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101- "What my followers have said for their own egos (nafs) is being forgiven, unless it has been put into the mouths or into practice."

Hz. Mohammad

102- "Four things have been made of the treasure lies below Arþ-ý Azam (the throne of God). Namely; the surahs of Faatiha, Ayetel Kürsi, Amenerresulihi and Inna A’teyna."

Hz. Mohammad

103- "Have mercy for those on earth, so that the one in the heavens will have mercy on you."

Hz. Mohammad

104- "Those who get carried away with the allegories in the chapters of the Koran are the ones who are also named in the Koran as ‘’from whom Allah keeps away."

Hz. Mohammad

105- "When Allah brings down torment to a tribe, it hits everybody among the tribe. Later, they get resurrected with respect to their deeds."

Hz. Mohammad

106- "When you are jealous, do not exaggerate it, when you have an opinion full of suspect do not investigate it; if you have a sense of mischief for anything leave that feeling aside and have confidence in Allah with trust."


107- "When the curse comes out of the mouth of its owner if it finds a way it goes to the person to whom it has been directed, otherwise returns back to the person from whom it has come."

Hz. Mohammad

108- "Accept the invitation of your brother, because you may be in two different positions for him. Either he’ll be acting on good and you deserve to be present at that place, or he is on evil and you will be stopping him from that and order him with the good."

Hz. Mohammad

109- "There isn’t a big sin in the world other than being stupid."

Oscar Wilde

110- "If Allah loves one of his people, then he makes them get addicted to something, so that he can hear the person pray."

Hz. Mohammad

111- "The question arises from the knowledge, so does the answer.’’

Hz. Mawlana

112- "I prefer to understand the reason of anything to being a king."


113- "Keep yourselves away from the denials of those who have reached the blessings and the riches."

Hz. Mohammad

114- "There isn’t any living thing possessing a nafs (soul/ego) over whom 100 years have passed."

Hz. Mohammad

115- "Only calm water reflects the stars."

Chinese saying

116- "Whoever becomes happy when Allah’s servants remain standing for him, should prepare himself for a house from fire."

Hz. Mohammad

117- "If there is any evil/ill-luck, then it is in the woman, in the horse and in the house."

Hz. Mohammad

118- "If the shoe lace of anyone of you is thorn apart, then he shouldn’t walk with the other shoe unless he has repaired the first one."

Hz. Mohammad

119-"The one who is attributing a lie to me should prepare himself for a bed of fire."

Hz. Mohammad

120- "There are so many images between us and the world, between us and the other people, even between us and ourselves."

Michel Buton

121- "The stone does not kill the prey, does not perish the enemy, it only damages the eye and breaks the teeth."

Hz. Mohammad

122- "Do not attribute any ill thinking, it is a polytheist behaviour; there is no one among us to whom this polytheism has not got closer. Only with trust and confidence Allah will make it go away."


123- "Oh! you the ladies; beware of the scream of the devil. The tear that comes from the eye is from Allah and because of compassion. That, which is done by the hand and the tongue is from devil."


124- "When the black flags become visible, discord preceeds them, then corruption comes and the end is infidelity."


125- "The one who is carrying a pistol against us is not from us."


126- "Oh dear! First of all get rid of the evil that comes from the mouse, then try your best to accumulate wheat."


127- "To be afraid of science means that the religion is underestimating the God which is like committing suicide."


128- "When you are in a mood of false perceptions, repeat the affirmation ‘Allah is akbar’’ (Allah is great) for three times. Because the believer can feel this sensitivity."

Hz. Mohammad

129- "The soul of the human being is like an oil lamp, science is like its light and the divine wisdom is like the oil of the lamp. If it burns and gives light, then you are called 'alive'."

Ibn-I Sina

130- "If someone has two faces in the world (i.e. a hypocrat), then on the doomsday he’ll have two tongues made of fire."

Hz. Mohammad

131- "At night, when you hear the crowing of the cocks request from the grant of Allah, because they have seen an angel. At night, when you hear the bray of the donkeys, then take shelter in Allah from the evil of the Satan, because they have seen a devil."

Hz. Mohammad

132- "We have come to this world not to be understood, but for understanding."

J.Ernest Renan

133- "The believer can not be beaten from the same point (examined with the same trouble) twice."


134- "When Allah wants to take the life of one of his people, then Hu creates a need for that person in that place."


135- "The most blessed of the places for sitting/living is the one which is the most spacious."


136- "Your heads are round to enable your thoughts to change their directions."

Francis Picabia

137- "A scratched diamond is better than a non-scratched pebble-stone."


138- "Before getting any permission whoever fills his eyes with the details of a house, has really become immoral (wicked)."

Hz. Mohammad

139- "Everyone goes to Heaven by his own way."

The Great Frederick

140- "The whole of the earth has been made a temple for my people."

Hz. Mohammad

141- "My wish is so great that a salaat of two genuflections is not enough."

Mohammad Ýkbal

142- "My prayer is my life."


143- "The real prayer is what is being felt."


144- "In the last epoch, there’ll be such a tribe that they’ll dye their feathers (hair) in black like the stomach of a pigeon. So, these are the people who will not be able to smell the scent of Heaven."

Hz. Mohammad

145- Tawhid/Unity is to live and practice equally the idea of making similarities and the idea stating that Allah is far more greater than one thinks.

Ahmed Hulûsi

146- "If 40 big jars are put on one another starting from the ground going up towards the sky and if one of them from the middle is pulled away, then you should hear the roar."

Yunus Emre

147- "To say ‘’I wish I had....’’ is polytheism, whereas to regret is a curse."

Ahmed Hulûsi

148- "We are like a breast carrying milk. We give milk depending on the hand which pulls it for milking."

Hz. Mawlana

149- "If someone says that 'love' is 'craziness', then let him eternally be unaware of the secret of life ."

Mohammad Ikbal

150- "We have come to this Universe to transfer Allah’s grace to those who did not have a share of the grace. We have nothing else to do."

Hz. Mohammad

151- "It is not proper for a nomad to be a witness for a man living in the city."

Hz. Mohammad

152- "Obeying women is being regretful."

Hz. Mohammad

153- “The mother of all the idols is the idol of nafs (soul/ego) .”

Hz. Mewlana

154- "Your tongue is repeating the prayers continuously, but, what about the purity of Mustafa (the chosen one, the title of Hz. Mohammad)?"

Hz. Mawlana

155- "To repeat the words does not mean to live/experience."


156- "The mischief in the house is in the woman and the horse"


157-"After me, I have not left a discord for men more harmful than the woman."


!58- "Have the morality of Allah."


159- "The people of Hell have been shown to me, most of them were women.’’


160- "When a spike penetrates into someone’s foot on the east end of the world, the one on the west end will hear it."


161- "He, who keeps silent when it is necessary to speak of Haqq is a devil without a tongue."


162- "I have seen so many dresses in which there were no men (humans) and so many men (humans) who do not have any clothing."


163- "A nation which leaves its affairs to a woman will never reach prosperity (it can neither be saved nor helped)."


164- "If there hadn’t been Eve, woman would have been unfaithful to her husband. If there hadn’t been the sons of Israel, the meat which stayed long would not have gone sour."

Hz. Mohammad

165- "If our drinking bowl is small, then we have no right to accuse the vast ocean."


166- "If a man cannot make the account of his past covering three thousand years, he is a man who is living daily."


167- " The indication of ignorance in a person is his being unjust and how deep his belief in tragedy is."

Richard Bach

168- "The Master calls as ‘’butterfly’’ what the caterpillar has called as ‘’the end of the world.’’

Richard Bach

169- "Everything is beloved, the lover is a veil. The one who is living is beloved, whereas the lover is dead."


170- "The first sin is to limit what is already existing."

Richard Bach

171- "The truth likes to walk naked."

German Proverb

172- "The mother of the rose is the spine."


173- "The ink of the knowledge is more sacred than the blood of the martyr."


174- "’The world is like yellow amber, it attracts all the hay; however the wheat with the substance has saved itself from the attraction of the yellow amber."


175- "To think is to see."


176- "The man lives in the universe as long as he dreams/imagines."

Yahya Kemal

177- "The development of the man is from inside towards the outside."


178- "Do not be the slave of the words."

Thomas Carlyle

179- "From whom are we running away, from ourselves? What an impossible thing!

From whom are we grasping and saving? From Haqq? What a useless effort!"


180- "If you pour the sea into an earthenware jug, how much would it take? Its share of one day only..."


181- "The quality of the universe which is the most impossible to understand is that its being understandable."


182- "Even if you overlook them willingly, the realities continue to exist."

Aldoux Huxley

183- "The conditions do not change, but we change."

Henry David Thoreau

184- "The reality, calls to us decorated with the sincere smile of a child or the kiss of a lover; but we shut the door of the love to its face and treat the reality as if it were an enemy."

Halil Cibran

185- "At first, the chain of the habits is so light that it can rarely be felt, but later on it becomes so powerful that it becomes impossible to break them.!"

Benjamin Disraeli

186- "My heart has reached the state to accept all the images,

It became similar to the pasture of the deers, similar to the monastery of the monks,

My heart has become like a temple for the idols, like the Kaabah of those who are turning around it in

Turns counted seven by seven,

It has become like the plates of the Old Testament, the pages of the Koran.

I belong to the Religion of Love,

I go to the direction wherever my carriage takes me, my religion and my belief are all there."

Muhiddin-i Arabi

187- "The charity given touches the hand of Rahman/Allah before it falls into the hands of the one who has asked for it."


188-  "Be careful, everything apart from Allah is superstition."


189- "There was Allah, and nothing else together with Allah."


190- "The one who knows himself knows his Lord."


191- "There is no doubt that your Lord is not deaf or invisible. Your Lord is in between the heads of the saddles put on the camels which you ride."


192- "When one of you starts performing the salaat, only then he can barely apply to his Lord.

Because, the Lord of this person is between the qýblah and himself."


193- "The one who has seen me has seen Haqq."


194- "I am finding the breath of the Rahman in the direction of Yemen."


195- "Make me a witness of the Oneness of Your Existence."

Muhiddin-i Arabi

196- "What has remained forever in this dome was a nice echo."


197- "Gentleman! The divinity is neither with the raft nor with the wealth, it is only with perfection."

Esat Muhlis Paþa

198- "There is no help which can change the termination of the predestined moment of one’s life."

French Proverb

199- "The wolf loves the smoky weather."

French Proverb

200- "If I spit down there is my beard, if I spit up there is my moustache."

French Proverb


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