Kul: HuvAllahu Ahad

(My Rasul) Say: That is Allah, who is AHAD! 

Allah is Samed

Lem yelid ve lem yuled
Who did not beget nor was begotten

Ve lem yekün lehu küfuven Ahad
There is none comparable unto Hu. Hu is matchlless and peerless, Hu is AHAD..


During the time of Hz.Mohammad a man heard that another man was continuously repeating the Chapter of Unity/ Oneness. He told the Rasul of Allah about this. Then the Rasul declared;
''I swear to Allah with my soul whose power is in HU'S hands. The Chapter of Unity/Oneness is equal to one third of the Koran.'' 

In this Hadith, we are perceiving that The Chapter of Unity is covering one third of the Koran. We, also are perceiving the fact that this one third portion exists by understanding in detail, in an expanded form, the inherent meaning in this Chapter. As a matter of fact, all the qualities, the expanded meanings of these qualities, the existence of the universes with the manifestation of these meanings depend on Allah's being Ahad. (Allah is the infinite and limitless (eternal) ONE who is unbroken and undivided into fragments or particles.)

This Surah had descended in Makkah, after the non-believers had asked Hz.Mohammad ''Describe your Rabb/Lord to us!!!''... It consists of Four Verses.

What is aimed to be told in the Surah of Ahad/Oneness is that the Absolute Being does not have any features, any shape, or any specific descriptions.
To know the concept of Ahad/ Oneness is possible by perceiving very very well the Kalimat-it Tawhid/ The Word of Oneness.

''Hu'', in other words ''Ahad'' is The Only ONE, that is infinite, limitless, which cannot be broken into pieces.
The quality of Oneness (being Ahad), abolishes the concept of a Deity and a God.
The quality of Samed being together with the word Ahad is because of the quality of the multiplicity that the ''Essence'' has.

Being ''SAMED'' states that Allah is not in need of anything for Allah's self.

As an example;
Allah is ''Rezzak''. In other words, Allah provides the means of living for Hu's people. However, Allah does not need to provide the means of living for Hu's self.
The existence of this name (Rezzak) is related to the aspect of the existence regarding the physical/material dimension. Similarly, it is necessary to consider the name ''Samed'' in this manner.

While telling about Allah, speaking about some of the matchless aspects such as providing the needs of those who are in need, such as Allah did not beget nor he was begotten is solely due to the fact that these statements are not inherent in the Essence.