can define time as ‘’a concept which is measured or
a certain period which can be measured and which does not
have spacial dimensions.
concept is of great importance from the point of philosophy,
however it is also within the scope of research in the
fields of math and
physics. The first important
relation of time is the relation that it has with the
physical world and the other one is its relation with the
thinkers have emphasized that time is a concept which is
difficult to define and they have handled
this concept (which cannot be explained in a simplified
form) in different ways. Most
probably one of the most important problems of our thought
history is time. When an individual can go beyond the thoughts,
perhaps he may then understand the concept of time much better.
However, this does not seem to be easy especially in
cases when one looks at life from a limited, narrow angle.
such a thing happen unless the human being who accepts himself
as a separate unit in that endless field called the thought(s)
sets himself free from his past and the
future (from the before and the after), from having lack
of insight, from
indecisiveness and from being inefficient ?
time show, open itself,
to the one who does not know how to make efficient use of
it, who does not have such a power to do this?
Is it possible?
course not!
such conditions, in such a state of mind it is prohibited for us
to catch the time and live it.
let us
take into consideration some other aspects of
this subject…
What is time and how is it lived?
is a speedy transformation in our lives and some sort of a
stationary, stable condition
beyond the sensory organs.
are perceiving the Universe within the frame of
time. Those who have been able to
solve the time are defining it by using the metaphor
‘’The Short History of
one of
the ancient Greek philosophers has accepted that time has
been created before the creation of
the spirit. Also, Aristotales (again a famous Greek
philosopher) has accepted that time is a measurement of
is the conditions that are liked or disliked. Time is the
circumstances. Time
is the value
judgements, Time is the culture, a point of view. Time is
variable and productive.
Time is belief. Time
is beyond the belief. Actually,
the human being is a tiny copy of
time. Time is conformity, adjustment, flexibility.
Time is the guide in cases of
is youth and old age. Time is sincerity, being open hearted,
telling the truth. Time
has accepted the duty of educating
the boastful people who do not know their limits.
cannot play tricks with time. We all live in
the hands of time
(we all live at the disposal of time). Time
is never a thing which we can dominate.
You wouldn’t be able to do this even if you want to
do so. It is sure that time gets transformed, but it does not
manifest itself (does
not let us notice it) for sure. However, from time to time you
can notice that it is in a state of absolute
is in cooperation with destiny. Anyone who makes friends with it
makes up a whole like
partners who are all the time together and
who share everything.
Destiny is on its journey to the final stop together with
time. Time
always takes away from us, however it gives back more than it
takes. The losses are compensated with its justice.
The universe has came into existence with time and it is
going to demolish with time again.
Even the infinite universe is nothing in comparison with
time, it becomes dimmer and dimmer and at last goes out.
you have any idea of competing/racing
with time please, give it up immediately. Perhaps you can
notice its grandeur. The one who cannot hold ‘’his own self/
his ego’’ in his hands, in other words who cannot dominate,
control himself can never know time.
only thing that time cannot change is LOVE.
The tricks, the plays of
time never
kill love. Perhaps time and love may disappear in a certain
dimension, however so long as they exist time can never have
superiority over love. As a matter
of fact,
these two always support each other.
is one of those who know Time very well, because love is
an expert in abolishing whatever is relative.
Love brings the individual close to the truth, the
reality. So, in
such a state it is very natural for the person to know it.
most wise thing to do is to be friends with time. Making up a
whole with time (even if it
is imitative) gives one the feeling of peace and serenity.
anyone who perceives the concept of time there isn’t any male
or female smell; there isn’t any concept of
sex difference.
and individual uses the statements with mystical origin such as
Allah, God consciously (being aware fully aware of their
meaning) and chooses the right one.
to a hadith narrated by Ebu Hureyre Hz.Mohammad had declared the
following regarding time:
human being torchers me!… He says ‘’Oh! You the dishonest
time.’’ Nobody should say ‘’dishonest time’’. There
is no doubt that I am the TIME!… I
am the one who changes the night into the day…’’
this hadith we should understand the word time used as something
which is not a synonym for the relative time and we should
understand it as a concept which points out the truth.
such a case, in order to know time
the human being should increase the power of
his/her brain.