admiration for him is solely the expression of
my weakness/helplessness.
This is the helplessness that
you know….
This is how a normal person feels when he is with him…
I am not talking about the incapability, the weakness which
expresses the position of a Universal Man who becomes aware of
the meanings that he cannot manifest in proportion to
those which he can manifest.
know it very well that by the things that I
put forth in order to tell
my deep love for him, I won’t be able to make any
contributions to him.
an endless sea shore. If you add just one grain of sand to this
shore, will the value of the shore increase?
Even thinking of such a thing is nonsense.
If I suggest such a
thing you would not take it into consideration and say
‘’Come on, this is not possible’’…
praising him, my concern with him is a thing like this (a grain
of sand in the endless shore).
Yet, I must still be concerned with him without getting
seperated from him and speak about my admiration for him.
shouldn’t I do this?… I
cannot see any reason to stop this…
a matter of fact I do not feel myself as
separate from him, as a separate being!.
Only One!
While I was looking at your face with astonished looks you used
to read my mind and say ‘’What kind of a thought is this;
how strange it is for one to hate oneself!’’…
you used to give me lots of advice and continued your words by
saying ‘’First of all you should learn how to be at peace
with yourself’’.
should be at peace and harmonious with your mind, your thoughts
and your body; you won’t be able to go anywhere by hating
hearing these I was always astonished …
powerful you are!…
Now, I understand you much better. During the times when you
were widespread, when you had made yourself felt there was no
place for very close individual relations. The friendships were
not important.
Because, there was only you.
It was impossible not to mention
Everybody used to look at you with admiring looks. Those who had
the courage and the power wanted to join you and those who
did not have enough courage and power sat on the outside
and could not say a word.
‘’Only One’’; you were rather strange!..
The Universe wanted to observe the existance through your
eye, but you observed yourself.
the places where you were present there wasn’t any place for
doubts and questions based on false suppositions such as
what Purpose?’’
wonder if ….?’’
was only a small package in the life coming from the infinity
and going to infinity.
your presence nobody thought about ‘’tomorrow’’,
everybody was
content with ‘’
‘’today’’. The
one who was content with what he had ‘’today’’
used to give it to another
who was not content with what he had
qualities which we named as ‘’humanly’’ were loosing
their value in your presence.
you the one who had said that the only representative, the only
species for the conscious being
was the human being ?
we perceived through your warnings that
having the manners of
Allah was
not the same as the prevailing understanding of manners in this
world and these two
did not have any relation with each other?
you the one who made us become aware of the fact that the most
important one among the qualities of the human being was knowing
one’s essence?
Weren’t you the one who told us that
the values such as good and bad,
ugly and beautiful,
dirty and clean,
right and wrong were only relative values for the human
being who is known
as ‘’the most noble among the created beings?’’
were the only person who said that nobody had the right to speak
in the name of Allah, and in those societies dominated by the
people who were speaking in the name of Allah, there wasn’t
any trace of freedom.
had informed us that the ego that was going at full speed ahead
would loose at the end.
did not have people gathered around
you. You also did not have any followers, in front of
you, behind you nor on your side.
There wasn’t another you other than you yourself.
You did not have another aspect also. As far as I know,
your variability was not the change that you yourself
never accused anyone. You did not have any reason for
accusing anyone.
Your love would climb to such heights and it was lived in such a
way that the lover got
lost in the loved one and the loved one started to exist in the
Your love did not accept any enemies.
were not far off, beyond reach and the people were very happy.
They were filled with you and they lived you. All the
contradictions were abolished when together with you. It was
only possible to overcome the problems with you.
In short, the exhaling could be possible with you.
have always
tried to describe you as the wind, as a cloud,
as a ray of light. That
was a description without any shape, without any limitation,
without an end, that was a description according to me…
The only thing that I knew about you was that you did not have
any limits, any borders, any finishing lines.
The only thing that I wished was to be the
Only One like you.
Only One, at your presence there
were not any faults.
When someone lived you
he did not have any colour. At your presence there
wasn’t any duality, any differences.
were so obvious that there could not be anyone
to complain to others or to tell you about others.
would like to speak about a feeling which should be left outside
those beautiful things, the big words by which I try to remember
and mention you, but end up with failure.
This feeling is gossip…
However, gossip is the daily practice of the individual like
inhaling and exhaling…
According to some it is the basis of thepersonality. Some
thinkers accept gossip as the oldest behaviour type
on the world.
Aren’t you telling that even intelligence, wisdom take their
start from gossip?
Why, so many human beings have become the soldier of
gossip and now why have they ended up being addicted to
you were here, you did not give way to gossip; nobody could say
any intriguing word.
Only One, at those times while you were like a tornado, nobody
felt offended by you; moreover they tried to express their
loyalty to you.
were a whole.
was only you who was present;
showed himself in evey place, who made his existance felt.
you put a veil over your face in order not to be recognized?
those who see you like this, those who have
known you only a little bit are in great sorrow…
neither the words of Hallac ‘’enel
hak’’, nor Arabi’s
words ‘’the god which you are worshipping is beneath
my feet’’ do not give anything to the individuals.
words of Hz. Rasul
of Allah ‘’people are asleep’’ do not seem to reach the
are somethings that reach, but I really am reluctant to tell
the ‘’hidden treasure’’ is watching/observing the
universes with the quality which he considered as proper for
17th 2000