Before starting it is necessary for me to state the following point
Several times I had mentioned the subject of love and tried to define this concept as much as as I could to the extent that my mental power had permitted me.  However, as you would appreciate when the subject is love there is always something to say and the things that are being told never get finished. Love gives one a positive attitude, however  together  with this positive attitude it brings along confusion and it is impossible to find a solution for this confusion.

I believe that some people are far from understanding and accepting the importance of  love.
Actually, the life of  the one who has not got acquainted with ‘’love’’  looks quite simple, but in reality it has difficulties.
Even  in places where being mature is the most valid thing, people tend to exaggerate the slightest problem, the tiniest little things. Whereas, in a dimension where one lives with love (where one is full of love) s/he does not care much even about the greatest problems and takes everything easy.
You shouldn’t take ‘’love’’ for granted.  You may step into lots of positive things  and they  may  become true by means of love. It is possible for you to clear yourself from feeling as a unit through love.
Sometimes, love cuts off  the messages that a human being can get and makes the mind to get fixed to a certain point. Even if  the eyes of  the person wander around, his mind is fixed to a single  point.  That person can no longer listen to the warnings.

However, this concept turns the heads of  the humans and stops them from seeing anything and in a way it forces  the individual to get focused to a single point.  Unfortunately, it can make one to loose the possibility of using his mind as he wishes. From time to time it makes you do  silly things  and you cannot be aware of  them; it also prevents you from healthy thinking.   So, all of  a sudden you may see that you’ve started to act with your feelings in a way that you had never thought before  and which were not important for you before.

Thus, without being aware  you’ve stepped into negativity.

For example, if you really  love some one,  then there is nothing that you wouldn’t be able to share with him/her. 
Let us suppose that in a certain event someone has acted in a very individualistic manner or he had been forced to do so. Then, in such a case without understanding the situation, without looking for the reasons behind it you can behave like an androit and criticise that person or you can be cruel towards him.
So, without knowing you may put your sign on to a wrong event which could be leading to injustice.
This,  in a way is the loss of  the ability for correct thinking.
Moreover, you are an expert in doing the  things that force the limits of  being nonsense.
Or else, for the sake of pleasing your loved one you can make some plans and activate them.  Your actions may turn out into a show and it is always too late when you find out that the things that you’ve done were all useless.  In a single instant you accept that you have fallen into  a very bad situation for the sake of your loved one.
Your feelings which you cannot control may cause you to say strange and heart breaking words about that subject.

Anyone who tries to live the love in this way gets squeezed at a certain point and most of  the time no one appreciates him.
He wanders around in a bewildered manner  and his love becomes  a burden for the humans as Allah’s Rasul Hz.Mohammad has stated. 
In some people love is only in their imaginations. S/he thinks that s/he loves someone.  However, this is not the love that s/he is looking for. In the attempts  that s/he makes towards the subject person there may only be some kind of fondness.  For some time he leaves himself to the flow and spends his time. Later on he becomes aware and says ‘’I’ve found that I did not love that person’’.   This time he tries to escape from the person whom he thought that he had loved.

Some are blindly in love. Such people cannot leave their loves  no matter what happens and they cannot see the tricks that the loved one is  playing on them.
There is no end for the  plays and the tricks of love !..
The one who has tasted love, who lives it chooses to disappear (to loose his/her identity) both inwardly and outwardly and prefers to be extremely obedient. On the other hand love may place an indvidual in funny  situations.

In order for love to exist in a person it is not necessary to push or pull others.  Unfortunately, love makes such logical thoughts disappear.

For the one who thinks that he is living the love no one else can do the work of his loved one as if that work has been prohibited for others or considered as an illegal act. In order to prove this he can create incredible theories in his mind such that the mind looks as if it has changed its present dimension.
Even, he, himself cannot believe in what he has done, but he goes on displaying such a behaviour and such states of  mind in spite of  the warnings of  the others.   HE goes on living by  giving advice to everybody as if nothing had happenned. Moreover, in order to make others accept what he has done he may try to influence their opinions.
It can be felt that the concerned individual has gradually become one sided and closed himself  to the opinions that were more different than his. It can be understood that he can give up his basic values easily.
He considers the warnings as nonsense. Unfortunately, he is in a crazy viscious circle.

The lover of yesterday who used to shout out  his/her nothingness by saying   ‘’I do not exist’’ may today get hold of  the door opening to faith very strongly. This should not surprise you.

Only love can make that individual do such things.  Each time love can arrange new plays/tricks and make this blind fight continue.   This is the reason why the names, faces of  those who are in the whirlpool of  love are being kept as a secret until they reach a complete state of  awareness/recovery from that state.*

  This is is how I think about love and its tricks.  It is necessary to analyse love very well.  I didn’t see any problem  in telling you all of these.  However, unfortunately I am very well aware  that I  am doing the talking and only I am listening to what I am saying.

Istanbul, January 29th 2002

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