adventure named as development is a concept that has been lived
all throughout the human history.
human being can make advancements when he gets control of the
powers that have been given to him as gifts of the Absolute
Being and so long as he uses them for attaining a better life.
because of the advanced technology we are living without being
dependant on time and place. The electronical age is opening countless doors for us.
For example, with the kind of technology used in the
field of health it has been made possible to go a long way in
dealing with the threatening diseases and reaching the
information and knowledge which was a secret for the human
beings since centuries.
Everyday, there comes a new facility for communication and
The education system is going under big transformations. At this
point, it is necessary to carry the education system from
memorising or simply transferring the information to storing the
information. It is necessary
to make the individual think and
to encourage him in this direction.
the social life we are facing radical changes too.
The slavery that has lasted since centuries has been
abolished as a result of the revolutions that have taken place
all over the planet.
Women, who have been walking one step behind the men since
centuries and for whom the doors of the political and economical
power were closed are now becoming equal to the men even in the
most underdeveloped societies.
In the contemporaray history, the big wars which are the result
of one country
attacking the other are coming to an end, because the natives of
the attacking country are criticising this fact. The creation of
unrest, riots among the people by
provacating the
radical, nationalistic ideas and the meaningless feelings of
pride is loosing its impact.
All over the world, because the standards of living have become
higher, the children are treated in a much better way.
The awareness that all of us have come from the same species has
started to be accepted by the humans.
with these changes, we
have a tendency for having a culture which is liberal,
comfortable and easy, which has been successful in handling the
problems of the
infrastructure. Moreover, we have a tendency for a culture which
opens up new horizons for us and which has discovered the ways
of finding and creating the imaginary reality through knowledge
and creativity.
On the other hand, we must be able to have consistency in our
value judgements and make important renewals in our values.
example, along with interacting with the individuals in our
close circle, we should be able to accept the values that come
to the fore anywhere in the world.
We must never forget that, the individuals or the
societies to whom
we are looking at with hatred or with lack of
confidence are
the sources which supply the knowledge that we need in order to
stand on our two feet.
must take as an example for us the societies which are running
after changes and reflecting
this in every field. The ones who are always in a state of
expectation should not be an example for us. We must be among
the class of individuals who have covered up the understanding
of destiny, who are able to plan and shape up their future and
who try to make changes accordingly.
when there is sufficient accumulation of
knowledge, it becomes necessary to make radical changes for which we
have to pay a painful price.
However, so long as the fact
‘’Science is behind the fire’’ is being
overlooked, it would be impossible to speak about
the individual development/advancement.
should not be forgotten that the individuals who investigate,
think and make others think and who do not let their creative
qualities remain
idle have always had a place in the society. They have always
been in positions of authority in the society and these
individuals with their qualities of participating and sharing have always been missed and sought
Hofer has said ‘’In our age where there is a breakneck speed
of advancement, the
inheritors of the future are the ones who have developed
themselves’’. In this way, he has summarized very well the
values that the technolgy has reflected on our age and the
things that the individuals are able to do.
5th 2000