hen I went to that district, which is now transformed into Islamic
Cultural Center from a school for nuns after it has been purchased by the Soltan of
Brunei. This place is located in the north of London where the Turks and the Pakistanis
are high in number. I have been there to see this interesting place, perform the salat of
Friday, and to visit Nazım Kıbrisi who was living in the big house near this center.
There, I have seen very interesting things that have surprised me…A humble English group of various ages were walking up and down in the street
and were waiting for the time of the Friday Salat. They had beads in their hands almost
reaching the ground, wearing long gowns and they had beards. It was obvious that they have
been related to the religion of Islam through Kıbrisi.
These English natives have chosen the perfect one among the
religions. However, the way of their dressing was even more different then the existing
conditions in Turkey. Most probably, Kıbrisi had great influence on their clothing style.
In Islam, this kind of dressing and some similar kinds of behaviour
are named as "being in conformity with the sunnat or to follow the sunnat".
Sunnat, in classical meaning is manners, behaviour, method and
fundamentals. Because of this, in general it means morals and ethics.
Now; I want to summarize my ideas;
one of the main principles of the Koran is no forcing anyone.
The verse "la ikraha fid diyn" points this out openly.
(There isn't any forcing in the religion.)
It is not necessary to think deeply about this because of the
simplicity. Everyone may get dressed in the way he wants, may grow a beard, may let his
hair grow long or make it short. We can not have any objection for a style reflecting
people's choices, but meanwhile we must not overlook the following point:-
It is incorrect to confuse the real meaning of the concept of
"Sunnat" with one's personal understanding and to get Islam under one's
If this kind of behaviour is sunnat, then 1400 years ago both Abu
Cehil* and Abu Leheb* were dressing in the same style as our Prophet Mohammed. You must
have a knowledge of where they are now.I don't know if you need any other warning or
We are observing that the concept of sunnat is misunderstood not
only in the style of dressing, but misunderstood in various other subjects as well.
In the first place let's try to explain this;
What is meant by religion is the transformation of one's ethical
principals and, acquiring the ethics of Allah, knowing Allah and live Allah in
his/her own essence. This road starts with the "Shariat".*
However, if the Shariat doesn't let the person know his own truth
and reality, doesn't enable him to reach Allah, if it is putting cliche forms and frames
and rules, then that Shariat is not a Shariat.
Shariat; is the name the Reality takes the moment the Reality comes
into the open. If Shariat can not be applied to Reality, falls away from the objectives
and leads the person to worshipping, then that Shariat (religion) belongs to you only as
the religion of your imagination.
The Reality comes into the open through an integrated system.
Astronomy, Stars, Signs and the Planets are important units of the system. It is essential
that the human being living on this world should be in conformity with the system, should
keep in pace with this system, should reach a position to enable himself to take measures
against the influences he receives. This is what Muttaki's* are doing.( see Bakara
As a matter of fact the understanding of " Following the
Sunnat" should be in this manner. The Koran has opened to us the door of evaluation,
has directed us towards thinking, contemplating and has pointed out the creation in the
universe as Sunnat.
"... ve len tecide li sünnetallahi tebdiyla" (Fetih 23)
(There is never a change in Allah's Sunnat/System.)
With this explanation, it's emphasized that religion is a system in
the absolute sense. Therefore, forcing takes the human being out of the religion, opens
the door for hypocricy, the person loses his faith and confidence. That is the reason why,
there is no forcing, no pressure.
Even in the messages that have been revealed to our Prophet, it was
"Give a warning to them, notify them, this is your function
of Prophecy." In reality, everybody is making mistakes, but they are not noticing
themselves. Our duty here is to give them a warning remark only.
Allah's system starts with the existence of the Universe. Let's give
an example from the positive sciences; Gravity has been present ever since the formation
period of the World, it is not something that came into being afterwards the creation.
What Isaac Newton did was to formulate it only.
Newton, according to the rules of physics, found a constant for
gravity and it was indicated by "G". The numerical value of this constant
"G" is in connection to a unit system in which force, mass and distance are
expressed in mathematical terms. As we can se, it is formed according to a system. You
have to follow this system (Sunnat).
One other example;
Every brain creates his spirit in accordance with his own frequency.
This function and the brain's being an obstacle for the return of the spirit after it has
passed into life after death, are all within a system.
This is what the Koran wants to tell with the word SunnatAllah/SYSTEM.
Moreover, let's try to unfold this subject by investigating the types of behaviour that
our Prophet had.
Our Prophet in his daily life,
-used a stick toothbrush (misvak)*
-he let his hair grow relatively long, but from time to time he had
it cut short,
-when he left his home, he always stepped out with his right foot,
-when entering the mesjid* he stepped in with his right
foot, and when he was leaving, he left with the left step,
-he always ate with his right hand,
-while drinking water with righte hand, he put the his/her left hand
on the toppest part of his/her head and while doing this he sat upon his heels,
-while praying he raised his hands high up until his armpits could
be seen,
-while he was cursing, (he made very few curses during his lifetime)
he puts his hands forward,so that his palms were facing the ground and parallel to the
-when he had to go to a place for the second time, he did not used
the same road.
All of the above were in accordance with his living the aspect of
Prophecy pertaining to mankind.
He also, performed the teravih salat* , when in Arafat*
performed two salats at the same, time which normally took place at different times during
the day, arranged the rows before starting the performance of salat, fasted on special
days such as ature* and arife*, fasted in the month of
Shevval* and fasted for 3 days each month, got into seclusion in the mesjid. Again, the
reality behind all these actions is in connection with the effects of the System called
In the simplest sense, the happenings that we call as sunnat and
leave aside without bothering to think about them are made to respond to the System's way
of functioning, and to know oneself.
Our Prophet preferred the colour white in his dresses. This was
neither because this colour suited his composition, nor because it was a colour that he
liked. It was simply due to the fact that the colour white reflects back the negative
beams of light and does not attract them on it. Therefore, this preferance is directly
related to the functioning of the system.
Besides, Allah's Rasul/Ambassador stayed away from all kinds of
actions that could cause a dependency. This is a kind of message on which we, as people
living with taboos, should think about a lot.
Addiction, dependancy will make up a structure of habits and character. As a
result, the person in his understanding will not be able to go one step forward to reach
his essence. Those who can not get to know Allah's system created with the order
"kün" (be), or in other words, who can not read this system are unable to
recognize the absolute Universal Power that has created them.
While the Koran is explaining to us all the functions under the
heading "Sunnat"; we, ourselves have invented a kind of understanding for sunnat
by way of imitation.
Our Prophet said; "The believer doesn't remain cross with his
brother more than 3 days". The reason is as follows;
The moon , our satellite, which is nearly 400.000 km (fourhundred
thousand kilometers) far from our earth represents our feelings. The moon in the first 15
days starting from the time of new moon, increases the energy in every unit, whereas in
the following 15 days decreases the energy until the point of collapse. So, the moon
affects negatively those who have the same sunsign in which the moon is staying for that
period. It's very normal for the people who have the same sunsign which the moon is in, to
be more sensitive than usual.
The moon changes signs in approximately two and a half days and goes
through all the signs of the Zodiac in one month. Now, let's say that you are from the
sign of Taurus, the moon is in your sign and it will stay there 2 to 3 days. During these
days the probability of your having spoiled relations with others will be higher than
other times.
As it is explained, the moon makes the feelings stronger, as a
matter of fact it increases the activities of the hormones. Therefore, our Prophet excuses
any action made during this period and freezes it. However, at the end of three days when
the moon leaves your sign, he considers it necessary to settle the dispute.
Our Prophet's hadith "Don't start fasting before the new
moon,(the crescent) and don't start the Bairam without seeing it. If the weather is cloudy
then calculate moon's angle" and according to another story "complete the number
of days to thirty" (Muslim)
As can be seen openly this hadith is in relation with the system. In
our case, this rule is not applied much. However, we have no right to judge anyone. Every
unit, will encounter the results of his deeds.
Sunnat, as explained in the Koran is the System. Simplifying this
concept has no way of explanation apart from ignorance. Also, imitating can not grant a
position to the person.
What all people who have faith in Allah and his Rasul (Messiah)
should do is:
To give information to those who ask for it, on every subject as
well as religious subjects without insisting. If he doesn't want any information and
chooses the road for denial, then we must not be compelling, forcing. What we have to do
is transferring the knowledge that we have, to those who are ignorant.
Be your own self, and live in accordance with the sunnat only after
investigating the reason why.
May Allah be helping and supporting you.
- Friday Salat: A special kind of salat/Namaz performed every
Friday at noon time.
- Abu Cehil and Abu Leheb: They were the leadersof the strong
offonents of Mohammed; and were representing the mentality against him.
- Shariat: The first step in reaching Allah.The suggestions of
to protect and develop our brain by ALLAH."Hachikat" (Reality) is to understand
singularity of Universe- The Only One and to live The Unity.
- Muttaki: Those who are those cautious, who are aware of the
system, there fore who are always on their guard.
- Misvak: A kind of tooth brush made from a relatively soft
- Mesjid: Small mosque without a minaret. A place where salat is
- Teravih salat: Salat performed in Ramadan after breaking the
- Ature: The days when the oriental pudding with wheat and
sultanas was cooked. The pudding is also named as "ature"
- Arife: The day before the religious holiday Bairam.
- Arafat: The hill where all the pilgrims gather together to
throw stones to the "Satan" during pilgrimage.
- Shevval: The 10 th month of the lunar year following Ramadan
and the first 3 days are the days of Bairam for Ramadan.
Ahmet F. Yuksel
