in every instant with its endless, infinite images. It has become obvious that the universe did not exist at zero origin time and with a single big bang.

According to the Hologram Theory in the  modern understanding of  physics  there isn’t any real, physical world  existing and everything is a function or a state of  the conscious.  Time is a result of a holomovement. In other words, time is an illusion which is the result of  changing the angle of the laser beam used for illuminating the hologram plate on which the images have been recorded consecutively or by moving, turning the plate left and right. While doing so, all the information recorded at that only INSTANT appears or disappears or  the moving  images become visible as a series or disappear thus making up the illusion.

Einstein has pointed out this point by saying  “Past, present and future are actually illusions at the same point in spite of the fact that  they seem real.” His student David Bohm expressed this fact  “Past is active within the present as sort of a hidden order (interference pattern).    In other words,  the  present time is doesn’t become non-existant the moment  it hides and becomes a part of past;  it only returns back to the cosmic depot of this secret order”.

If we generalise this a bit more, the past doesn’t melt away by forgetting about it, but  it is recorded on the cosmic hologram which  is possible to reach, to enter  at anytime.

Kenan Keskin

August 11th 2000

(*)Absolute space concept says that the movement of any object, regardless of  the  reference system in which we examine it, can be determined according to the absolute space which gathers all the reference systems within itself. In other words, it declares that there is only one point  in the Universe.


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