you know ‘’Ombudsman’’ is a word which we hear very much
in the recent days. It means a respectable, trustworthy, honest
person appointed by the government, a kind of
vice referee…
If, only a short
time ago you used the word ‘’Ombudsman’’ consciously
while talking to a person, I am sure he would have given you
very strange answers because he wasn’t able to catch the
meaning of the word and because he could not keep in pace with
the new advancements.
I prefer to join the caravan of the new developments not only
for the sake of joining.
I join this caravan, because I think that the important
thing is to be open in
such a way that there wouldn’t be any need for interpretation.
Otherwise, I have no interest in the artificial conditions
created by the individuals for the sake of change.
The so called ‘’renovators’’ are trying to make
every situation natural, they approve all kinds of
conditions and even more they
make them very supreme.
Here, we come at the cross roads and I do not follow their way,
because I do not agree with that stage called
the other hand, some people do not take into consideration those
who approach them in the most
positive way suspecting
that they are trying to play tricks on them. They look
down upon them and say ‘’Oh! They are the
If they keep on insisting to evaluate themselves according to
the others this would be the result.
Even if you say ‘’Why are you so frightened? There is
nothing to fear!’’, they will never be convinced and will go
on the path that they already know.
There cannot be a definition for this behaviour, but they have
made their decisions once and for all.
is fine for them!
They will dedicate
themselves for the universality, but they should not loose
anything and they will never give up what they already
You can meet such people in every field.
if we leave aside what has been told above, is the renovation so
Yes, it is really important…
It has to be.
reason why is as follows:-
The infinite names and qualities that belong to Allah will also
make up the infinity in this dimension in which we are
living now; in
this respect it
would be possible to practice ‘’being
in a new state/a new glory at every instant’’.
who has studied this concept very well says
‘’My dear, yesterday
has remained in yesterday,
Today, we must say new things’’.
By these words he has pointed out that mysticism is open to
renewal and he has invited the individuals to use their brains
and to think.
we think that
To renew,
To re-structure are the qualities that are inherent in the
nature of the individual; then it becomes a must
for the individual to bring these qualities out into the
the other hand some questions such as the following come to the
our minds :-
‘’Can renewal change the Oneness of existence?
In other words can the only one become many?
Is it necessary to have renewals in every dimension? ‘’
is impossible for the one who has neither gave birth
to anything nor who
has not been born to change in terms of
Hz. Abdulkerim Ceyli, in his book
Insan-I Kamil/ The perfect Human mentions the days of
Allah as ‘’The Revelations’’…
Meaning that what is already existing is coming out into the
While he is accepting these revelations as a divine decree, he
is using the word ‘’Þen /development’’.
is giving the following verse (55/29) as an example for the
process of change;
‘’That takes a new þe’n /development/standing
In his book he emphasizes and
calls the attention for the fact that there isn’t any change
in the essence of Allah. However, change/differentiation/renewal
is present in the revelations.
He has stated for certain that from the point of change Allah is
supreme and has a
complete superiority.
As a matter of fact, the change in the humans and the
communities does not show that the religion is also changing and
getting renewed, because the Koran is the last book that has
come and according to its own definition it is reflecting the
universality. Anything
that is universal speaks to every instant. If , depending
on the time and place the problems are changing , it means that
the science which has been renewed according to the conditions
of today is
perceiving the Koran more. It can
never be considered as a change and renewal in the Koran
and the religion…
has got to be renewals and
Actually, the existence is showing a transformation, a change
every instant…
We are already aware of this.
Now, let us stop here, take a deep breath and try to evaluate:
should we look at the renewals and the benefits that come
through it?
How can we be open to accept the proposed conditions?
my opinion this can
be done by those whose lives are based on investigation, who
have died before death has come to them, who can
colour themselves with another colour everyday and who are able to put forth
whatever they wish.
Renewal is related to production.
If you do not have the chance to be active, then all you
can do would be to follow up what has been renewed.
I agree with them sincerely.
is the use of being a renovator
without having purified one’s existence due to some
reason let alone knowing and attaining one’s
essence. How
much would it make sense to be for renovation while having
remained insufficient
in the deep pits of human
nature entangled by various feelings.
While having the characteristics such as regret, anger,
swearing, feeling
happy, looking down
upon the others what is
the use of being for renovation?
You should decide about this…
The folowing verse is bringing an openness to what has been told
‘’The humans could not have certainity on our verses’’
think you will say
that I am right.
If we have such a life, but it still brings us thoughts which
are closed to renovation, then that is a mistake too.
It is a mistake which cannot be forgiven.
for the sake of renovation we can do the following:-
We can try to bring the abstract to the concerete level,
In order to perceive the mystical data we can put emphasis on
popular science and have the possibility of renewing ourselves
and evaluate the religion in a much better way through the
benefaction, grace, of
our times.
example, the saints who have attained the essence say
‘’Actually all the universes are imaginary’’. Here, we
must be able to think that the concept ‘’imaginary’’
which should be perceived from this statement is energy.
spite of the fact that the words of the famous philosopher
Bertrand Russell ‘’There isn’t any new idea in this world.
Every new idea is a dress that the old idea puts on’’
confuses us, we should not insist too much on it and
make ourselves
believe that we have to find the new.
pay attention to the fact that
Islam is a liberal religion which is
always after advancements, which
always heads for the future, it is does not remain locked
up in the past.
It is the last religion and it has earned this title through
vertical advancements.
There is no stopping in vertical advancement.
those who wish for the new are sometimes running away
from their feelings like the ones who run away from renovation
are behaving in a strange way.
just wanted you to know.
15th 2000