Among the blessed presents that the Absolute Being has
given to the mankind a brain that can think
has the first place.
A brain that does not have any thought mechanism can
never be imagined. Lack of wisdom, mind belongs to the class of pathalogical, and psychological disorders.
Even the sectional
perceptory devices perform their functions in the best way under the control of the
brain, in other words within the scope of the absolute consciousness.
As a result of the
relation between the Brain & Spirit, every
instant that we live is being reflected onto the spirit.
With the aid of the method named as memory, it is possible to go through these by
making a ‘’replay’’.
Human life is full of
countless film strips,
There is only one among them,
Very different from the others...
In that single film;
All your feelings which you can either crumple and
throw away or keep carefully, all your memories of different kinds have got lost.
One never never feels the presence of the corrupted
self, the conditionings and the value judgements, in short all the feelings and relations pertaining to
the humans. There isn’t any feeling
for the children, the loved ones, the sweethearts, investments, royalty, grandeur,
regrets, complaints, arrogance, jealousies, hatreds, disgusts and so on...
That instant,
Is like the silent invitation of ‘’death’’...
As a matter of fact what can you think then?...
Time has stopped, as if it has finished, consumed till to
the end.
What is wanted to be defined is that single ‘’INSTANT’’.
In the universe of feelings this has
been shown to the human being as a single feeling, a single picture and he had been made
to live it.
Displayed with fear, As if , A shivering sound,
Like Salsala-i Ceres...
‘’The domain
is mine, I do whatever I wish to do!’’
‘’My mercy is not like what you
understand or perceive!’’
As if saying
‘’Each and every instant of mine is this!
Do not go for being heedless, unaware and living in a veiled state from me!..
That is me in
your essence. I make you remember me!’’...
That instant has been felt in our ego.
It’s power has
been lived,
It has been realised that it was the All-Powerful.
And that was only observed...
As a matter of fact
wasn’t every instant the same!
That Only One has warned the humans with the infinite
Made them come together...
Found a solution for the enmity, made the far
come closer...
Made the humans live the position where there was no
pity as well as making them live the appreciation,
the mistakes and the resignation...
Showed to the being its place in the existence...
Reminded that ‘’he was made to exist out of non-existence,
will again become non-existent; what will be everlasting would be Allah only’’.
All that has been
lived, all that has been felt, everything within the scope of the five sense have been made to fit into one
single film, one single instant,
Without having a time...
You, you were nothing in front of that instant...
You are absent, non-existent near ‘’THAT INSTANT’’...
In reality, you are again nothing,
You are not concerned with your nothingness;
But with;
you therefore are thinking that you are present/existing; you therefore are living like
this and accepting.
This manifestation happens only once at the sight of
the Absolute Creator...
With the Manifestation
of Oneness???...(See Yasin/82)
For the being that has been made to exist out of
nothing, in other words for the created being,
There is only one manifestation,
Which is in the
science of the Only One...
What has been left over in the minds was the following;
‘’La havle ve la kuvvete illa
The power and strtength
is only with you...
Ahmet F. Yuksel
