you know ‘’happiness, being happy’’ is one of the subjects which
concerns the individuals a lot.
Unfortunately, this philosophical thought cannot take place
continuously in the minds of the people.
we take a section from the social life, we can see that the all
the days pass more or less similar to one another…
It looks as if the days are
trying to establish a certain route for us.
The conditionings are all the same, you have to have them
whether you wish or
It is not certain if you are feeling good
or not.
am thinking about all these facts
and I want them to change, but it is useless!..
Is this a road from which it is impossible to escape?…
it necessary for those who try to look happy eventhough they are
unhappy to recognise how meaningless this kind of behaviour is?
in a state of continuous happiness is something pertaining to
silly people and this is far from reflecting the reality.
human being is
forced to use his conscious to worship money, real estate and
other kinds of belongings. Therefore, without thinking about the
other aspects of creation
he is running after false, temporary happiness rather than
running after the abstract happiness.
Camus in his work named ‘’Suicide and Maladjustment’’
‘’Actually there
is one important
philosophical problem: Committing suicide.
Making a judgement on life, whether it is worth to
live or not is answering this basic question of
In my opinion we should not care about these words much and
give a direction to our lives.
Fighting against the difficulties of life in order to be
It really is worth all the effort!…
On the other hand, there are very simple subjects which create
difficulties and which make people unhappy:
are expecting a call, but your phone is not ringing;
-Or your business meeting scheduled for that day will obviously
be difficult.
mother of your spouse is going to be hospitalised.
football team Fenerbahçe, will it never gather itself together?
-For how long are we going to listen to the cries
‘’Galatasaray is the biggest!’’…
tuitions of the children that have to be paid soon make one
worry very deeply.
is Mercury going to finish the retrograde motion?
-Mercury has done everything it could!
-Look how it makes me do the controlling which I cannot do at
other times!
am your father’’!…
-‘’I am going to fly because
I am so happy!..’’
Right after this there comes the second cry : ‘’I am about
to collapse!…’’
-‘’All the expenses and the
efforts that have been made for this film have been
-‘’The disorder in the toilet
pipes makes me nervous!’’
-‘’How am I going to find the
money for buying the car that I want?’’
There are also the ones who want
to make their lives more happy and interesting. Without knowing,
the things that they do to beautify themselves take them
into a more bitter unhappiness…
In England according to a research conducted over five thousand
women, ninety-
eight women out of hundred are feeling very ugly and unhappy
because of their size, their measurements and their weight.
I really cannot believe how these
simple subjects can make one so unhappy.
There are countless examples for these…
Especially, when there are fights
and disputes, the logical thinking is placed in the lowest
possible position and the happiness is covered with a curtain of
This why unhappiness
is so wide spread in our society…
Those people who are aware of
this are trying to catch the happiness on a daily basis and they
are try to get the utmost taste from it.
However, when you look at those
who have been able
to get rid of the negative thoughts and who are now able to get
hold of the
difference you say
‘’How happy they are’’.
Then, all of a sudden they look as if
they are in some
kind of a hurry and some kind
of ‘’I
don’t care’’ attitude…
The faces are sulken and they are in
a strange mood…
They have an ongoing depression and they do not attempt to do
anything about it.
As a matter of fact, it seems that
they do not have much to do!..
One cannot do much for a
monotonous life style. The so called activities are far from
bringing a freshness, a sparkle of
life to the existing monotony.
I really do not know what should be done!…
Best of all let me leave you
together with an anecdote:
-The French Marshall Lyautcy took a young plant to his gardener
and asked him to plant it. The gardener said that this kind of
plant grows very slowly and it would take exactly one hundered
years for it to become mature.
Marshal answered ‘’Oh! Is that really so?’’
Then, he continued ‘’If so, we should not loose time and
this afternoon let us plant it immediately.’’
if the happiness is far far away we should not stop following it
even for a second…
09th 2000