the beginning, I have resisted the tiresome writings of
those defendants of war. Therefore, I have decided to
write basing my thoughts on reality, because
before and after the match between Galatasaray-Leeds, a
sports competition has been turned into
a matter of life
and death, pride and status, bravery and betrayal…
The wonderful success of Galatasaray
has unfortunately turned into a dramatic scene after killing the
two young English men due to the lack of foreseeing
the future.
Meanwhile, some of the events that I have remembered made me
become aware of one
of the weaknesses in
our society, which is the
lack of culture.
Following the match, while the majority was in a state of
euphoria because of the
victory , only a few felt the necessity of speaking about the reality.
It was very strange to see that before the match the people who
were saying that they had to be protected and the precautions
were not enough,
said after the match that
they couldn’t live the joy enough, they could not show
their feelings openly and this in a way had frustrated them.
I am saying these for those
who have been to Leeds and the press.
Those who were in Turkey had done everything
more than necessary in accordance with the demands of the
victory; actually we can say that they have satisfied their
needs of living their feelings to the fullest extent.
there is a fact which should not be overlooked and I cannot help
reminding it:
First of all think, for an instant that your own brother, your
son and his wife, your own
wife and children have been killed instead of those two
young men who have been killed...
Afterwards try to live the joy of the victory to the fullest
However, at the same time we should all agree that this was only
a match.
minds went blank when we saw in the press
the pictures of those two young men
with their families.
Just when the
Leeds match was about to finish, BBC started to broadcast
the adventure which had started in İstanbul and made all the
attention to get focused on this matter.
Most probably it was due to the policy of a broadcasting
company, but for us the programme was reflecting the reality.
right, then what could be the reason that pushes our people
towards such actions?
What could be the reason in killing people?
It is necessary to have a look at our cultural structure without
being prejudiced.
Sometimes, trying to overlook the events and singing
only the songs of victory may create a tolerance for some
events; ıt seems in a way to open the door a little bit for
However, this weakness that
I have tried to mention without going into the details is the
evidence showing that something in the culture is missing.
As a matter of fact, culture is a factor necessary for us for
perceiving the world, for creating our symbols and
it should be evaluated within the scope of the the
family, the environment, communication and helping one another.
When we take into consideration all of the above, then would it
be possible to say that finding joy in spitting at a bleeding
person is in a way the symbolisation of our dominant culture?
inability to understand this factor leads us to make cuts in the
body of a human being, make him bleed and sloughter him; in
other words it makes one behave like animals.
a foreigner has been the subject of such a bad treatment. What
we have seen means that tomorrow, the same kind of action will
be taken towards our own natives…
The events are lived through and they come to an end, however
what is the use of finding such actions on such a basis as
In adition to these, there are those who defend that all what
has been done was correct?..
behaviour, which
have been created by the relativity in cultural values and the
tendencies among the members of the society, arises as a result
of living the cultural heritage in our generation.
In order not to have more sorrowful events such as the
above, we should immediately change the understanding
‘’Strong as a Turk’’ with the understanding
‘’Cultured as a Turk’’ and put it into practice
April 28th 2000