"In fact, space is not something which exists, but it is a kind of phenemenon, an arrangement which roots from the essence of the existence by emerges outwards, and the Time is the communication which is placed in that arrangement." By adhering to this understanding. we can consider the time as a mysterious phenemenon as well as a continuous movement showing that the present is passed. It has been our customary habit to say these idiomatic expressions such as “Time is not that time anymore” and ”Being able to keep up with time” all of which shows the reflections of the same way of thinking. We can never be able to determine for sure where exactly we are placed in it. The fact that the universe was created some fifteen billion years ago by means of a big explosion called the “Big Bang” does not even explain the beginning of time. Hawking has mentioned about this relativity in his book called “A Brief History Of Time”. Yes, in fact, time is a concept that continuously carries on flowing and is not dependent on any specific measurements. The people with the knowledge of philosophy of Sufism have arrived to the point where the science has come so long ago, they began to evaluate and perceive a ‘Moment’ and have given the name TIME to its detailed explanation. Altering its state by being dependant on the observer, this concept is subject to an extensive change in human’s body, meaning that life is remembered as periods such as babyhood, youthfulness or oldness. For some reason, babyhood years are most cherished, but nobody is interested to know about the old age. However, this is the law of the nature. If the activity in the human body is taken into account, it will become evident that the moment the signs of ageing has begun, this period will be the most difficult and painful stage of life. But, it is impossible to turn what flows to the opposite direction. Schopenhauer explained about this reality in his words: “The worst part in being old is to be young” In my opinion he wanted to say this: “My mind is young and I have a healthy and sound judgement, but my body does not agree with my mind and I still feel myself at the age I found myself. So, while evaluating the incidents during the course of life, the question lies in being unable to adjust the age of the mind with the age of the body. Actually, if one of the reasons why old people like the young people is physiological, another important and fundemental reason is related to the dimension of time. The idea that they want to be with young people stems from the desire that under their conscious mind, they want to live the “Moment”. This is the reason why they wish to get along with each other. However, I am still in favour of the idea that the concepts known as, Time-Existence-Age should be considered in their own contexts. Make sure that time’s movement does not blind you. Looking forward to seeing you next week. Ahmet F. Yuksel