The Universe (Cosmos) and the way the brain works are one of the subjects on
which the scientists are working very hard.Today, there are
various points of view among the scientists about the structure of the Universe. They
think that there is a correlation between the human brain and the Universe, which the
brain is perceiving and interpreting. The scientists are putting forth opinions about how
the human brain is functioning.
During the 1940’s various experiments were made on rats. The rats
were trained to run a maze. Afterwards some part of their brain were surgically removed
and rats their behaviour was observed. The part removed was supposed to contain the memory
of their maze running ability. However, in the end, it was found out that the rats had no
trouble in finding the route in the maze which they learned before a part of theirs brains
was removed. There was no loss in their memoriy, also, a cat 98% of whose visual cortex
(the part of the brain that receives and interprets the image that the eye sees) in the
brain had been removed, was able to see as if it had no operation.
These results surprised the scientists. The neurophysiologist Karl
Pribram at Stanford University, thinking that the brain has holographic qualities,
intensified his research on this subject. In the 1960’s, a text which he read on the
principles of hologram, was quite in parallel with his ideas. According to Pribram, the
brain was functioning in a holographic form. As there was no vision in the brain, then
whose hologram was formed within it? What was the real thing? The world that is seen, the
wavelengths perceived by the brain or something further apart from these.
Today, according to our understanding of physics, the Universe is
formed of electromagnetic waves which are interconnected (intercepting each other). With
respect to this definition, we may understand that in the space, every point is full.
There is no emptiness. The famous physician David Bohm, as a result of his research on
subatomic particles, reached the conclusion that the Universe is a giant hologram. One of
Bohm’s most important findings is that in reality, our daily life is an holographic
image. According to him, the Universe is an endless, limitless one "WHOLE"
holographic structure. It is meaningless to speak of parts.
When we think of what mystics have been telling, long before science
has made the above statements, we can clearly see that their sayings were not so much
different than the statements of science. Furthermore, they were living in this state of
being (i.e. being fully aware of the hologramic principle). While living with this
awareness, some of them didn’t declare anything about the truth they have attained,
whereas some tried to give explanations, in a manner suitable to the level of
understanding prevailing in the society at that time.
Now, we, in the light of the scientific data, can have a better
understanding of what they meant.
With the aid of the Hologramic Principle, though partially, people
can have a better understanding of what was told in Sufism. In general, the Hologram
Principle explains how all the qualities of the WHOLE exist dimensionally in every unit.
The understanding of this definition automatically destroys the image of God further apart
from us. Instead, this definition of hologram brings to light the real concept of <Allah>.
At this point, let us give a short explanation about hologram and Sufism and try to find
out the points where they meet.
We can say that Sufism is a philosophy which investigates one whole
being, one truth with all the dimensions. This philosophy is based on contemplation
meditation. The experiences and observations arising from this are lived by the person. It
is compulsory to know this philosophy, to be able to understand the Koran and the hadithes
and, to be able to evaluate the clues given by the Gnostics.
Whereas Hologram, can be defined mainly, "as a method of
recording images (visions) in three dimensions". The most important quality of the
hologram technique is; instead of recording the image of the objects, the information
necessary to obtain an image is recorded on the hologram plate. Therefore, even the
smallest particle in the hologram plate has the capacity to store all the information
belonging to the whole.
We can summarize this technique as follows: -
The beam coming from a laser source is split into two beams by a
semi permeable mirror. One of these beams reaches directly the hologram plate, whereas the
other beam is directed to the object which will be visualised. From there, by way of
reflection, reaches the hologram plate. The two laser beams, one coming directly to the
hologram plate from the source, the other reflecting from the object, create an
interference pattern on the plate. Thus, the image of the object is recorded.
Afterwards, if the hologram plate is illuminated with a new laser
beam (which must have the same frequency with the beam used in recording and illumination
must be made from the same angle), then the three dimensional image of the object appears
in the room. This image is very clear and nothing is missing in comparison to the
original. Since, the hologram plate is reflecting the laser beams it received, exactly in
the same form as the object whose image is being recorded.
Each of the brain cells that are called neurones are like mini
holograms. They perceive the arriving impulses by classifying them according to their
frequencies. The function of each neuron is creating a wavelength in itself. As a result
of the interference of wavelengths belonging to a lot of cells, the holographic model that
we can perceive with our five senses is formed.
We can think of the human brain as a big hologram, made up of lots
of mini holograms. Because, each cell in the brain has been created with a capacity and
ability to perform every function. Only, after cosmic programming the cells become
specialized and perform their own functions.
After the above explanatory information, and also in the light of
the religious data, let us think about how the human brain is programmed...
The basic program of the person called "Ayan-i Sabite"* is
formed on the hundred and twentieth day in the mother’s womb by the arriving cosmic
radiation. Afterwards, during the seventh and ninth months of pregnancy, programming goes
on, namely, programming is made by the affects of the angels. At last, at the time of
birth, the brain receives a shower of cosmic radiation and the programming of the brain is
completed. Originally, the Human being is a unit composed of the meanings of Allah’s
names... Through the genetic data, these virtues (the meanings of Allah’s names) are
transferred from one human being to the next, from generation to generation. Therefore, in
every human being the ninety-nine names of Allah are present (Bakara 30-31). Also, the
human being is a unit that has in his own essence, the dimensions of Essence (Dhat),
Qualities, Names and the dimension of actions.
The most important quality of the hologram principle is:- Each point
in the hologram is able to give the image of the whole unit. Every point of the hologram
receives and records the light waves coming from all over the object. Therefore, if the
hologram plate is torn off or broken into pieces EVERY SINGLE PARTICLE IS LOADED WITH THE
Now, with these data we can reach the following conclusions:- As the
laser beam reflected from an object records to the hologram plate the image of that same
object, in a similar way, the brains of the human beings are programmed before birth and
at the time of birth by the cosmic rays coming from infinite number of constellations,
known as the astrological signs. The origin of these are the angels. When you send the
laser beams of a similar frequency to the holographic plate, the object appears in three
dimensions. Similarly, the cosmic rays (radiations), coming from the Astrological Signs
and the planets of the Solar system influence the pre-programmed human brains. Thus, they
cause every person, in the direction of his program, to bring to light the activities,
behaviour patterns, ideas and thoughts which have been fixed in his/her original program.
Actually, the object which is seen on the plate does not have a real
(tangible and concrete) existance. It’s a model (or an image) made up of wavelengths
which we see as if it’s existing. Similarly, at this point the human brain is working
just the same as a hologram and because of the limited capacity of our five senses we
accept ourselves as a unit and think that everything that we see around us really exists.
In fact, as the image on the hologram plate is not real, the things that we see around us
and accept as existing do not have any existance. The actions perceived by us are all
meanings. To emphasize this concept the sufists have said "Thinking about the origin
of the objects is tawhid (oneness/unity)". Also every meaning is a wavelength of a
certain frequency... As a result, the brain is perceiving the universe holographically.
Starting from this point, just the same as the brain cells, the
Universe at the macro level is a hologramic structure whose source/origin is quantum
energy. For a moment, think of the universe in absolute meaning as a hologram plate.
Allah, the infinite, eternal limitless One wished to observe the meanings that he had, and
by making compositions of these meanings in various forms, he created the infinite number
of beings. However, all of these beings (units) are images of consciousness (knowledgeable
forms) created by the only One from nonexistance, with His knowledge and in His knowledge.
All of these units that He created from nonexistance; because they are created with His
knowledge, from His knowledge and from His existance don’t have anything else existing
in them apart from His existance (himself).
When told in terms of Sufism, the universe is made of One SPIRIT and
everything existing in the UNIVERSE receives his vitality from this Spirit. At the same
time this Spirit, because it is a concious structure, has knowledge (conciousness),
science will and power. Thus Universal Knowledge (Cosmic Conciousness), Power and Will is
present in a holographic form, in every particle of every unit, at all levels of the
Universe. Those, who have attained this truth tried to explain it by saying
""The smallest particle is the mirror of the whole." However, this way of
explanation was misunderstood it was understood as if together with the Absolute Will
there existed the individual’s will also.
In every molecule of your body, that Cosmic Power, Knowledge and
Will is present with its original structure. And when you wish something, you are not
requesting from a being that is far beyond, but from the one in your existance, in your
Essence. In other words the Science of Allah, preset in your essence is bringing into open
your wish, upon His Will and with His Power...
Another important quality of the holographic structure is that;
without the concepts of time and place it contains altogether everything we know as, past,
present and future. In other words it contains all the information. The concepts perceived
as "time", "place", "past" and "present" are all
relative concepts depending upon perceptive capacity of the perceiver. Once again, the
holographic principle has intensified these statements. The information of the Whole is
present in the essence of every particle, but the particle can evaluate this WHOLE
information, only to the extent that he can bring this capacity into the open to
the extent that he can use this capacity.
There is a saying in the Koran "LEVH-I MAHFUZ*
"/ Allah’s preordained will. "In reality what they are denying is the
honorable Koran whose reality is found in the Levh-I Mahfuz/ Allah’s preordained
will." (Buruç 21-22)
Levh-I Mahfuz, Allah's preordained will is the dimension in which
Allah's decrees on "Fate and destiny" about the composition of Allah's names
which make up the universe of multiplicity, take place together with the information and
It is the reflection of the "decision and will" present in
Allah’s science to the world of actions.
In this platform every, single thing is present as knowledge, design
and with all its reasons of existance. In this platform, free from the concepts of time
and place, from the past to the future eternity, everything is present as information.
Thus, Levh-i Mahfuz is the mirror of the universes and it is considered to be the gene of
the Cosmos.
All the beings created in the Universe and within all the
dimensional levels of the Universe are made up of the detailed description of the
immediate upper dimension known as Levh-i Mahfuz - Allah’s preordained will. Every unit
present, namely the galaxies, astrological signs (constellations), the sun, the planet and
everything on the earth receives its being from the Names of Allah (Asma-ül Hüsna) In
other words everything accepted as existing, exist with the existance of Allah. And Each
of the units are regarded as existing according to the perceiver in his dimension. In
reality what is existing is the ONE and the ONLY ONE, ALLAH, who is vahid-ül ahad (there
is nothing existing apart form ALLAH.
All of these meanings present in the Universe in the form of images
have all the characteristics of the ONE. They are not separate beings and they are not
existing separately. ALLAH is existing in every particle with His Essence, Qualities and
Names; and due to this fact of "UNITY - ONENESS", the Universe has a holographic
quality. The Islamic Saints, who have figured out this point, mentioned the truth by
saying "The origin of all the Universes is illusion".
Note: The subjects in this article are supported by Michael Talbot
in his book called "HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE"...
* LEVH-I MAHFUZ/Allah’s preordained will is the
dimension of the compositions of Allah’s names which make up the concept of
multiplicity. These dimensions are "fate and command", knowledge and
Ahmet F. Yuksel
