he day and the night, the two most natural themes of the system. They  are as if   the two  important  basic foundation stones of life which are opposite.  There is a lot of difference between them.
As every single thing exists with its opposites, then the question  ‘’If there wasn’t any night, then how would life would be like?’’ is meaningless.
However, the night is like the protector of the system which is being torn out rnadomly here and there.

Chaos and confusion are the mirror of  the day.  During the day one consumes all that he has while running after viscious fights in meaningless actions without knowing what to do in a state of
Confusion and in most cases he goes around as if he has lost his mind. Can you imagine how sad, how tiresome, how depressing and how discouraging this is ?
Now, I can hear you asking me
‘’Is this so bad? Is the night that good?’’…

The night is a symbol of  the life that the humans which are far from being ordinary lead:
The night is my time for reading and writing as it is the case with most of  us. The call of mysticism had been in during the night. The angels like to come down to the earth at night. One notices the voices that he cannot hear at other times much better at night. Those who  have made mistakes become aware of their mistakes better during the night.  All the whites swear to become brunette at night. The streets, the avenues can be seen better under the lights.
The night is the end point of  the line which gets thinner and fainter.
The human being can hold the pulse of   life better at night time and he can open partially the corners which hold the secrets of life.
It is easier to reach the depths of  culture at night time. The souls of  the cities wake up from their sleep after midnight.

The columnist thinks at night. A poet is much more lively in the darkness of the night, he is more fluent.  The philosphies, ideologies, dialogues of  tomorrow  become net and they have a clearer shape at night time.
The voices that come from your essence extend to the concrete at night. The most powerful  broadcasts that we know start after midnight.

At night,one acts with the sharpness of a radar and the sensitivity of  an owl.  The sound is  faster  and the eye sight is sharper.  The brain is cool and the distorting factors that have got hold of  it are all gone.  Now, it is all alone by itself. It is necessary to make good use of this.
Those who are sentimental can experience that their sentimentality increases during the night and the ones who are not sentimental feel lighter.  The fear and smell of the night is rather strange.

The night is a mirror for the missing points in a human being. All the things that exist in the universe get their share from the day and the night. However, those who are being addicted to the night perceive much more diffently…

The nature is a whole with the day and the night. The happiness and the sorrows are being shared by both. However, an idea which has uncertain and contradictory points becomes more transparent and clear at night time.

A scream that is heard in the middle of  the night forces one to be more awake.  The night makes more clear the meaning of  grief, despair, happiness, hearing the thunder and the feeling of  falling into the empty space.

During the night even those looks without pride fix their eyes up.  They make a tour in the heavens and have a taste of  the infinity. They can see the brightness of  the stars and the empty space in between them.

One of  the reasons for the success of  the individual is his love for the night.
I recommend that you too become one of those who love the night!…

Istanbul- August 21th 2001

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