ou!., you are the HUMAN being …
who loves everybody  without discrimination, 
who is not  offensive, 
who is eager  to help others, 
who is free from any kind of  prejudice, 
who looks at the events with foresight, 
who does not gossip, 
who prefers to live alone, 
who is modest and not assertive,
who only thinks  about being good, 
who likes to share,
who does not regard some people as enemies 
who gives a helping hand  to someone eventhough he  has been ungrateful….

You have perceived the warning that universality (being universal) can only be through change, and you have been able to change; you have been able to make an inventory of life and you could give a direction to your life accordingly.
You have accepted your wrongs and you could review your value judgements.

You have been able to get  lessons from the whirlpools of  life.  You  have never tried to teach anyone a lesson, instead of this  you, yourself  have learned to take a lesson. You did not  create a priviledged position for yourself  by noticing  the deficiencies in  any of Allah's creation. You did not criticize anyone hastily, roughly.

However, you have tasted abundantly the freedom of criticizing yourself. 
You could manage to hug the ones who criticized you, regarded you as inferior and who admitted your righteousness even after so many years with the same excitement that you had  the first time. You have believed that people complete each other.
You have got hold of  the hands that were ignored by others;  you knew how to share with them  the things that would in  the end come back and be harmful to  you just to let them live this happiness.
You did not pay  attention to the strict orders and you have  never forgotten even for a moment that you are existing only for Allah.
You could manage to stand while you were wanted to be dragged along on the ground (while others wanted wanted to let you down). In the circumstances  where fear was ruling, your realisation/perception has never got torn into pieces.

Before,  if  you had been told that you were going to live such strange/interesting things like these, most probably you wouldn’t have  believed. However,  you knew how to accept the things  with a mature attitude which made other people disbelieve their eyes and ears.  You
did not quarrel  with anyone,  gossipped from behind, and regarded others
as inferior by attributing some superior qualities to yourself. Even in the simplest conversation you have faced those with a smiling expression who were being extravagant because some things were against their benefits and you calmed them down.
You only wanted to make your inborn composition to have  the manners of  Allah. You did not want anything else. You even did not look with the  corner of  your eye to the ones who attacked and disturbed their surroundings. However, you haven't praised or honoured  anyone (for flattery). It is important to know well the  qualities that you possess for warning.

YOU; you are living your own self ,  not the helplessness….
I saw you, I met you, I knew you and I lived you. You have been good for my soul.
You have brought  colour and optimism to  my life which indeed have any chance for improvement…  Moreover, you have set me FREE. To know you has brought me happiness. I owe you much. I have understood very well that you never  contribute to a process in which  man or his 
character will become  cheaper. Salute  to you and to the one who has your manners/morals ….!

Istanbul- August 13th 2001

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