I had been asked to give the name of a sufi who could be an
example, I would have definitely suggested Mawlana, as he is an
expert in the universe of the
I have written lots of essays
on Mawlana.
Here, I would like to state once more my admiration for him.
a matter of fact, there must be others
who have a higher level of scientific knowledge.
However, he
has opened lots of doors for us with concrete data and as a
person who is far from exaggeration, who is honest, sincere from
the heart, who loves the Rasul of Allah from the beginning to
the end, who is aware of the fact that he owes to the society,
who has grasped the responsibility of what he is doing with a
heart full of love.
Being a possessor of Allah, he is the pride of the sufi
I do not know what you are thinking on this, but my humble
evaluations are these…
think that Mawlana, who has spent most of his life as detached
from this world has made a
thorough research of the subjects that he has stated in
his books.
I am saying it with pleasure that reading his books makes me
After I finish reading one book, I
feel like starting another book of
his immediately.
following expression that I have seen among his beautiful and
impressing phrases had especially attracted my attention:
‘’I have seen such beautiful dresses in which there wasn’t
a man, whereas I have seen such men who do not have a
has wanted to tell us lots of things by these words;
In the first place the message that he wants to give is:
The human being should
not be evaluated with respect to his clothing;
as it is impossible for those to make a true evaluation
who are not able to
see neither the dress nor the one inside it to make a
true evaluation …
looks like a worn out dress on some of us.
It has become old, out of fashion,
some parts have faded away and the tisuue has become thinner.
Its light is all gone
and it has lost all
of its attractiveness. It
cannot be washed for fear that it will
get torn and
it can never be ironed.
We carry it over our skin because we do not have a spare one and
due to reasons such
as being helpless, because
we have get used to it and have a sort of addiction for it.
The dress which is attached to the body looks strange…
However, in spite of these facts it has become part of the
individual has a relation with it silently or
loudly, in the office, in the temple in short in every
place and in every condition.
We can also say that the dress is the closest witness of the
stories that are being told. It is also the witness of all the
events which are silent, right or wrong, which
result from coincidences,
which are
acceptable or which cannot be accepted.
individual who carries his dress on him habitually will have
lots of pain in the stomach, the moment he realises that he has
been deceived while he was thinking that he had find what he had
been searching for.
From time to time he will abandon his work, his parents and will
get carried away in a game of which he is not aware.
With ‘’the dream of
renewal’’ he will be waiting in the burning heat or
the freezing cold and would like to find shelter in the one that
he has dreamed of.
the doors will be closed to his face and he will never see that
the unity is just under his hand, in his bed or inside his home.
The losses will follow one another, the dress will get
sepearated from the body and the skin will be left without a
He will become naked, this nakedness will be corelated with
nothingness and when he wants to return back he would find it
necessary to have another dress.
have understood this. No matter how submissive, how extravagant
or how joyful a human being is, he caanot get saved once he has
put on that dress.
He is even not aware of what
he would gain if he changes his dress or what he would loose if
he does not change his dress.
The dresses of the people who approach life and the matters in a
‘’carefree’’ manner
and who insist on keeping themselves at a continuous
level of addiction and taboo are never changed.
They are used to worn out, faded dresses without
tops and they see the others around them in this manner..
When we think within this framework, then
the following hadith of
Hz.Rasul of Allah becomes a warning which blows out the
baloons of addiction and sleep.
This hadith is ‘’Whoever drags along his dress down on the ground with pride, then on the doomsday Allah will not be looking at him with
it necessary to change the dresses?
Please, you answer this question!…
Let me tell you the following anecdote as a hint:
Cabir (R.a.)narrates:
‘’The Rasul of Allah (A.s.) has seen one of our men who was
pasturing our animals for riding.
The man was wearing an old two piece dress.
So, he said ‘’Doesn’t he have anything else to wear other
than these old clothes?’’
I said ‘’Yes, he
has… ‘’He has two more dresses in his sack, I had given
him those’’
He ordered ‘’Then call him and let him dress these’’,
I called him and told him the order and he put on
those dresses. When the man turned back to go,
Our Rasul (a.s. vesselam) said :
‘’What is wrong with him, why doesn’t he wear these? May
Allah cut his neck off!’’
The man heard these words and answered ‘’Oh! Allah’s
Rasul, is my neck going to be cut off for the path to
The answer was ‘’Yes!’’
And the man was killed for the road leading to Allah.’’
human being, instead of living
and spending his time for putting on the clothes which do not
suit him at all should try to carry on himself the most suitable
clothing for him no matter how limited his income is.
I do not think that it would be possible for the one who has
rejected the universal values throughout his whole life to
undergo such a change, in other words to change his dress.
- 27.7.2000