Many stories have been
published in the newspapers and broadcasted in the tv channels
about the collapse of the wall in Berlin and these stories
made me to find other associations with the word wall .
However, I would like you to know that the
wall that I’m going to emphasize is not something like the
Berlin wall. The one that I think of is a wall which surrounds
one’s vision, prevents one from forming a relation/connection
with his essence, and it is like something which takes away
one’s freedom from his hands…
It is not so important for walls to separate
people of different nations, different religions and different
understandings. The serious/dangerous thing is that they make
the humans become strangers to each other, especially to their
own selves. There are such walls in the human brain that are
thicker and more stronger than the ones that have been built by
using bricks, cement, and prickly wires. They cannot be
knocked down easily and they stand straight for centuries long.
A collective knocking down of the physical
walls is based on the concept of freedom. However, this
concept can never come close to that abstract concept of freedom
which a self that knows itself in the real sense could have
As far as I can understand, freedom is to get
detached from all the bonds even from the bonds with one’s own
self. This is to be in a complete state of detachment from
everything accept one’s essence.
In spite of the fact that the consciousness
of the human being develops and expands all the time, he never
remembers that he is only a visitor in this world who is going
to stay here only for a certain period of time and the eternal
life is found only in the other life (life after death).
It is very difficult to knock down this level
of perception which prevents one from attaining his essence.
Although the individual himself had not formed this state and
built the walls on the path to his essence, he had to accept
the ones that came to him by inheritance.
Therefore, he isn’t furnished with the
necessary knowledge for knocking down/abolishing those walls.
Most probably, when he has to knock down a
wall this time he’ll have to confront one which he could never
think of. This wall looks as if it has been made of fog and/or
meat and it will divert him from the path that he wants to
follow. Another thing is that one may also not be aware of the
walls that the astrological influences are building for him.
One has to know very well about the walls
separating him from his essence which are the walls of the
conditionings, value judgements and interpretations/comments.
However, he never thinks that such a state would make him a
zombi/a functionless lazy creature, so he goes on living without
knowing about the walls built within himself.
If the senses which are accepted as one
of the biggest blessings that a person has are veiling the
objective of his existence, then they would be considered as
one of the most important walls. Also, Mawlana’s warning
‘’leave aside the five senses’’ is for avoiding strongly the
walls which can be an obstacle for the mental functions. Don’t
you think so?
Sometimes, the humans knock down the walls to
make their boundaries more safer. This process of knocking down
is nothing other than a plan that has been prepared stealthily.
It has a different purpose. According to this plan the one who
has prepared this would go from one side to the other whenever
he wants, but the one on the other side would be able to pass to
this side only with permission.
Mysticism defines as a veil/a curtain the
concept ‘’wall’’ which we use in our daily language as a
metaphor . This veil is the general name used for the wants,
the desires and the points of view that separate the individual
from Allah.
So long as the individual exists the biggest
veil would be himself.
The best example for this is the
conversation between Hz.Moses and Allah. The statement ‘’Oh!
Moses, you cannot see me’’ points out the veils/the walls
between Moses and his essence.
London, November 18th 2002