measure is a word which we use very often and which also
expresses ‘’to balance, to weigh and to evaluate’’.
in order to perceive the accelerated developments in every field
it is necessary for one to be fully conscious and have
the ability of measuring.
This ability becomes clear and abvious
when the self that
has been furnished with the necessary knowledge, talent,
practicality, psychology and which can control
the social relations lives the universality.
will is not enough for meausuring. Moreover,
it can be said that goodwill
is a characteristics which makes meauserement difficult.
The statement ‘’The road going to Hell is paved with
the stones of good will’’ must have been said for indicating
this purpose… The act of measuring is related to the unity in
the functioning of the universe.
Another reference point for this quality is remaining and keeping cool.
does not mean that we are really measuring an object or an event
when we make subjective judgements about
the advancement trend of a concept which we cannot
control and whose limits we do not know
for the time being.
is an expression in the mystical sources which we come across
has created everything within a specific measure.’’
statement is directly related to destiny…
In short, the Creator has made what he has created to be
perceptible in the visible universe, in other words the created
being has been made obvious as a result of measurement.
However, this point has not been understood well who were left
outside of this measuring process.
The proof is as follows:
When Hz. Rasul of Allah said ‘’Everything has already
happenned and now
we are living what had already taken place and came to an
end’’ he got the following reply:-
to what extent are we interfering to what had already
a society, we tend to concentrate on the subjects of love and
sex, such that the individuals who are yearning for love start
accusing one another when the relation comes to an end.
All those insults, seperations, divorces, the endless
demands are a result of the inconsistency in the measurements;
don’t you think so?
can give countless other examples where we could not
measure and lead to judgements as ‘’beautiful, ugly,
in a way is reading the system and seeing what is ahead.
Within the system that
there is no such a thing as violating the norms and doing
whatever one is pleased to do. This is what the system means.
The Change
forces the humanbeing to measure.
you look carefully
you’ll see that one of the conditions that stops one from
measuring is death. Only a few people know this final end that has been
determined in the mother’s womb and which cannot be
one day less or more.
is measuring so important?
measurement indicates where to stop and where to be active.
people who cannot apply this fact are warned ‘’Do not go
beyond the measurement, beyond the limits’’
beyond the limits in one’s behaviour and
actions creates the gaps in the moral values and
The extravagant side of a person should be balanced with the
more mature and cautious side. It is not logical to expect a
child to behave in a controlled, measured manner.
In order to tell the child what he/she is lacking we say :-
‘’Are you going to stay as a child forever!’’ and we
keep on telling and repeating that he has to expand the limits
of his mind.
at the write time and place is related with the name ‘’BARÝ’’
(one of the 99 names of Allah) manifesting itself.
meaning of one name
will not become manifest alone, but as a composition. In this
respect the name
Bari must be together with
the names Semi, Basir and Settar.
the individuals who
can measure the life are going
on their way with caution.
September 6th 2000