day is a new day.
We should be able to recognize that we are at the beginning of
something new with
every new day and we should accept this fact.
remembering this fact and behaving accordingly has an important
place in a person’s life. If we feel the necessity to approach
a contemporary level of thought as well as universality,
we should leave our old lives and assumptions aside, and
we should try to be left alone
with a clear past (free from the memories). For this purpose,
it is necessary to make new observations continuously,
also in order to
find new excitements we should push aside
the memories related to the past and we have to behave as
if we are facing the same situation
for the first time.
is quite difficult to be successful in getting
rid of the memories. Being able to accept this is almost
impossible. How can one find the courage in himself, to
sacrifice, to wipe out his life in an instant?
he has to find and do so.
getting merged/united with
the only one is possible only after shaking off the memories.
saying sincerely. Sometimes I try hard very hard to erase and
destroy the
memories that are stuck into the corners of
my brain.
is necessary to erase and throw away the memories, which are
products of a settled thought system .
Because, such
feelings create
a limited and humanly emotion. The ones who live with their
memories don’t even notice how they have started to go
There is a
saying, “The
ones who have remained among the memories can’t live the
moment that they are living’’.
I like this statement quite a lot. It always serves as a
warning to me. An adept of Sufism has to erase the
thoughts that are related to the instincts and the
thoughts that are based on mostly love relations
and organic links as well as
his beliefs that do not have any support,
the things that he has attributed a sort of holiness in his mind and
most important of all his memories.
example “the first
time we went to the theatre…or the first day we started
school, the
last moment of our
graduation or the day we started school on which we gave a big
hug to our mothers and told her by our sad looks that we do not want
to go, but we knew that we had to go …”
events are the senses which remind us that
we are always existing
with ourselves. It is the continuity of the state of
being ‘I, YOU and WE’
in our lives.
a person saves himself from this residue which actually is
contradictory to his being,
he lives the “Instant”.
Erasing the memories is not
easy… It needs lots of efforts and
hard work , but
in the end the
desired objective manifests itself.
For the one
who experiences this
situation, the
feeling ‘’to
example, “Wherever he
has to live, he lives in such a way that
it looks as if he will never leave the place. However,
when he leaves that place he even does not think about those
places any more, doesn’t remember them. He gets used to his
new place and becomes adapted.”
It is the sign for having escaped from the individualism, in other words having
erased the recordings from the soul and go on
living with the pure self/ the essence.
how Hz. Rasul of
Allah warns us about not being able to leave the memories that follow us
and lead us to
insufficient thinking, a meaningless culture and a big failure.
before you die’’ (die
before you experience the actual physical death).
there are the memories
and a future that person’s individualism will continue.
Whoever lives the
individualism won’t be able to make use of
the moment. Whoever is
deprived of making use of the
moment won’t be able to perceive the knowledge/ the science of the unity and fate.
Thus, we can define this as a sensation that seems like a simple
thing, but when it
is researched it is seen that it
has important details and
as a concept which the
sensitive people should certainly leave.
a result, besides
what has been told,
the knowledge, which has been left behind, but
through its originality which
would assist the productivity of the human being and
which would have a special place in our lives should be brought
to light instead of
leaving them behind.
not right to consider them
as memories!
think Nietzsche’s question, “How
can a human being
be himself?”,
is answered in this way.