A famous man of religion who is accepted in general all over Turkey has become the center of negative attraction because of  his ideas expressed in his talks and writings with his special style.
Among them one of the most important was undoubtedly  the explanation regarding ‘’the naked one who warns’’  which had a considerable impact.
There were so many reactions for this statement that in the end he was full of regret. However, he started to defend himself strongly and while doing so he was paradoxical.
Meanwhile I have to say that ý do not have any intention for making comments on his statements such as :
‘’You the clowns.’’
‘’Yes, I am the one to watn you.’’
‘’I am not interested in foolish talk. I  cannot be flattered, I am already fed up with such things.’’
‘’Aziz Nesin has also warned. There isn’t any secrecy in warning.’’
‘’The position of being a prophet has come to an end. It is impossibble to speak of  individuals as the Mahdi.’’
‘’Among the principles of  Amentü, there isn’t a statement for destiny.’’...
All of  these statements can be the subject of a different essay.
Criticizing a man of religion is contradictory to the objective which I have been made to exist.
However, with  the above kind of  speech it seems as if he has entered a one way road where it is impossible to return back.
Like in every subject, in religion too the believers should prefer to take the middle road and take their place among the universal values.
An Arabic man said to Hz.Ali who had the praise of Hz.Rasul of Allah, who was the  king of the sainthood and who had been recommended to approach  Allah with his mind :-
‘’Well, you are working very much, but if there isn’t any after life realm, then wouldn’t your works would be useless?’’
Hz. Ali’s answer was as follows:-
‘’What if there is an afterlife realm!...’’
This short answer is a wonderful example for us that explains so many things and shows us how to look at the subjects and the events. Don’t you think so??
I wish that this gentleman should stop himself from being a potential danger and bring himself to a better plain and be helpful to the people.
As a matter of ffact being trustworthy is a very important quality.
With the coming of a new year all of us are getting older... We must never forget to pierce ourselves with the big packing needle and pplace the small needle to the others.
It is very useful to be mature and be perfect.
I wish to all of my readers a new millennium which would be full of health, blessings and free from any troubles.
Hoping to meet you in the new year which has many of the number ‘’zero’’.
Be entrusted to Allah...

Ahmet F.Yuksel