Here is the story named rose garden.

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl living in a town. Rich, noble, handsome young men, knights, princesses coming frpm near by countries wanted to marry after seeing her but the beautiful girl turned them down all. A young man living in the same town rang the bell of this house but he was refused too. Years passed by…

This last candidate left the town, had children and earned money. And one day when he came back to his old town he learned that the beautiful girl was married. One morning, he wondered and watched that happy husband living the house. Fat, bold, very ugly man…

When the husband left, he rang the bell with a courage, introduced himself to this beauty and asked why she was married to a guy like this.

She told him:

Walk straight in the rose garden at the back of our house. If you bring me the best rose I will answer your question.

There are hundreds of roses in the garden. Look at the beauty of this yellow rose. But isn’t that red rose near by more beautiful. While he was moving his hand he saw the pink one and he changed his mind. Feeling indecision.

What about this buds! But which one! Don’t rush. Look at those! Stop, that one is more beautiful than this. While he realized that the garden has reached to an end. He broke off the last rose and brought it to the beauty because he couldn’t turn back.

A poor rose on a thin stem with faded leaves and witthered.

Did you see? Asked the beautiful woman. You accepted the worst while you were looking for more beautiful, better one.

The Rose Garden story is a good sample about:

To be happy in the mortal life one should whatch the others who have worse life standards then his or hers.

In the spiritual life this must be the reverse. One should target the peek point without feeling ambitious. feer. Freely.

Ahmet F.Yuksel
Ist, 17.03.2000