Arabic proverb says ‘’Life consists of two parts; a past
dream and a coming wish’’
I think, every human being has come across to this saying.
As for myself, I am
thinking that I have caught this life which the symbol called
time has divided.
In short this is an adventure that has two parts…
first job was mainly to deal with calculations, and figures
contrary to the art of writing.
During those days, the feelings brought along by young
age had sometimes
made me work hard in a continuous manner and they sometimes made
me flexible, indecisive or to be rather aloof.
I could never be certain, I could never be sure about
what I was doing.
Amidst those efforts, I was always looking for something else.
Maybe, my second
side or aspect was hidden, it was covered up.
This aspect which I became very well aware of
in the later years was about writing.
This irresistable desire which took a strange form in myself
showed itself in
a local newspaper for the first time.
Afterwards it started to force some other columns.
cannot say that I have a very special writing style. I have
never been among the most favourite writers. To say it short, it
would not be logical if I
think that I have reached a citadel; moreover saying such a
thing would be very ridiculous
However, I can say that I am really spending lots of effort on
each of the subjects which I have chosen with utmost care.
I do my best
so that each article that I finish would be the best among
the rest.
This is how it happens:
When the experiences leave their places to another article,
maybe they are living the sorrow of being left. However, they do
not regret, because they think that the contents of the coming
article is taken from them.
Even if the
subjects are different, I am feeling this …
Reisz says ‘’Life is not a choice. Something can either
happen or not. Lots of choices
may prefer you.’’ By saying so he has warned those who have
the ability to think.
As far as I can understand he wants to say ‘’Sometimes your
preferences may not be much. However, the important thing is
that the preference should choose you’’.
Every person has a choice which comes and finds him no matter
what he does. The
preference that has
been explained
above has found me on the mystic path and took as its company an
accumulation of knowledge which was beyond ‘’imitation’’
and mere ‘’transfer’’.
It also taught me that a human being who thinks and
researches will never feel the difficulty.
would like to say that I do they take pleasure from the texture
of my life in this
second part. Actually,
a pleasing work abolishes that feeling of emptiness which is
seen in a person who is fighting with the most basic and deep
problems of life!…
I think that Hayyam has felt this texture very well as can be
understood from his following lines:
our lives another day has come and
Like the water flowing in the river, or the wind blowing from
the valley.
There are two days in this world which does not make any
difference for me whether they exist or not:
The first is the day that does not come and the second is the
day that has already passed.’’
to see you next week…
March 1th