Those who have accepted mysticism as a life style, have to hit a completely different  area when they want to go further through the dimensions. Contrary  to what they have learned this is a very different area which requires a lot of potential.

This is the entrance point for real purification. At this point, the accumulated knowledge is perceived in a completely different way. It is understood that the basis which has been  mentioned in science is an endless, limitless one complete whole, that the conscience can be  put into the form of images only through science.  One also perceives that  the five senses are being used only in crosssectional perception as well as understanding  the necessity of increasing the number of perceived sections. Moreover, it becomes evident that it is an absolute requirement to increase the number of the perceived  cross sections till infinity.   At  this level, it is shown clearly that  one has the chance, the possibility  for doing this…

If you want to enter through the door like the entrance of Hz.Moses to the Holly Valley by the divine inspiration that he had received, then you would be in a position  to feel that wholeness in your own self, in all of your cells.

Before, many had come very close to the border of this holly valley, but most of them were trapped in denial.  Those who had been thinking that their selves/egos were sufficient for perceiving the Oneness had to give in  to their feelings  when difficulties came.   They almost denied even the words that they have said  let alone getting surrendered.

Following this, the accusations started in the name of saving their essence !…

I have stated several times that the concept of the ‘’system’’ is being injected to the people under the name of  the "religion".

The faculty of forgiving is not on your side, but on the system’s side. If  the things that you know or imagine have any connection with the system, then they will turn into positive  with your outward actions, otherwise they become negative. To say it short, every action that you do develops in the direction of your philosophy.  The interference that comes from outside is only the astrological factors which are related to universality.

If you have the habit of denying tomorrow what you have said today, in another sense if you are unable to carry the yesterday forward to today, then be sure that  faith is only in your imagination.

As a matter of fact, faith requires one to  have different qualities, with knowledge having the first place.  Believing in the data which we cannot perceive with our perceptory devices, which we can name as ‘’abstract’’ or  which are within the framework of logic are all covered by Amentu.

Such as :-

Having faith in Allah,

In the Angels,

In the Destiny

And in the Resurrection day…

After these, there remains two more belief factors…  One of them is believing in the Rasul(s), which is already concrete. The other is believing that everything which is good or bad comes from Allah.  Now, we have to make a long stop at this point…

All the good and bad is from Allah!..

You  have belief in destiny because it is in the abstract dimension… All right, then any event that has come to you is the media in which the abstract is being transformed into concrete, isn’t it so?

If you have believed in destiny and in a more visible way, if you have believed in the things that the Rasul has brought, then you already have accepted in advance that the destiny is in the abstract…

I am asking;  which of  you have seen the negative events that you  had to face clearly and openly as righteous actions. No matter in which platform you are which of you have found these negative events as something ‘arranged properly’?!..

No matter if you are thirty, fourty or fifty years old, whatever age you are in, try to to roll the film backwards.  Watch yourself objectively in the mirror of Allah by starting the mechanism which is called as memory, without being unfair, without giving extra support in your favour.

In any case you would be remembering the warning of the Universal Book, which is  ‘’Oh! You the believers, believe in Allah’’!…

Let us gather ourselves together!.. So long as we are at this level of belief, it is impossibble for us to have faith. On the other hand, the act of accusing means that we haven’t understood anything from all these !…

Especially, trying to find a proper cover for the accusations by using the name of  Hz.Rasul of Allah means to be living with incredible ignorance.

If one’s personality has a strong basis, then both the before and the after are the same for him..

Philosophy is the name given to a concept which takes as a base  the unity of the  principles. Unfortunately in the line of life, it cannot  be put in the place it deserves because of  the act of accusing..!!!

The humans should have to be tolerant and understanding while they are doing the things that they are responsible for.

This quality is one of the basic rules of  Islamic behaviour and manners. Turning this quality into a vendetta is not in accordance with the islamic and the humanistic philosophy.

In order to attain maturity with love, it is necessary that one’s conditions and needs are  known by  Allah.  This  has reached its peak in  Abraham a.s.  Mysticism knows him as a Nabi, who has deserved to be named as ‘’The Caliph of Allah’’.  Here, I want to talk about an event;

"In order to burn the Nabi Abraham , a very big heap of fire was prepared and he was thrown into it. Just at that moment a little bird appeared in the sky carrying in its mouth a tiny little dry branch and threw it into the fire. Then, Abraham aleyheselaam said to the bird : "You have thrown that tiny little waste, but what difference would it make for this big big fire?.."

The bird answered "It doesn’t matter, it will make it apparent that we are enemies"

After a little while another bird appeared with a drop of water in its mouth and left it on the fire. Hz. Abraham again asked: ‘You have left that tiny little drop, but what difference will it make for this big big fire?..’  The bird answered ‘It doesn’t matter, it will  make it apparent that we are friends.’

It is certain that the Absolute Creator has the means of living in the beings that he had created, not in himself.  The Absolute Creator gives to the ones that he wishes to give in the amounts that he likes. My humble prayer is to be together with those who continue their lives by remaining  beyond the understanding of  fossilisation, without deviating from what I know, without having false conjectures, without any regret and without turning back.

This is my philosohy!…

Ahmet F. Yuksel 
Londra - 17.02.2000