Dear Readers!...In the recent months a
decleration was published for the ‘’5th Anniversary of the
Internet in Turkey’’ by the people who had spent great efforts for the development
of internet in Turkey.
The declaration was named ‘’Let us make the Internet grow by
using it’’ and the methods of developing the super communication were
Now, the Internet is growing and developing like an avalanche.
The latest researches show that the number of people using the
Internet all over the world is above 147 million. This result is as of end of the year
When this is compared to the results obtained at the end of 1996
which stated the number of Internet users as 61 million, we can see how fast the rate of
growth has been.
In the United States, one of the fastest advancing technological
giants, a research conducted at end of 1998 showed that one out of every two homes had a
Sweeden, one of the cold countries of the north is looking at
Internet very favorably. The users of Internet amount to one third of the country’s
population. It is informed that this amount is showing an increase every day.
The wound was operated at the right time... The world has become
smaller, globalised, and has entered the age of computers. Now, our children will be
waiting anxiously for the statement ‘’brother, the session is now opening’’ and
they will be growing up with science and enlightenment...
Unfortunately, due to economic reasons this magasine of ours has
stopped the applications for Internet. I still have not lost my hopes on this subject. In
the preceeding days while surfing on the Internet I have come acroos a site...
The subject of the conversation was Sufism... This science is my
subject of interest and there is no limit for learning...
I have asked to the director of the chat, ‘’to the one who
knows’’. I have thought that the answers were given with respect to the level of
knowledge of the participants like myself... I am offering you this thinking that it would
be useful...
*How do you evaluate the fact that the innate composition of the
person will last eternally?
-When will the composition of the individual abolish?..
- We have said that one’s composition will not abolish till eternity.
The existence of the person has been made with his composition. If this created being,
travels in his/her essence towards his/her truth... Then, he can recognize (get acquainted
with) himself in the dimensions of names, qualities, and in the dimension of the
essence!.. When he recognizes himself in the dimension of names, then in his conscious,
the concept of multiplicity loses its value...
If he can pass over to the dimension of qualities from the dimension
of names, then in his science the decree of the composition is removed.
The dimension of the Essence is known only by the ones who
live(experience) it...
In the dimension of names, when the concept of multiplicity in the conscious
disappears, it is expressed as the abolition of the composition
For the one who is in the dimension of qualities; the decree of
composition has not remained in his Science!… However, by no means, the unity
that exists in the dimension of multiplicity i.e. the dimension of the names will be
removed! In other words the composition never abolishes... Is it clear?
-The universe of dreams is a part of the universe of images and
samples… As the events that take place in the universe of dreams are explained in
symbols, what should be the method for evaluating these symbols?
-The images that we see in a dream do not come to us from
Let us think that the same inspiration comes to two people, lying in
two beds that are side by side… With respect to the data (input) of in their brains; one
of them will see that message with different symbols and the one will be seeing the same
message in different symbols…
During the course of a day, the people who are receiving the same
astrological influences, experience different feelings because of the difference in the
expanded capacity of their brains… Similarly, the symbols that are seen in a dream are
shaped according to the data base of that person!…
For this reason the interpretation of a dream passes through READING
the individual who has seen the dream by means of intuition (insight)…
This is my opinion…
-Is there a divine reason for the descendance of the Koran in Makka
and in Madinah i.e. in two different cities?
-The Koran has descended not to an area of settlement, but to a
The Koran descends to where that person is…
The virtue of Makka comes from its geographical location, the virtue
of Madina comes from the person present in there…
Let us remember the warning of Hz.Rasul of Allah sallallahu aleyhi
Ve Sellem ‘ÞEREFÝL mekan bilmekin’’
- Our prophet, in one of his hadiths is saying that the Kaabah has
14 other similars on earth. What is meant by the word similar?... What is pointed out with
“the earth “; the seven layers of skies?
- What is meant by the earth is this world... If Hazrat Rasul of Allah
has said that Kaaba has 14 similars on this world, then we also accept that there are 14
other centers similar to this center… It is certain that what he has said is correct…
- “Moses has hit the stone with his rod; twelve fountains emerged
from the stone”. If this verse is referring to the external and internal names, then can
you give an example?
- Apparently (externally), from the bottom of that stone, water
which was flowing ing in 12 directions has sprung... According to the enlightened people
of Sufism, these are the twelve roads which Moses Aleyhesselam has opened for his
community (followers)… Now,the belief of Jews is in twelve seperate branches... This is
similar to Moslims having 73 divisions (fýrka).
- When our Rasul was born in Makka, the latest prevailing religion was
Christianity... Hazrat Jesus belonged to the religion from which he came, he was JEWISH…
The Rasul of Allah, before he had the duty of Rasul, should have
been a follower of Hz. Jesus, but we can see that he has by-passed this (stage). For what
reason and why?…
- He was ISLAM!!!... First of all there isn’t a religion called
Christianity, so that he could join... After Moses; Hazrat Jesus had not brought a new
religion, but he had revised the prevailing understanding... He had corrected the mistakes
of the JEWS.
- At that time the Christians had diverged (deviated) from the
teachings of Hazrat Jesus and had brought an understanding of religion which was based on
the God of the Skies and his son Jesus… This was called as Christianity... Of course, it
is impossible for a person who has the realisation of a hanif*****??? to accept this
belief (not worshipping any of the gods, finding Allah’s existence in himself)….
However, he was knowing that Abraham, Moses and Jesus were Prophets
and he was approving them... As of today, we are not accepting the deviated belief of
Muslim among the people. Does it mean that we are not accepting Hazrat Mohammed !?….....
-In a lot of Verses of the Koran patience is recommended. However,
our Prophet has said to someone who was asking for patience ‘’You’ve asked for
trouble from Allah...’’ There is both a recommendation and a warning for the one who
is acting in accordance with this recommendation...Could you open up a little more?
Master’s Answer:
-The thing that you should have patience for is TROUBLE… When
there is no trouble, this means that there is nothing to be patient…If trouble has come
to you without your request, then he is advising you to be PATIENT, because, some time
later there will be a rotation and the event that has come to you will go away by
itself!… However, if you do not have any trouble, then be careful not to ask for
patience. In the first place, there must be a trouble before having patience, so that the
patience can become manifest in you. In this respect, he means that if you are asking for
then you’ll be inviting trouble .
-The energy (radiance) of faith takes one to Heaven. Besides, how
should we comment about its role in determining the level of the individual?
-Following the moment of death , there isn’t any icrease or
decrease in the energy (radiance) of faith…
Therefore, the person will benefit from the help as much as the
energy of faith that he has; and he leaves Hell; he will go on living in the
dimension of Heaven corresponding to the extent of his energy of faith…
If the Main Book (Ümm-ül-kitab) is the indicator for the
occurrence of Qualities, then what is the difference from the Koran as an occurrence?…
-The Main Book (Ümm-ül-kitab) is becoming apparent (visible) of
the level of Allah’s Names, all that Allah has created. The Koran tells about what has
been created and the system!…
-If the objective is attaining Allah, then can we think of the
concept as the correct and the straight way (sýrat-I müstakim)…
The attainement of Allah is not the same for everybody, there are
differences… Faith, is necessary for the road leading to Heaven… The ones who
have attained Allah have contentment (they have seen and believed)!…
-Is the quality of power which becomes apparent in the woman comes
from the dimension of multiplicity (is it objective)?
-In each of the cases where power becomes apparent in which
Mohammedian Science and the hidden science (beyond the five senses ) do not take place,
this appearance may be due to the objective observation (from the dimension of
multiplicity)… Or merely from lack of understanding !…
-Why isn’t the dead body of the martyr washed?
-The martyr has been washed by his own blood, he has already
performed the ablution, has already been purified! This is the reason why !…
Regarding the wild man who has caused the martyrdom of Hz.Hamza,
Hz.Imam _ Rabbani says ‘’ Because he has seen our Rasul of Allah, from the point of
virtue he is more blessed than Hz. Veysel Karani…’’ Do you agree with this point of
-From the virtue of having seen;… as the difference between the
one who sees and the one who doesn’t see…
-In a hadith our Rasul has said to his companions ‘’You are not
my brothers. My brothers will come. You are my companions.’’ What is being indicated
with the word ‘’my brothers’’?
*The precious pious people who will become aware of the truth
and who will be living it... Those who will be in the chain that will continue until
-Could you explain the difference between ‘’Allah has created
the man with Hu’s own aspects’’ and ‘’Allah has created man with the aspects of
The first one… is pointing out that the human being has been
created with the perfection of the essence, Whereas the second one is signifying
that ‘’ the existence of the qualities of the human being too are in a form coming
from his own truth’’….
-Even during the time of Hz.Jesus and other Prophets, Mohammadian
Science had not become apparent; and you have stated that, in the societies where
Mohammadian Science has not become apparent, power becomes the poison of that society !…
-Then, in view of these points what is the difference between the
power of Hz.Jesus and the power of Djadjal ?….
-Power is the level of Qualities… Whereas Mohammedian Science
comes from the Essence!…
For this reason Jesus (a.s) , who has been created from the
perfection of the level of qualities, for manifesting (make visible) all the aspects of
the quality of power, has became apparent with the quality of power.
This is why the science that has been brought by him was not
Science can be understood only when the inborn constitution of the
person is programmed from the quality of science !…
On the contrary Djadjal; in spite of the fact that he knows his
truth from the point of science, will come by making visible the quality of power, in
accordance with his program…
The difference between the science of Djadjal and Jesus (a.s)
Jesus (a.s) has been aware of the truth through the inner perfection
that he had… For this reason, he had invited the people to ALLAH, to the kingdom of
heavens, in other words he has invited them to the properties of the dimension of
thoughts… On the contrary Djadjal became aware of his truth by looking only from the
outer dimension of objects…
That is why he has invited the people to worship him with the
support of the quality of power!…
If the human being receives the truth only from the outer dimension
of objects, if he cannot complete his inner/subjective observation, then he will have the
danger of being like djadjal… I don’t know if I could explain ?…
What I mean by perceiving from the outer dimension of objects is….
To realise that all the beings are actually ONE being in the dimension of multiplicity….
, and to notice the power of that one being among the multiplicity in oneself and make it
become apparent…?
Perceiving in the inner/subjective dimension is…. to notice
that the truth of the individual’s nafs/soul belongs to the absolute ‘’ONE’’…
and to invite every other to get to know his/her own truth…
May Allah be supporting and helping us....
Ahmet F. Yuksel
