Recently there was a television show about finding Mother Mary's grave. A
watchman who had a dream about her, a government officer who once lived in the area and a
townsman went to the site of the Church of Nine Priests on the Mount Bulbul. They located
the grave and brought light to a matter concerning the entire world.In fact, when there is difficulty in finding new topics many TV stations
resort to mystic areas and make programs on subjects they would never approve of.
I would like to leave these sensations and give you information
about the Holy Mother. Here is what the Koran says about her: "O Mary! Without a
doubt, Allah has given you an outstanding distinction. He has cleansed you of all badness
and exalted you above womankind." (Al Imran/42) "Her Lord graciously accepted
her. He mad her grow like a beautiful plant and entrusted her to the care of Zacharias.
Whenever Zacharias visited her in her room, he found that she had food with her. 'Mary,'
he said, 'where is this food from?' 'It is from Allah,' she answered. 'Allah gives without
stint to whom He will.'" (Al Imran/37)
Mother Mary was not an ordinary person, she was a select servant of
the Creator and one of the female saints who are few in number. She is considered the
symbol of virtue in both Islam and Christianity. Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon Him)
said: "The best woman of her time was Mary, the daughter of Imran." And added:
"The believing wife of the Paraoh, Asiye, and the daughter of Imran, Mary, reached
the highest rank among women."
One day Gabriel came to Mary in the semblance of a human being.
Seeing her shyness he said, "I am a messenger of Allah, I have come to give you a
holy son." Mother Mary was surprised at this extraordinary situation, "How shall
I bear a child," she answered, "when I have never been touched by any man nor
ever been unchaste." In Fusus-ul Hikam Ibn-i Arabi writes that when
Mother Mary saw Angel Gabriel she was impressed (Vol. III p.137).
It is reported that Gabriel affected her hormones originating energy
in her womb to unite the sperm with the egg and then to grow into a baby. Gabriel said it
was easy enough for Allah.
Angel Gabriel is the educator of the person he is together with.
There are saints who meet with Gabriel and do not receive the messages prophets do. About
this Imam-i Gazali stated: "Some saints have the Holy Spirit of Prophecy. This spirit
reveals some of prophets' knowledge of the unperceived world, rules of the afterlife, a
part of the heavens' and earth's spirituality, and even some divine knowledge. Other souls
are unable to understand these facts." Allah points to this with the following verse:
"Thus we have inspired you [Mohammed] with a spirit of Our will when you knew nothing
of faith or scripture, and made it a light whereby we guide those of Our servants whom we
please. You will surely guide them to a straight path." (Shura/52)
Sainthood is being free from the limitations of humanity by way of
strengthening spirituality and controlling bodily desires. The different levels of
awareness of Allah mark the ranks of sainthood, these levels are: awareness through
acquired knowledge, through seeing and through living.
The Koran gives the following message: "The servants of Allah
have nothing to fear or to regret." (Yunis/62) A divine Hadith adds: "They are
under my [Allah's] dome; it is never possible for you to recognize them."
As mentioned in the Koran, when Mother Mary was faced with outrages
calumnies she was asked to fast and not to speak with anyone (Maryam/26-33). The verses in
the surahs of Yunis and Maryam should be considered as related and parallel. In Risale-i
Gavsiye His Holiness Abdulkadir Geylani uses the expression deaf, mute and blind
ones probably to refer to people in the silence fast, not to the physically
handicapped. Is everyone able to practice this quiet fast which refers to the tongue being
mute in the mystical term? I do not wish to comment on this topic.
The grandchild of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), Abdulkerim Geyli, said
that Mother Mary was a saint who had the knowledge of Oneness. However, as known by
some, Mother Mary's sainthood is no comparison to Christ's; his is higher.
The historical data gives us the following information on Mother
Mary's life: When Jesus saw his mother, and St. John standing near, he said to his mother,
"Mother, behold, your son!" Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, your
mother!" And entrusted them to each other. According to the Bible, from that moment
St. John took Jesus' mother under his protection.
In the first half of the first century Christians were being
tortured increasingly in Jerusalem. This persecution started when a student of the
apostles, Stephanos, was stoned to death in 36 B.C. and continued. In 41 B.C. Herod
Agrippa 1 proclaimed himself king. To increase his esteem among his followers he had
Jacob, St. John's brother, executed and imprisoned St. Petros. These events set off a
chaos among Christians and they fled the area, moving to Judea and Samaria.
After Jesus' death Mother Mary and St. John most probably stayed in
Jerusalem for a while, but after St. Jacob, St. John's brother, was beheaded realizing
they could not stay under this massacre they went to Ephesus via Syria and Anatolia. Going
there St. John's aim was to be safe as well as to spread Christianity in the Roman Empire
and the West. For these purposes, among populous and popular western Anatolian cities
Ephesus was the most appropriate one.
We must remember that in Ephesus Mary was a mother to St. John.
According to the council records of the year 431, for a short while after coming to
Ephesus, St. John and Mother Mary stayed in the building which is now partly underneath
the Council Church.
As we know St. John wrote his Bible for the people in Ephesus. It
comprises their problems, questions they asked and St. John's answers to them. In the
Bible he does not clearly mention Mother Mary's arrival in Ephesus but implies it.
Despite all the research, it has not been possible to bring light to
details of Mother Mary's life. In fact, commenting on her life has been avoided. Leaving
the publicizing and spreading of Jesus' teaching to the disciples, Mary gave utmost
importance to secrecy of her life. She was very important for the people in Ephesus. The
Bible does not directly mention her stay there but St. Epiphanes, a writer of the church
from the fourth century B.C., wrote that some people took the example of St. John and St.
Mary and, with the purposes of religious ideals and protection, lived with women who
secluded themselves.
St. Jerome (347-419), who did research on Jerusalem of the fourth
century, never mentioned a monument dedicated to Mother Mary in or around this city. If
the grave of the Holy Mother had been there, being a historian, he would have reported
that. In the earlier periods of Christianity there were certain rules about establishing
churches; new churches could be built dedicated to martyrs, who died for religion, and to
saints, only in places where they lived or were known. In St. Jeromes' lifetime the only
church dedicated to Mary was in Ephesus.
We briefly presented some apparent and covert information about the
Holy Mother. Churches could only be established in places where saints and martyrs lived.
The church in Ephesus dedicated tho Mother Mary shows that she lived in Ephesus and there,
her soul left her body.
The Holy Mother deceased in Ephesus. It is open to argument whether
her grave is in the area of the Church of Nine Priests on the Mount Bulbul. This is the
problem. She is the mother of a prophet and a saint whose name is mentioned in the Koran;
it should not be that easy to locate her grave through a dream which was obviously not a
divine one.
Dreams, accepted to be of two kinds: satanic and divine, take no
more than twenty-five to thirty seconds over periods of forty-five minutes sleep.About the
horizontal and vertical trips of one's soul in dreams Prophet Mohammed stated that:
"When a sound dream emanates from a sound person it is equal to one forty-sixth of
prophethood." Every dream Prophet Mohammed had was real and never relied on opinions
or guesses.
It is difficult to consider a dream real when it is about a grave's
location which is required to be kept secret.
May Allah have us reach divine dreams.
Ahmet F. Yuksel
