If you
want to go to England by plane, you should stop first in London.In the end I passed by London, one of the main capital cities in the world
with a population of 15 million. Among these residents, around 600.000 are Turkish people,
and there are a similar amount of Hindus and Pakistanis.
After leaving the Mediterrenean climate, I have witnessed
interesting differences here in London.
English people have a different way of life then we are used to. As
you well know, they are very cool. No one is interfering with anothers work or way of
doing things. For this reason, feelings such as gossip, greed and jealousy are at the
Politeness is the most important rule of living. "Sorry"
comes before "I".
London looks as an orderly developed city. In the first place the
problems of infrastructure have been solved.
Natural gas has completely eliminated the problem of air pollution.
Historical buildings are preserved as they are, and were not let to stay in ruins as it is
the case in our country.
Even the ancient buildings almost hundred years old have been
renovated and have a radiant look.
The most important things is the value that people have, the
municipilaty has undertaken to solve the residental and other problems of the poor.
The streets and the avenues are very clean, because they are washed
everymorning. The tax collected from old fashioned taxi-cabs is completely transferred to
the Queen.
Another special point of England is the existence of Monarchy along
side with Democratic parliament.The King, Queen, Princes(ss) Earls...
A way of living in connection with history is going on with all the
historical characteristics without getting disturbed. The only thing missing is (as in all
the western world) the meaning inherent in life. Materialism, or being materialistic has
captured and monopolized all the people.
From the point of view of Islam , just as it is the case with us,
various groups have been formed.
One Friday, we performed the ritual prayer of Islam
"Salat" in the mosque of VALIDE SULTAN , where the majority of the attendants
belonged to the religious Islamic group called Süleymaneese.
Before the salat, Osman Hodja (the religious person on duty in a
mosque) gave his preach, and with his permission various questions were addressed to him
from the attendants. Some of the questions were really interesting. Such as "What is
Salat-i Vusta"- (middle ritual praying) mentioned in the Koran.
Another question was also interesting. " What is meant with the
words "I" and "WE" attributed to ALLAH in the Koran?
Osman Hodja answered these questions as follows : _
- "Middle salat is the afternoon salat". It takes place
between two groups of prayers. First group consists of sunrise and noon salat, second
group consists of sunset salat and evening salat.
- You think of a King. When he visits another country he
addresses the people of that country as "WE" . But in his own country this
changes and he adresses his own people as "I".
According to Osman Hodja the concepts "I" and
"WE" mentioned in the Koran were explained as above(?)....
Thus, I understood that religion needed a lot of work, effort and
study in different subjects . It is not only the job of the Hodjas.
I noticed after the ritual (i.e. salat) the attendants, while
praying were holding their hands at the level of their chests, with their palms facing up.
When I asked the reason why, the answer was "We want the coming mercy and compassion
to fill the hollows of our hands, that is why we are holding our hands in this
As far as I know in one of the hadithes of Prophet Mohammed the
intended description is as follows :_
"While you are praying, raise your hands so that the hollows
under your arms can be seen."
We have met the caliphet of Abdullah Dagistanli , Sheikh Nazim
Kibrisi through our friends.
The sermon (khutbah) he delivered one Friday , both in Turkish and
English lasted almost until afternoon...
Cat Stevens has indexed Islam to the way of dressing. He is
interpreting and making comments on the Koran in Regent Park Mosque where Pakistanis
consist the majority. We could not have a chance to meet. I was not available at the time
of the appointment given by his secretary.
Hodja Efendi (Hodja, The Master), as it is well known has schools
everywhere. They have built one of these colleges at the northwest of the city and have
started education.
The capital city of England, London is a place worth seeing.
Transportation is made mostly and easily by the subway.
Exactly 100 years ago the foresighted people have brought black
slaves from Africa to work in the construction of the subway. Unfortunately, the
grandchildren of these black workers, apart from the exceptions are unaware of humanity.
Once, I took a bus in which the majority were blacks, and I hardly
threw myself out at the nearest bus stop. There was great noise, everybody was speaking,
laughing at a very high tone. It was really disgusting.
It was obvious that the Sun has made mutations on the genes of this
race which grows and multiplies around the Equator. It was clear that this mutation has
created a blackness in their color and in their lives.
We shouldn’t simply say "GENE" and leave it aside. The
scope of genetics is so large that it covers a lot of formations such as the person’s
hair color, the color of the eyes, the brows, the skin ,the structure of his character ,
his illnesses , whether he’ll go to hell or heaven and all other formations that you can
think of. All of these are in connection with the genetic structure which is also named as
the data bank.
There are also poor people in London, as can be seen all over the
world. I have seen people in Misery, begging in the subway ; and in front of the churches.
There were also, young English people who were playing various musical instruments to make
their livings. The world famous "HYDE PARK" is by all means a place where the
parasite energy is released. It is said that while people are talking or listening in this
park such a happening is taking place!...
In the city, there is a museum called "Madame Tussaud’s"
in which the statues of famous people which are made of wax take place. The River Thames
has divided the city nearly into two. On the most important avenue, Oxford Street , the
famous shops of the world are placed, similar to Vali Konagi or Rumeli Street in
Nisantasi/Istanbul. The world famous Wembley Stadium is in the northeast of the city .
The palaces in London are very famous. You must have seen in the
photographs, the Residence of the Queen, Buckingham Palace and the Residence of the
Prince, Kensington Palace with their never smiling guards in the front.
There are two considerably big churches in London. The Saint Peter
Church at Victoria district has a large capacity, but does not have visitors. In the
entrance, on the left, the statue of Patros is placed. Jesus (Prophet Isa) had named
Patros as "ROCK" and he was one of his apostles (disciples) .
According to Prophet Jesus, Patros had a special place then his
other Apostles. He had said to Patros "I am going to build my religion on you".
The lives of Patros and the other Apostles were full of difficulties and troubles. It is
necessary to remind that these Apostles mentioned in the Koran are all Saints who have
stepped into the area of being spirutually close to ALLAH.
On the ceiling of this church there is a big picture symbolising the
crucification of Jesus. There is another famous church in London, St. PAUL’S cathedral.
St. PAUL has a different destiny.
This place witnessed the wedding of a Royal Princess, and just
exactly sixteen years later witnessed her funeral ceremony. I think you all know who I’m
talking about, Princess Lady Diana .
I don’t want to go in to details. This Lady who married Prince
Charles, heir to the English throne with a fairy tale wedding, became the center of
attraction after her divorce when she had to live with her children.
She has been followed everywhere, photographed, her relations with
the Palace were spoiled, and her struggle for lifecontiuned without losing desire and
without getting tired.
We are not the authority to make judgements about what she has done.
No one is expected to do so. Only, as we have observed from the world press and
television, she was noticed as a Princess who has exceeded the frame of the Royals.
Before her death in that car accident she was saying "You wish
to be in my place and I wish to be in yours". While, she was saying these words, most
probably she was trying to tell us a lot of things.
All of her works, as an angel of goodness have been admired and
appreciated. Her talks with the patients were displaying clearly that her feelings of
compassion, mercy and affection towards them were not a show-off.
With her death, people realized that they loved her very much . In
such a way that people rushed to London only to see the heaps of flowers placed around
Kensington Palace. The Residence of Princess of Wales.
This was related with the manifest of the name "vedud"
(being loved everywhere) which was inherent in her composition in extra ordinary
She was searching for love. This wasn’t a sin . "To
The leading figures of sufism say: "If one does not love one
person, then it is difficult for him/her to love ALLAH".
This concept is the manifestation (becoming clear) of ALLAH’s. one
of the endless limitless qualities/names which is KUDRET (Universal Power).
This concept is the manifest of Allah's quality of Power.
It was obvious that she would be hurt a lot in her tours for love. However, Allah did not
permit her to lead a life in this manner.
Six million people, coming from all parts of the world joined her
funeral ceremony. The Royal Family was in the first place in order not to have negative
reactions from the people. 2,5 billion people watched the television, with tears in their
eyes, until she went to her grave. They prayed for her and sent their best wishes.
Koran was read in the mosques, prayers took place in the churches.
The humans could remember their humanity while they were saying good-bye to her on her
last voyage.
Rasul Mohammed Mustafa Aleyhassalam states; "It is no doubt
when Allah loves one of his human beings, he calls GABRIEL and says "I love this
person, you love him too". Thus GABRIEL loves him. Afterwards he announces in the
heavens "Allah really loves this person, you love him too". After this
announcement of GABRIEL all who belong to the heavens love him too. Afterwards an
acceptance is put on this world (he becomes one of the esteemed and respectable people).
When he is very angry with a human being he calls GABRIEL says "I am angry with this
person, you be angry with him too!". Gabriel becomes angry and announces to those in
the heavens "Allah is angry with this person, you become angry with him too".
And they become angry also. Afterwards feeling of anger/hatred is put on to the earth for
that person.
Once I was present at a funeral, the divine service (namaz) was
conducted by the late blessed Mehmet Efendi from Gönen/Balikesir. After the salat he made
a short speech and said;
"If, at a funeral 40 people say that the mortal (dead) is a
good person, then Allah says that he is on their side". I never forget these words
belonging to him.
………. And she was buried silently. The visitors left London on
the 7th day of September.
It must be kept in mind that, nothing in life is of coincidence.
Ahmet F. Yuksel
