About fasting the Chapter of  Al-Baqara (The Cow) says the following in the verses 183-184 and 185:-

183.O, you who believe! Fasting (to refrain from eating, to abstain from indulgence, to refrain from gossip) has been prescribed to you as it has been done to the ones before you. It is hoped that you may be protected in this way.

184.  Fasting is for a fixed number of days. Whoever among you is ill or who is on a journey he needs to make up for those days (he should fast for the same number of  days on other days). For those who have limited strength for fasting and who can afford it is a ransom. The ransom is to feed the  one who is indigent. Who gives away more, then he has much more blessings.   And if you may know fasting is more blessed (than giving the ransom).

185. The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur’an as a guide as Huda (the knowledge, the science about the essence, oneness) and as clear, open verses, evidence from the FURKAN (the science,  about the distinction and the explanation in detail)  Whoever among you witnesses this ‘month’, he should fast.   Whoever is ill or on a journey he should fast the same number of  days later on other days.  Allah, desires ease for you  /as you yourself and does not desire difficulty  for you..  Allah desires that you complete those number of  days and exalt the greatness of  Allah  for having guided you. It is hoped that you are thankful and grateful.
As can be understood from these verses, fasting is a universal prayer and all the Muslims are responsible for performing it.   At the same time, it has been made a pillar for the communities before us (the Muslims)  just like the salaat. As it has been stated in the 185th verse of  the Chapter of the Baqara the fasting days which are a pillar are within the month of Ramadan.   The other fasts are like the  freely performed prayers. 

However, please do not consider  these prayers as unnecessary, useless, because they are not compulsory.   In the end they make you ride the carriage of   contemplation/ deep thinking. 

The ones who are unable to fast due to reasons of illness or travel, then they can make up for the number of days on which they could not fast  on other days.

The ones for whom the process of fasting will be difficult, then they may pay a ransom to compensate for it, because the 185th verse says  ‘’Allah wants the easiness for you and not the difficulties’’.

Those who are considered within this category are the ones who are old,  the ones who suffer from illnesses with no cure such as diabetes, heart problems and ulcer.   However, to runaway from fasting by very simple reasons and trying to find shelter  in excuses such as an illness is not appropriate for the individual of  Islam.   Therefore,  every individual unit   should question himself by referring to his conscious and he should not refrain from fasting by small excuses and rumors.

I think I do not have to repeat that fasting does not only mean to remain hungry and it is not limited by this concept as well.  It should be supported by prayers such as the salaat and the zhikr and these activities spread all over the brain as well as the body.   

Most probably, the believers have started  the necessary practices  or they are doing them all the time.   Personally, I regard such practices as an important step in leaving aside the worldly values and wish deep from my heart   that this attitude continues after the month of Ramadan too.

Meanwhile, I would like to point out something which I think is important.  We, the humans do not understand anything.   To understand means to hear, to sense by means of intuition, to learn.  Let me try to express once again :-  Both fasting and the salaat are in relation with the movements of  the sun and the moon and they are not aimed for pleasing a god  (high above).  Please, accept this fact.  This is the reason why Allah’s Rasul is giving the instruction  ‘’Start fasting when you see the Moon and finish fasting when you see the Moon.’’ 

The technical explanation for this is as follows:  the new moon is the time for new beginnings.  During this time the energy is high and the liveliness, willingness increases.  This factor leads to success and riches. The intuition is  high as well.

The time of the full moon is the culmination point.  One is filled with energy and motivation. Following the full moon phase, the culmination,   the moon starts to come down, so  the high energies start to be more calm. One is silent, cool, weak and unwilling.

The image is mature and serious.  This period is the time to go downwards to the unconscious and hide the feelings.  All of  these values are related to the ending of  the month. If you examine carefully the fasting completes its function when your energy is almost finished. 

My dear friends,

The Rasul of Allah emphasizes that Ramadan is a month for blessings, because the dark state of  the hopeless people living on our planet are plunged into light.

I am saying  ‘’May the month of Ramadan be blessed for you’’.

Remain with love and may you be entrusted to Allah.

Istanbul, September 23rd 2006

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