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In the second of the essays titled as ‘’Astro’’, I want to talk about the properties of the sun, about its effects which we do not bother to think, about its astrological and astronomical aspects and along with these about its other qualities....

In the line starting from Rene Descartes extending to Laplace and Emmanuel Kant; all the theories of these scientists generally state that the Sun does not have a mass in terms material mass, but has been made up of a nebulous following a certain period of compression. While looking at these we also are keeping in mind the disputes that have been made about the details ...

The Sun is a mass of energy made by the condensation of hydrogen atoms. It has a very high level of heat therefore, when it is transforming its hydrogen into helium there is a continuous release of energy. Due to its structure it is spreading out radiation from which our earth is also getting its share.

The cosmic rays that reach the earth cause a disturbance in the radio broadcasts by effecting the short wave, thus they hinder us from listening to the programmes in the short wave.

However, at night time it becomes easier to catch the short wave channels in the radio, because the world has turned around and the sun has remained at the back part and the rays cannot effect the waves in the space.

Is it possible that the rays of the sun can have an effect on our brains which is similar to the micro chips of the computer?... The answer to this question should be ‘’yes’’. During the day time, our brain cannot evaluate the cosmic meanings/expressions because it is effected by the magnetic field of the Sun. However, at night time when the world turns its back to the Sun our brains work more efficiently and can think in a much better way. The brain can evaluate the problems which it couldn’t solve or couldn’t handle during the day time much more clearly.

Even our imagination works much better. For this reason many thinkers, authors, and scientists have preferred to work during the night. The hard working students, who through their experience have grasped the productivity during the night time, choose to study when it is dark. This is due to the fact that the disturbing waves coming from the Sun become much more lesser at night...

The Sun warms us, we all long for the summer to come when the Sun can be seen for a longer time period; in short the Sun is the cause of liveliness in everything. Its sphere of influence spreads out everywhere. All the living things on our earth, the metals and the plants even the waters take their life energy from the Sun. With its power of attraction it has gathered around itself the planets, the celestial bodies and made up a system. The ancient belief that the earth was the center and the world was turning around itself had been demolished in 1543 after Copernicus had published his famous revolutionary work ‘’De Revolutionibus Orbium Caelestium’’. Now, the Sun is a silent principal star. In the far future the changes in its own structure will in a way bring everything to an end.

In the science of Astrology the Sun represents the realisation, the will and the power. In a personal astrological chart the Sun indicates the power, the person’s capacity to influence others, his self confidence, and his ability to attract others. It is the basic energy model of the physical body as well as its structure made up of light waves. Once every year the Sun passes through your own sign. That time is like the new year for the people. With this energy you become more lively, you can make new beginnings, and you become more striking.

When the Sun passes through the opposite sign there is a decrease in energy, you may feel tired, fed up, and you are reluctant to do anything. The tendency for laziness increases...

As you know, the 21st of March is the day of Nevruz (New Year’s day). On this day the Sun enters the sign Aries. This is a period when the new things take a start, the plants start to have their buds, the liveliness increases, and it is a time of productivity. All of these are the result of the influences which the Sun has over the world.

Another important point which we are going to mention here is the event of the eclipse.

With respect to the positions that the trio Sun-Moon-Earth take among each other the eclipse is formed. During the phase of the New Moon, the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, in this way the solar eclipse is formed. At this time the Moon, Sun and and the Earth are on the same straight direction. The moon takes the energy of the Sun and reflects it from its side.

This position is influential at least for fifteen days, in most cases its influences last for a longer period of time.

From the Astrological point of view, the Eclipse of the Sun is considered as a period when the seeds for sorrowful events are planted, when crises and depressive events occur. Also, we may become frustrated because of the changes that take place in our lives, there may be surprising developments which make us excited, due to the fact that the unconscious mind is trigerred the insight, the intuition increases. When there is a whole eclipse of the Sun it is possible that the there is a change in the weather conditions as well as the change in the behaviour of living things.

The Eclipses in a way make a revival of the past, and bring forth the events that have been lived before. If, there is an eclipse close to the placement of the Sun in your natal chart or exactly over your Sun, it indicates that you have to deal again with old matters and prepare yourself for changes which you would not like.

On Wednesday, August 11th 1999 a total eclipse of the Sun is expected on the 18th degree of the sun sign Leo. The authorities are stating that it will be observed in the best way from Turkey, in spite of the fact that it could be observed from other parts of the world too.

The eclipse will start in England at 12:30 p.m. (Turkish local time), then from 14:20 p.m. it will go to the Black Sea (the city of Bartýn), then will extend to the Southeast of Turkey towards the direction of (Diyarbakýr-Cizre).

When we are entering the age of the Millennium, we wish that the last eclipse of this century may be blessed for all of us, may help to serve our nation and the World peace, and wish you a pleasant observation...

(Author) Ahmet F. Yuksel  - (Astrologer) Nuran Tuncel 

The General Cultural Encyclopedia for the
Development of Science and Universe.


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