we start to know the whole, it is necessary to have a look at
the basic foundation stones that make up the human being.
It would be proper to think of the human being in two separate
The biological
dimension of thoughts
in order to define the alive being named as the human, it is
necessary to think of him as an anatomical structure made up of
flesh and bones together
with his spirit,
mind, intellect,and his
thought mechanism as well as his ability to walk, run, to
turn around his axis, to make sex, to see
within certain scales, and having the ability to evaluate
the certain frequencies that his ear has.
points are known by everybody.
one who is
not satisfied with these wants to advance further and go
deeper. Such a person, in spite of very strong feelings can
reach different dimensions by using his mind.
individuals should be able to notice the hindering factors in
this direction and should reach special universal solutions. For
this purpose, it is necessary to get rid of the value judgements, the conditionings and the genetic
feelings that he has acquired by birth.
This is really difficult to do , but it is a must.
If, the individual
cannot go through these levels and leave them behind,
then he would know himself only as flesh and bones in the
dimension of the
spirit and he would not be able to
reach the end.
alone knowing the truth and the whole of
the being (the existance), the minimum conditions for
going to heaven make it necessary to abolish all the above!..
(See Bakara/The Cow, 214)
we cannot reach the whole, then we have to face situations
amidst the daily excitements, where we are carried
from one place to the other in which we cannot remain
firm, and strong. This causes
the window that opens to universality to become closed.
Even the simplest event in the
nature defeats us badly. Any factor which can be
considered as negative plays
with us like a toy. Our life under the domination of our
feelings goes on eternally. At this stage one forgets
his objective of creation...
This goes on until the individual becomes aware, until he wakes
up from this sleepy state and he would have to face
serious bottle necks
human being will either overcome these obstacles and go on his
way and find himself as a being beyond the body+the spirit+the
individual conscious, in other words as the absolute conscious
or he will keep on turning within a viscious circle
Unless, he feels the necessity of knowing the whole and seeing
August 7th 2001