Productivity is an art. It is the art of being able to pass beyond the horizon and know/understand the aim of existence. Millions of people are longing for this and it is this phenomena which prevents the appearance of thinkers who only passes over to others (transfers what he hears or reads).   It is possible to search and find this fact behind every activity that makes people happy.

The actions of the people who possess the attribute of being productive do not accept any limits.  As you would appreciate, a creative brain comes out with very different results. In the social life the creative person never submits to the influential people and to those who are the criers for the magazines and fashion.  If a person doesn’t have the yeast for creation in his store of ideas, then we can’t think that he would be able to reach a fact like “Re -Birth” and perceive it. Those people who want to find definite solutions for an event, for a problem have to produce. 

Unfortunately, only a certain group of people are trying to form a global world and keep it alive. The rest are on the way to wasting their brain which is their heritage for useless things.
Globalisation is a concept which is directly related to production.

However, unproductivity looks as if it can prevent and form a resistance against being global.
In other words, only a very small scale of people are productive. They make evaluations, they are active all the time and make advancements,. However, the majority, that is to say the ones who could not get hold of the development line are living by the leftovers from the first group.  They don’t even care about this shameful condition. On the one hand they have lots of expectations and on the other hand nobody among them thinks about making new advancements, productions and nobody wants to know/understand himself. He also can’t go to the roots of this passivity and unproductivity becomes the outcome of   not being able to know oneself.
Why was the improvement of the developed ones delayed?

Why are the ones who have not improved in this condition?  Here, the answers of all these questions are found in lack of production.
As in every field, production has a great importance in mysticism.  For example, in the Koran – al Karim Allah wants a dynamic mind that is in a continuous state of thinking  and production instead of a static one (Bakara, 44, 73).
However, the reality is that life has reached a static state and the lack of production in the thoughts, the ideas has reached its maximum limits.  The social problems, the depressions along with the rebel of the individual, his confused state of mind, the lack of adaptability are all a clear proof for this.
In the society, the individuals who cannot conform to the rapid changes, who cannot produce, who cannot improve themselves are being dragged into imitative behaviour and disaster. Beneath all these there lies unproductivity.
The state of being unproductive is one of the most important factors, maybe the first factor, disrupting the harmony in the society  and a hindrance in the  formation of  a healthy society.

Allah’s representative Hz. Mohammed (s.a.v) says, “Who lives two identical days days is not from of us”.  By saying so he invites the people to make new challenges. Also the great  Islamic mystic Mawlana shows the way to humanity about being productive  by  his words that say “My dear, yesterday has been left in yesterday (in the past ), today it is necessary  to find new things”.

On the other hand when the brain cannot work efficiently, in other words its being close to production drags a person to malnutrition which may result in having insomnia, headaches, perspiration, constipation, high blood pressure, even tachycardia and damage in the valves of the heart.

Besides, it may cause unwanted mental changes, such as depression and nervousness.

Today, production has become a cultural fact, but  in the analysis made for the purpose of criticising if there is a lack of production, then it  is impossible  to mention  the  existence of a fight for the same subject. It is necessary to make the diagnosis very well and   lance it accordingly…

However, unfortunately we don’t have such a skill!…

Istanbul, October 23rd 2001

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