‘’If we had tried
to tell about the truth that could not be attained even by the believers in the worldly
life, but which has been attained by a level of the possessors of Hell, several volumes
would get filled.As a matter of fact I have met Plato, who is
considered as an unbeliever by the possessors of the visible world.
I have seen that he has filled his invisible world with light
And he was holding such a position that I haven’t seen the same in
any other saint.
I asked him:
Who are you?...
He told
I am the Chief of the time, I am the first among times...’’
These lines have been taken from the Suret-i Muhammediye section of
Abdulkerim Ceyli’s book named The Universal Man. Ceyli, himself was one of the grandsons
of Hz.Mohammad, he was the Universal Man of his time and he had presented Islam countless
precious works on the subject of Oneness.
Plato had lived during the years 427-347 B.C. He had been a follower
of the Orphic doctrine put forth by Phythogoras who had established a mystical group in
Italy. The Orphic Doctrine was defending the idea that the spirit was divine and
immortal, which in this world is being prisoned in the body. Plato had built up his
own philosophy again under the influence of Phythogoras.
The philosopher had named the divine reality as ‘’Absolute
Truth’’. He was saying ‘’That is the source of all the things that are occurring
in the world and it looks like the sun. Absolute Truth has the same ratio to the objects
of knowledge that the sun has to the visible objects of the world. It gives its own
characteristics to the forms/beings and gives us the possibility of knowing them as
One of the wonderful descriptions of Plato on the subject is :
‘’Absolute Truth is the end cause of the universe and the superior, real aspect of the
absolute perfection which is defined’’.
It accepts that the individual spirit can raise to the degree of
observing , because this rising is inherent in the original, real structure of the spirit.
The Absolute Truth is above the idea and forms which are the eternal character of the
things or which can be said to be the ideal examples.
Getting in touch with the real Universe is a matter of observation
and knowledge; this knowledge is not related to the earth which we are calling as our
world on which various temporary events are taking place; it is related to various
dimensions above these events. As a matter of fact, the spirit by its own nature is
connected to these ideas, in other words it is connected to these dimensions. The spirit,
because it has observed this reality directly has carried the qualities of this dimension.
The path of Plato seems to us as the religion (the system). He says
‘’If there is a wish to attain the truth, then it is necessary to turn one’s face
away from darkness to light, in other words from this imaginary world of shadows to
In short, what is positive for the mind and the knowledge that have
reached the spirit upto a certain degree is that the existence of the forms in the things
which belong to a time and place. The mind forces the love for reality and forces to
understand its nature. If the mind is working in this direction, then it does not get any
pleasure from anything apart from the reality.
Intelligence is a talent present in everybody’s spirit. It is the
spirits’s eye which is observing the things in the universe of the senses. The human
beings are furnished with pleasures related to the senses. Knowing the truth is only
possible by clearing oneself from these personal traps and directing oneself towards the
universe of the real objects.
The characteristic of his sufism is to get in touch with the divine
and connect it to the reality. What is meant by observation is in a sense to acquire the
immortality.The one who has attained immortality is the one who is making the
We have mentioned various opinions of Plato. He has been influenced
by various schools during his lifetime and lived in the direction of knowing the
absolute being with the knowledge coming from his essence alongside his philosophical
views. However, even the studies that he made for the purpose of getting rid of his
conditionings and getting over his composition were not enough to keep him from going to
Hell; because while he was still in the mother’s womb the light/energy of belief coming
from the planet Chiron had not reached him.
However, as a rule every study that has been made gains its results,
in addition to this fact Plato has found the powers in his own essence and put them into
application. As a result, as we have mentioned at the beginning of our essay
he has grasped a large perspective even though he is staying in
The life of Plato is showing us that whatever is indicated by the
name Allah is not a god, but covers and surpasses everything with Hu’s whole being;
watches the structers that he wishes through the units that Hu furnishes with suitable
meanings. In the end his life shows us openly and clearly that all of these are nothing
more than a lower dimension of the system becoming apparent.
As expressed by Abdul Kerim Ceyli, Plato who has certain
characteristics that cannot even be seen in the Saints is a name who will be
illuminating us in all aspects.
Abdul Kerim el Ceyli; The Universal Man
Cavit Sunar; The History of Sufism
Ahmet F. Yuksel
