don’t mean to criticise the destroyal of
Buddha statues
in Afghanistan owing to the fact that there is no
place for images or a figures in Islam or to claim that the
archaic works which are accepted as a present of
the Western civilization
can only be protected
in the museums of the West.
I also
do not aim making many meaningless, exaggerated
criticisms and exploring the story
that how some of the works that are exhibited in those
museums were taken there.
Besides, I’ve never
thought about such a thing…
actual aim in writing this
article is about a Mystic data which I had come across
while I was touring in The British Museum with my
far as
I remember the command of the Hz.Rasul of Allah
this subject
was as follows:
angel does not enter a
house where there are pictures and statues…”
commenting on the
hadith, there are questions that
I ask to myself:
in the houses of the people and the communities who say
that they believe in Islam isn’t there any miniature
statue, a painting
of a landscape decorating the walls, the picture of
a loved one, a child, a parent or someone who is loved?
the country that is considered as the center of the Islam,
the pictures of the Kaabah and the King are hung on the
walls of the palaces and everywhere
else, isn’t that so?
an angel can’t enter a
house, then I
wonder how would the
angel of death, Azrael
end one’s life who is watching TV in his
home or lying
down sick, or healthy?..
the Koran and the Hadiths it is told that the angelic structures
are concious beings of
energy and
the whole universe is
from this so
to say yeast. We also learn that
because we cannot perceive with our senses even the
places which we accept as empty space are full of energy, in
other words the angelic structures.
We can learn these by means of
the explanations given by the contemporary science...
understand from
the following statement of
Ibn-I Arabi
that the conditions
under consideration had been discovered and observed centuries
ago “In
the universe there is not a
empty place as much as a span ”. To say it
short every reasonable space is covered by the angels. In
the light of this data the objective behind the statement
‘’the angels do not enter a house where there is
apicture and a statue’’points out another meaning and it is
completely related to form.
The angel or with the terminology of today,
the energy does not
have a specific form.
The important thing is
the formalism in the conscious
of the person and this should
be abolished. Otherwise,
it would be impossible to pass over to the angelic dimension and
it would be impossible for the concerned individual to benefit
from the angelic influences.
today, the fact that there is no picture of
the Rasul of Allah
anywhere and his image hasn’t
been reflected isn’t related to this subject, which we have
discussed above. It is related to
a totally different dimension.