to the daily events we remember quiet often the fact which we
have stated above as our heading and it is transformed to be
used in our lives . This is a perfect indicator that it covers a really big place
in our memories.
First of all,
let us try to explain this concept by relating it to a
physical behaviour…
Being absentminded
seems to be the opposite of
being aware. This can only be described according to the
impression that one leaves
over the other people:
To be aware of the absentmindedness of
anyone is possible by noting the following points:
When one is absentminded h/she is not interested with the things
and the people around, h/she focuses all his attention to only
one object and looks at it
for a very long period and forgets about the time. The
absentminded person thinks only about whatever he is looking at
and doesn’t even attempt to
look at elsewhere, he doesn’t even think about this.
This introvertedness is reflected on the other person
nearby as disinterest.
If this situation continues, then he is warned about it
and he returns back to his normal state.
In this manner the absentminded individual becomes aware
of his state of mind.
It is possible to observe the
reflections of this example in the mystical area…
I name this concept which is called mostly as ‘’mystical
literature’’ as ‘’mystical philosophy’’.
I find it necessary to say this, because
that narrow minded point of view which limits our vision,
our horizon with those horse glasses has become more different
The philosophy of sufism has put the human relations in the
second place; it
has gone beyond those narrow cliché/ moulds and it has enabled
the individual to become interested in what he has in
his essence.
It is sad to say that those who cannot see this nakedness,
openness try to put mysticism on a slippery surface by using the
statements such as ‘’literature, poem’’and the
It is a must for those who are in such a
state to catch the difference.
When the statement
of Hz.Rasul
of Allah ‘’They are asleep and they wake up when they are
dead’’ is being
understood fully and
put into practice in one’s life,
then the desired
difference will come along naturally.
Mysticism is spending lots of
efforts to form the evaluations
that wil make many capable people attain the essence.
While it is trying to appeal to the people of all levels. It
does not differentiate the people according to their capacities
and abilities, along with these in the practice of sufism there
is no discrimination of the sexes.
The precious men like
Yunus Emre, Hacż Bayram Veli, Hacż Bektaži Veli, Mawlana
Celaleddin Rumi have all been talking to all kinds of people
without making any discrimination of religion, language or race.
They have been talking with individuals from the Christians,
Jews and with those who belonged to the religion of
Islam, but who have been opposing them.
In this manner, without making any discriminations,
without a stiff , fanatic attitude they were far from
compelling. Instead of an aggressive attitude, their speech was based on reality and they were not
insistent. Their approach to all these
people was based on absolute tolerance in
a different atmosphere.
The individuals who have sensed and perceived this interesting
behaviour have ran towards this religion for liberation and they
were beneficial.
Some of them could reach the essence with cautious steps.
Along with what has been told above, being able to be
aware of the difference will at least save us from our fears,
anxieties, false conjectures and false suppositions. In this way
our eyes will get opened and we shall come
to the stage of ‘’thinking
that the person in front of us is the same as what we think we
are’’, a statement made by the mystic Yunus…
perspective gives the individual an understanding of
‘’self’’ which
is more different than the previous way of understanding. While
doing so the concept ‘’Me/myself and the other one’’ is
getting unified with the awareness of
the difference.
20th 2000