Our first essay about the ‘’Solar Eclipse’’ was published in the August ’99 issue of the monthly ‘’Yeni Dünya---The New World’’. We had prepared it together with astrolog Nuran Tuncel in the direction of the latest events. It was all about the ‘’The Solar Eclipse’’ and titled as ‘’Astro-Sun’’. There, we had written about the astronomical and astrological aspects of the eclipse and emphasized the point that on the day of the eclipse the expected Doomsday event would not take place.

The periodicals Popular Science (Popüler Bilim), Science and Technology Magazine (Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi) and the daily newspaper Radical (Radikal) refrained from publishing this article in which we had specifically emphasized that the astrological influences were such that they would be the means for re-structuring.

The eclipse joined the strong ‘’T’’ square of August 7th and brought along these days.


We are going to publish the detailed information on this subject next week. Meanwhile, we are wishing the best for our people who have remained in awe after having confronted such an event. May Allah decrease the grievances of those who have lost their close ones. May Allah bless those who were dead.

There is nothing else that we are capable to do.

The idea towrite weekly (every Friday) in this corner under the title ‘’The Day’s Chat’’ has come to my mind because of the following reasons.

If you wish I can explain them one by one:

In the first place, if I say ‘’the questions asked via the e-mail has pushed me towards this corner’’, then I would have told the truth. I have wished that you too may follow up the answers given to those interesting questions.

My second reason was…

I am frequently coming across the question’’Are your essays published contuniously in the press?’’. So, taking this opportunity let me explain…

I have some connections even though they are indirect with the press organisations.

These essays cannot be opened up in my web page before they are published in the press…

As a matter of fact, the reason of my show up in this corner was completely related to an event that has taken place right after Ramadan. At that time I had been asked to write once every week in the daily newspaper ‘’Akþam’’, but the General Publishing Manager stopped this at the last moment. His reason was that he would not be permitting the essays on Mysticism to be published in his newspaper apart from the month of Ramadan.

Writing in a specific corner is unfortunately a position which cannot be attained easily. Thinking that anyone who can hold a pen can do this would be naïve.

The newspaper ‘’Türkiye’’ consists of almost thirty pages including the ads. The permanent writers of this newspaper are exactly thirty two people, a number beyond your expectations… If we assume that each writer has a specific corner in the paper, then they would have the chance to write only every two days. As some basic names write every day, then based on this you may make your own comparison…

As on the stage having a beautiful voice is not enough, in a corner too only one sided qualifications are not sufficient.

In my opinion writing in itself is an art… Some people can speak wonderfully, but they cannot put onto paper what they have said… Some cannot talk so well, but they have a very good ability of writing. Having both of these together is another merit.

In addition to these there should be inborn talents/ talents from Allah. By this what I mean is a different way of productivity in thoughts… Following this fact, the talent of transferring what one has lived and thought in a balanced, non-critical way is really hard…

I do not have the abililties to write well, to speak well and to think in a different way.

Therefore, please excuse me if in my essays I push too hard on your limits of endurance!…

Hoping to meet you next week…

Remain well..

Ahmet F.Yuksel