In general it is said that there is no place in our lives for feelings  and the decisions are based completely on the logic of  cold, self benefiting  calculations and power balances.

When the accusations about being emotional reach interesting points, the concept which can stop this or slow it down is death, which  is impossible to overlook.

When we witness the actions of  someone whom we believe,  even if  we do not know his life, we can classify his actions as logical or emotional etc.  When we are making such  decisions, are we aware of the fact that we are doing this without bothering to think about the reasons on which that person had based his behaviour???

The first step that people take for  creating any  theory is named as ‘’logic’’.

People are not always born with logic in their brains or in their genes.

Logic is the systematic form that the general  basic rules of  universality which  are  reflected onto the human mind take.

The reasons which push the individual towards logic could be based on  genetics or they could be related to the chromosomes. However, what we observe depends on our sectional perceptory devices and the way we approach the materialistic activities.

The relations, too are not  promenades which we can turn off  whenever we wish.

Today, an activity in the fields which are not accepted as logical, in other words an action which is dominated by the feelings, falls further away from its purpose against the  concepts which are developed by science. Therefore, it becomes unable to  protect itself.

Personal opinions and the interaction between the individuals cover up the absolute logic.  Therefore, the individual arranges his behaviour according to his feelings. We can see that there are only a few people who can go beyond  these characteristics.

In the universal plan, the feelings  have their origins in the generation, in other words their roots start from this point. Therefore, this gives rise to the thought that the feelings  are considered  primitive by those whose thinking is based on logic.

As the primitive tribes are forced to be contemporary through the mind, the feelings too should be considered within the same context and they should be invited for universality in connection with the logic.

The important thing is to provocate the truth and make it manifest itself.

If, the state of  being emotional continues, then the disorder in the chemical composition of the physical body makes it necessary  to consult the science of  neurology and pyschology. Apart from the exceptions, all the feelings since the birth of the individual remain valid and they increase as the person grows older.  Taking this point into consideration we believe that the organisations which are working in this field are very useful.

However, this disorder named as emotionality should be stopped and demolished  by the individual’s own logic or   it should be fixed at a certain stage  permanently without letting it to get any further.

In  logical versus emotional functions, it  should be understood that the important factors which enable  the mind to continue with its activities other than the brain are the genetic factors, the relation with the brain and the physical body, the brain-spirit relation and the relations with the environment.

Ahmet F.Yuksel
Istanbul - March 5th 2000