the last year, there were tremendous advancements in the
internet world which are hard to believe even when they
are seen in the dreams.
developments in this field are
giving hope and trust.
time goes on, there is an increase in the
number of internet subscribers, menawhile the
companies who are supplying the servers are reducing the
prices amazingly to obtain the biggest share from this market.
to the researches, the
number of internet subscribers have risen from 580 thousand to
1.2 million in comparison to the previous year. The subscription
fee per month has been reduced from the level of USDollar 40 to
USDollar 10.
Furthermore, there
are companies who are supplying the service for a price of
14 USDollars per year.
can be seen that with respect to the last year the number of
subscribers have increased at a rate of 120 percent and the
subscription fees have decreased by 80%.
Experts are estimating that by the year 2005
there will be 16.5 millions of subscribers in Turkey.
the number of the sites are increasing like the flower buds,
recently it has been observed that one of the very important web
sites has closed its pages to the readers.
We can not say that it is a full closing, as
the whole web
site is going to continue
at another address.
To the friends who are expressing their sorrows because of this
event I would like
to say that they should not worry.
The act of closing down the web site
didn’t happen suddenly, it has
been done because of a reason which was being thought
since a long time.
say,ng is
‘’My Lord does things and eevrything that is being
done is good’’…
- 22.5.2000