This Essay was published in the monthly magazine "Yeni Dünya" (The New World)

The founder of the Turkish Society for metaphysic Studies and Scientific investigations was Dr. Bedri Ruhselman. He was a spiritualist ,experimenter and investigator. He was born in 1898, in Findikli/Istanbul. His family comes from the Sapsýg tribe of the Caucasus Circassians.

His first anda most important -3 volume- book was ‘The Spirit and the universe’ was published in 1946. Then in 1947 he went to Izmir and started to work as a medical doctor. Without cutting off his connections with istanbul ,he established a session group and started to make his spritual contacts. His second book:”Among the Spirits” was written and published 1947. When he returned to Istanbul on 30th of March 1950, with a group of friends he established The Turkish metaphysic studies and scientific investigations Society in Taksim-Sýraselviler.

Exacty 7 years later in1957 he had to leave this Association to which he had dedicated his whole life and his ideals. Mr. Refet Kayserilioglu , who now known as’The jesus of high society’ was appointed as the president

Under the presidency of Mr. Kayserilioðlu the society started to publish the magazine:’ The Sipirt and The Matter’

Spiritual mediums such as Dr. Ruhselman ,Rafet Kyserilioglu,Macit Aray,Sevgi Çaðýl, Hikmet Omay, and Sabahat Abla joined the sessions They received various information from the ‘Guide Spirits’(!) who introduced themselves as ‘’Mollah Mustapha’’, ’’Friend Kadri’’, ’’Friend Beyti ‘’, ’’Akin’’, ’’Sihap’’The information they received was concerning the the world and how to save its habitants...

Ruhselman died in 1966. During his last moments Dr. Kayserilioðlu was with him and tried to help him as a doctor. However he refused the help and said: ‘’Don’t interfere with the work of above beings.‘’

After his death ,there were conflicts among the members of the association. Therefore , Dr. Refet Kayserilioglu decided to continue with the members who were on his side. He published the magazine “The World of the Spirit”. Thus, he started to study another dimension of the same subject.

After a while, he established “the society for the union of world love”. He said he was communicating with a being named “Meþale” (Torch). Meanwhile he was playing on the musical instruments lute and its smaller version. One of the songs he composed was song by the singer Neco in the Eurovision Musical Contest.

There were lots of stars and authors around him and he became famous amond the high society. Among the famous people who visited his association were the deceased singer Zeki Muren, the journalists Cetin Altan and Mete Akyol, the singers Neco, Ruchan Camay and Gonul Akkor. In this manner he started to distribute his ideas full of love (!) among the higher circles.

He received some messages on love from a being whose name he declared later on as “Beyti Dost” His principle was “If someone slaps you, then you should turn the other cheek also.” After Ruhselman, these ideas grew like an avalanche and various associations started to get established. Some of these are:

  1. The Group for Investigating the Spiritual Developments.
  2. The Association of Maharishi for the Technology of connected areas.
  3. The Association of Conscious Hypnosis.
  4. The Association for Anandamargo Yoga.

Now, the president of the Association for Metapsychic studies and scientific Investigations is Mr. Haluk Hacaloglu.He was elected after the death of Mr. Ergun Arikdal. In this association Mr. Selman Gerceksever who is famous as the UFO expert is also a member. Usualy, he answers the questions in the TV channels about the UFO(s).

The subjects of the studies are spirit-matter, Reincarnation,UFO(s) and the union of love.

Some scientists who work as Deans in the faculties of Theology join the studies on reincarnation indirectly by stating their their poimts of view.

Now, let us leave all of these aside and try to explain their ideas on reincarnation which takes it roots from the Indian (Hindu) Philosophy.

With respect to the religious data, Reincarnation is impossible. However , the defenders set their claims on the following ideas, and say that is possible to come back to this world again.

They say “During the first life, some are born rich, some poor, some healty, some ill, some beatiful and some ugly... However, in the eye of the creator all of them are his men. Here, there is some injustice, whereas there is no injustice for Allah!... Therefore, these who were good, now come back as bad and those who are bad come to the world as good. This process repeats itself again and again”.

By the fact of “The extraordinary cleverness that small children have can only be explained with coming back to the world. Various phobias that people must have been originate from an incident experienced in the life before. It is useless to look for other reasons”.

“The explanation of deja vu, the feeling experienced when you go to a place for the first time and feel that you have been to this place before, is also interesting. They say it is living the past and present lives together when the person is in a different mode of place and spirit”.

Now, let us answer these statements above:

As far as I know, Allah’s understanding of justice is for beyond our understanding and comes to the open as “He does; what He wishes” There is not a feeling of regret in ALLAH, therefore He is never regretful for what He has done.

Therefore,it is a very big mistake to start with the humanitarian value judgement which is the principle of ”equality”

Dejavue;is the location (determination) made by the brain waves that work as a guide similar to the radarwaves /Radio Detection and Ranging). This happens especially during dreams, these properties of the brain are not known much, therefore the spiritualists tried to adapt them to reincarnation by saying “entering in a different mode of place and spirit”.

Let’s come to the people who have scors on their bodies eventhough they haven’t experienced any incident to cause the scar. Spiritualists say that these scars have been carried over from their past lives.

It is true that today, there are events similar to this which are difficult to believe. ALL of these are the tricks played by the JINNS* whom we don’t know enough or whose existence we deny completely. It is impossible for a spirit that has passed to the after life (dimension) after death, to return back to this world

I think we all know “Amantu”.Of course, knowing is not accepting the infor mation arrived through word of mouth.

“Vel yevmil ahiri” i.e. believing in prophets and believing in the ressurection day (day of Akhirat) is explained two folds:

1)It is the Ressurection day following Hazrat Seraph’s trump, during which the assembly for the last judgement, and the Prophet’s help will take place.

2)A second condition following any accurence which has a dimension in time. Thus in this meaning the latest days are endless with respect to the future.

A person who has belief accepts the doomsday. As the moments instants after the doomsday will continue to exist, then you will have to live in these sections of time all eternally.

At this point we must think of Islam as a religion that carries the “existence/occurence” continýously further. This is the main difference from the other ways of understanding.

The verses in the Koran which make reincarnation invalid are as follows;

*“When death comes to each of them they say: Oh! My Lord, please send me back (to the world) so that I can do efficient studies (god deeds) in return for the life I have lost.” Never, these words they say are useless! In front of them there is a barrier, the Barzakh (Isthmus) which will stop them returning back till the day of Resurrection. (23/98-99-100)

*They cry: ”Oh ! Our Lord ,please take us out and let us do good deeds instead of the what we have done(before)”

Didn’t we give you a life long enough to enable you to think? Didn’t anyone come to warn you? (Why didn’t you believe?) now taste the (suffering)! There isn’t anyone to help the cruels”(Fatir-3)

As a matter of fact; it is incorrect to look at the events and think about them from one side only.

Those who are defending reincarnation are taking another verse of the Koran as a basis for their point of view. However,they interpresting the verse according to the,ir understanding. The verse is:

“How can you deny Allah. He gave you all life out of dead, then he’ll make you die again, then he’ll give you life again, of you’ll be returning to Him”(2/28)

As we can see openly; dying two times and becoming alive afterwards is mentioned here. This is correct. However, we know that death is a taste. Death is the taste that the spirit has while leaving the physical body.” Each nafs (soul) will taste death”. (3/5)

Another important point is that Baa’s (revival/continuing to live within a new body) Ba’s starts immediately after that relatively “tasted” event called death. Therefore,there is not only one “Baa’s”(revival). There are more “Baa’s’s”(revivals). First of all the child is revivedin the mother’s womb. There is a revival in the grave,there is a revival for all people on doomsday in accordance with conditions preailing at that time. There will be revival for the new enviraments following doomsday, which are life in heaven and life in hell. As a continuation of these there are endless revivals...

In view of the above information the verse should be understood as follows;

“The conscious is not aware of itself, (during death) you come to know yourself as body + your conscious(revied has been given life again), then the live spirit leaves the body (will kill you)Immediately after this another revival is experienced (will give you life again) and the revivals will be repeated till eternity.

Here, we must pay attention to that part of the verse “Then you’ll return to him”. It means that man will understand his essense, his truth.

If the unit is not copable of reaching this understanding furing the life in the world, then he’ll experience it for a short time. Afterwards, he will have to return back to his former level of consciousness, and will have to continue his life till eternity.

It is impossible for an atheist to accept Reincarnation. Because, in atheism there is no place for the existence of spirit and belief in life after death, as well.

There may be those, who refuse to accept what we have told within the framework of mysticism and they may want to make evaluations under the light of their own knowledge.

Then we request them to follow up closely the conditions of the reincarnated person in his former life. It is obvious that they wouldn’t be able to reach a satisfactory point.

Everything is based on the imagination of the hypnotised person who is created through the initiation of the spirutualist medium.

My dear friends, coming back to this world is impossible even for the Saints (Saints of higher levels are exceptions) let alone for ordinary people. As for as we have learned, and read Hazrat Hizir A.s. and Hazrat Jesus are coming back to this world even their physical bodies are dead. One of them is always among us, the other will come at a time close The Resurrection Day.

JINS:The suitable beings which cannot be observed with our 5 senses.

Ahmet F. Yuksel


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