In the year 2009 there are new excitements  the desire to look for

new things.  You are not satisifed with the status quo.  You will feel more different and your mood will be different as well.  IT would be better if you try  to make your inner world  richer.

We cannot say that this year will be very comfortable,  it is possible that you may have to face and fight with difficulties.  There may be losses in your career.  IT may be necessary to make deep rooted changes and create new opportunities.   You look at life from a new perspective.

Your objectives, hopes and expectations may be positive.  There may be possibilities to realize some of them.  Your relations with friends will be better.  You will have the chance to make group studies and  get together with other people .

You must pay attention to your health and it is possible that the old illnesses may awaken. There can also be new illnesses too.




The year 2009 will bring you luck in friendships. Your friendships will be meaningful.

 Unexpected situations may add excitement to your life and different individuals may enter your life.

There are positive influences in your career. You may have new developments in your education and career.

Your health is a little bit risky and may trouble you.  IT may be the start of  an illness or the potential symptoms may come to surface.  You must give importance to your diet and your health.


In all the  things that you do as a part of your routine and in your career what you should learn is to be in harmony with others, to be respectful, sharing and to accept the responsibilities.

Your intuition will become stronger, the unknown, the supernatural, science and religion  may attract your attention.  You may direct yourself to learning the mysteries of  life.

There may be important changes regarding real estate, movable assets, your income and money matters in general.




There may intense matters regarding your family, love life, the environment in which you live and one to one relations.

You will be more lucky in your career, you will be creative and very eager.  However, you may get carried away with your dreams and in the end you may be dissapointed.  You should use your talents without getting away from the reality. There can be very unexpected changes.

The person whom you love may frustrate  you. In love affairs you may be pessimistic and there can be some limitations. You may have to deal with children’s problems.  IT may also be a critical year in terms of  marriage. You should be true to yourself , see your mistakes and if you want everything to go well, then you have to change.

You may meet new, different people.  People from foreign countries may come into your life by vairous reasons. There can be surprises and interesting  developments.

You may change you objectives, join different groups and gain new experiences.

It is possible that you will make long trips, visit foreign countries  and put into practice a plan that you have been thinking of for a long time.




This year  you will have more work to do regarding your work environment or your neighbourhood.  You may have to make  radical changes  important renewals in your work and among your friends.  You may be successful, but I suggest you not to exaggerate and work too much.

You will be dealing more with the subjects of health. This interest is not  due to any illness, but to be more healthy. You may search for new methods of cure and new drugs.   In any case do not be influenced by the daily events. You may become mentally exhausted. It is important for you to  have a hobby and keep yourself busy.

You are lucky in one to one relations, marriage and partnerships. You may gain from real estate and immovables.

There will be positive developments in your beliefs and spiritual thinking and morale as well. You will be stronger and well equ*****You will have positive influences to concentrate on  religious, philosophical and scientific subjects.  It will be useful to emphasize the intuition.

You will have the possibility to travel which will be more different than the ones to which you have been used to or you may have to face new situations or surprises at a place where you always go.

There will be problems arising from the family, relatives, close relations or brothers and sisters.  If, you think and think and make a small problem become bigger and if you cannot control your feelings than you will have problems this year.




This year you can re-format yourself and bring to life your highly creative potential. There will be a new period in your life and you may experience sudden and unexpected changes.

If, you do not get carried away by high dreams or expectations regarding your marriage or private relations, then it will be possible to do what you want. The partnership  which you think of can be established. 

Your daily life will be meaningful and active. You may develop your business and business relations.

This year you should be careful about money matters and your income.  You should also control your spending.  Your problems regarding your earnings may last for sometime too. However, it is possible to have surprises from different sources.

There may also be problems regarding the people close to you. 

You should review the things that you own as well as your values

 and see your mistakes, the points where you have done wrong.

If, you face and accept them, then you may try to correct them and this will clear the limitations, open the road for you and you will be comfortable.

This year you may travel to different places and these will make you gain new experiences and excitements.

Your interest in scientific subjects, technology, space and astrology will increase. Therefore, this year it is the time for you to have a

 special training.



The year 2009 will start with difficulties, but afterwards everything will go well. It is the time for you to learn about life, to go through problems, to train and clean up your self.

You will be very lucky  in love and your children. You may start discovering  your talents, put them into practice and you will be feeling richer mentally.

You may express yourself  in a much better way and you may benefit out of this.  Try to make use of every opportunity to be creative and do things which which will bear your signature.

Regarding marriage and your private relations you should always be ready for anything and everything.

Problems, separations, differences may knock on your door at different times.  You too may be looking forward to new things and events, so you may behave in a different way.

In your daily life, your business you may experience some dissapointments.  It is possible that you may try to change your social

Circle.  In addition to these while you are trying to be more perfect,  you will be upset. Therefore, do not go into too much details and do not let anxieties overwhelm the logical mind.

There may be deep rooted changes in your family.  There can be separations among your parents, among the elderly or some new formations.

Various deep rooted things coming from your past, your childhood and which have been kep hidden upto now will make themselves felt and you may have to deal with them.




This year the field in which you will expand, have new chances and make the ties stronger will be your family.  You may receive help

from your parents in various ways. They are ready to help.

If, there are any problems in your family, then they will be solved. In your daily life there will be renewals, changes and new situations which will be surprising. Your plans, calculations and the things that you know will be upset.  You should be open to renewals. 

You will meet love at the most unexpected time. You may start having

different hobbies and discover your talents.  

The problem will be within yourself you will be feeling pessimistic, frustrated and under much pressure.  However, these will help you to refine and face your inner world. It is the time to give  an account for the last twelve years to yourself.

You may experience situations led by the mature elderly and who have had much experience in life. The lessons that you will take from these will be very helpful.

It is possible that you may do some in depth thinking.  Your old ideas, your conditionings  demolish  and you go into a renewal.   There will be deep rooted changes  in your relations with the people close to you.

 In the subjects of training, learning and school there can be situations which lead you to change your attitude and direction or there may be losses.




There will be positive developments in your close relations. This will be a year during which you will catch opportunities and socially you will be very active. This will develop your way of thinking and you will become conscious of  the fact  that the source of  everything is yourself and you may set yourself free of  the limitations that you have put on yourself.  Your ideas and thoughts will be more mature,  you will be open, decisive, liberal, but sure of yourself.   This will present you a comfortable life in spite of everything.

This is an ideal year for training and education. You will be successful, be promoted and have useful gains.

Love will knock on your door and there will be excitement in your private relations, but there can be some problems in your family life. These are the things that have to be changed and renewed.  There can be unexpected separations due to unexpected events.  Moreover, there may be shocking situations.  You may want to get rid of  the things that limit your freedom and you will do this in one way or another.

All of your values will be demolished from their roots and it is a time for them to grow by a new birth.  In all of your earnings there will be fluctuations, you may loose or  you may have to give.

You may become sorry because of your friends, therefore you should be careful. This year you should join group activites and you should be more close to others by a sahring attitude.

There may also be problems in your career.  Shadows may be cast over to your career and fame.




Now, as Sagittarians we are comfortable, because Pluton has left us. We have lost some power, therefore we can hit the bottom at our weakest point and we shall try hard to come to the surface again.  However, if, you are saying that you have no weak points, then I have nothing to say.

This year, you will be struggling  with the people close to you for

your personal development, your values and your relations.. You will be educated in order to find  your identity and make use of  the things which you have not given any importance before.  In short, you will feel the presence of  a  trainer on top of your head very often. Therefore, it is very important to learn the lessons well, to make a new start and to learn life in real terms.

The  arrow of fortune will hit your earnings, your capacity to earn and all the material and spiritual things that you have.

There will be differences with the people in your immediate circle such as the relatives, brothers, sisters and friends. You may have to face unexpected situations. There will be problems due to differences in ideas. Sudden changes will make you change your plans and projects without willing.  New and different people enter your life and you may becomed aware of  the new aspects of   your existing friends and relatives.

There will be the ones who will wish to deal with different subjects. They can make a change in their training.

The people of Sagittarius who were born in December will be in a gloomy mood from time to time. 




This year you have to be the most powerful one.  For this purpose you have to be refined, shake yourself up, maybe become upset and then born again.Those who will have a harder time will be the ones who were born on the first days of Capricorn.

For some of  them there may be frustrations, boredom and losses.Your consciousness  will go through a refinement.   Some of  the Capricorns will be at the forefront in using the authoritative powers.***

You are lucky in personality development, learning, acquiring new knowledge.  If, there are negative aspects regarding your general attitude and health, then there will be significant corrections.

There will be problems, limitations   in your  affairs with the government, in your business, investments as well as the limitations in subjects regarding capital, transactions, movables and immovables.

Your value judgements may become different and if you accept the changes, then you will benefit from them.

There can be a sudden change in your financial condition or sources of income. The principal idea is that anything which you fear most will come and find you in a strange way.  In addition to this if , you have strong emotional bonds and too much dependent on something, then you will have to loosen or cut off  the bonds and overcome your fear of loosing.

These will happen until you learn not to be afraid of loosing them and until you are not obsessed by them.




This year your hopes and objectives may change completely or  you can make a new format.

You are lucky,your spirit is bright, your consciousness is open and deep.  You feel well and you use your inner energy in the best possible way.  This year your  intuition will become stronger.

Your understanding about friendship will change and naturally you will reconsider your existing friendships. You may wish to have new relations which will be beneficial  to you.  Someone who will be able to make an important change in your life may enter your life.

You may try to prove yourself and do strange things for this purpose.yourself. You may behave in a more different way, change your outlook, your style and the way you dress.

You will be sensitive in giving love, helping others, join groups and eager to do volunteer work.

There can be problems in marriage and/or partnerships.  These are the subjects in which you have been mistaken.  Therefore, you should reexamine them carefully. There are also problems in partnerships and in the things that you have been doing together with others.

The people of  Aquarius born between February 11th-16th may have difficulty to see the truth.  It seems as if you are ready to think in an extraordinary way, ready to be an exaggerated idealist and start to fly. I suggest you to deal with the abstract subjects, theoris and sciences.




During the first half of this year luck will come from your friends and during the second half  you will have your own luck.

Your friends may create various opportunities for you. You will go after your ideals and depending on your vision and your possibilites you will do beneficial work both for yourself and for the people around you.

This is a very good year to examine and know yourself, to expand in mystical and spiritual subjects. If, you know your psychological, spiritual, religious, philosophical or scientific capacity, then you may turn inwards and face everything that is disturbing you easily.

There can be ups and downs in your career and may be losses. If, the precautions and the betterments do not work out, then the best thing to do would be to find a better way out.

You will be more keen about your freedom and there will be changes in your behaviour  and attitude.  Your choices may be more different than the ordinary and which cannot be expected from you.   Surprise developments may  upset your  definite wishes.

There can be problems in marriage, in the family.  The misunderstandings, responsibilities may have a bad influence on the relations.  The people of Pisces born between March 10th-15th may have to face different situations. Your ideas may change and your perception may be different.

Nuran Tuncel
Istanbul December 31st.2009

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