From time to time I
am thinking:
‘’It cannot be said
that we can evaluate some specific subjects or some of the social events/happennings. Don’t we really
understand what is going on, or are we behaving intentionally in this manner? Or else, do we
understand, but pretend as if we have not understood or do we see, but choose not to have seen? Or
else has our ability to perceive is malfunctioning?’’
The more I think the
more it seems complicated.
Who are the ones who
do not understand, who cannot see and think?
So, I have reviewed
my thoughts on this subject and below I am giving you my findings.
The well fed one
does not understand the situation of the one who is suffering from hunger, the rich does not
understand the state of the poor. However, the one who is hungry cannot figure out why the rich is
thinking in that certain manner. The healthy person is not in a position to evaluate the state of the
patient. The esteemed representatives of the group whose members have sympathy only for each other
think that all what they are doing are magnificent. However, regarding the communities that they
consider as opponents they cannot understand, know and see their objectives, their passions for life,
and their understanding of service.
Those units who do
not keep themselves open to the sources of information, who omit the scientific studies, who oppose
strongly the consistent thought system, who think that science is unable to open the horizon/the vision
of a person will most probably not be able to put a step forward for understanding, knowing and seeing.
In other words, we
can put the person who is not " the master of his/her own self " among the class of
those who cannot understand.
The one who sees
himself as different from those of his kind or who gets carried away by this trend does not have a
chance in the subject of understanding.
I also think that
the one who does not find it necessary to adopt new points of view as time goes on and who does not
consider this as a must is unable to understand, to see and to evaluate. Also, the communities who say
‘’Our point of view is different from yours’’ are poor in understanding the existence and the whole.
Instead of finding
the ideas that are beneficial for the mankind and adding them to his own, who rejects the new belongs
to the the kind that does not understand.
The men of wisdom
put forth very important statements that are contrary to some. However, pretending not to have
understood these or attributing the things that have been said to the target point also means not to be
able to understand and to know.
Whoever sees himself/herself
as separate/different, then that means he or she has not understood anything at all.
On the contrary,
those who are accepted as the most precious individuals of servitude at the sight of Allah, who are
qualified as the most loved among the creation and who are said to be deaf and speechless can
understand, know and see everything by means of their insight and they live in this way by having
absorbed all of these. They are the ones who are described as the possessors of Oneness-Allah.
Therefore, in order
to understand, to see and to know it is necessary to have the attributes such as determination,
perseverance, self confidence and to be refined from the feelings pertaining to the humans. If we do not
have such an accumulation in the essence, then it will never be possible to understand, to see and to
Istanbul, September 19th 2002