two concepts look as two different words at the first glance. However, in the latest
researches, it has been found out that they are complementary to each other and both have
important data for explaining the system of life.You must
have read lots of anecdotes about sexuality since the beginning of history. Among these,
especially the personal ones have accumulated in the memories of people.
The value judgements about sexuality, which is ranked among the top
values of a society, become mature both in the individuals and the nations with respect to
the social conditionings and the astrological influences.
In a way, the cultural differences between the East and the West
have become significant because of these factors.
What is the relation between the genes and the sexuality that has
been present on earth since the first human being and which is accepted as one of the
‘’basic instincts’’???
During the sexual relation, which is considered to be the closest
and most shareful action between a man and a woman, the sperm of the man is transferred to
the woman and gets united ‘’becomes one/ makes a whole’’ with the egg of the
woman. Is it possible to name this happenning as a simple, ordinary productive function???
This point has attracted the attention of the philosophers and the
scientists. Those who have been studying about knowing oneself and about understanding the
system of life have declared their opinions as time went by.
Plato, in his famous book ‘’The Symposium’’ has answered the
following question ‘’Why does sexuaality exist?’’ with the proposal in
Aristophanes’ famous speech and has taken the subject as ‘’a repair/a renewal’’.
In the following decades, the solution found by Plato has been
accepted by Freud too, because it had covered the sexual instincts, the protection
(preservation) of life, and the wish for living.
Many philosohers and thinkers who have been searching the answer for
the same question found themselves in the end in the Science of Biological Evolution.
This science, mainly examines how and why the living world has come
to this point from the modest beginning which took place 4 billion years ago.
Charles Darwin, in his famous work ‘’The Origin of
Species’’ has talked about sexuality and the role it has played in the evolution
process. According to Darwin ‘’as a law of nature’’ it is a must to have couples
for the continuation of life.
Towards the end of the nineteenth century the German Biologist
August Weismann has explained the mortal and the immortal with the biological terminology
and has established a relation between sexuality and evolution.
According to Weissmann, sexuality is a factor which accelerates the
evolution, because it is offering a huge stock whose contents are changing continuously.
However, the most important explanations and connections have been
made nearly fifty years ago with the exploration of DNA and the Science of Genetics.
DNA (Deoxyribonucleid acid) is the basis of the cell. In this
dimension, it is the smallest expressed unit that has a form. It consists of two separate
nucleotides that contain all the information about the living organism, that have the same
information, but are complementary to each other like the positive and the negative.
The information in the nucleotides is stored to be transferred to
form a living organism.
In the DNA molecule, there is a region named as ‘’gene’’
which carries the necessary genetic code for producing the certain building stones. This
region has all the configurations which determine each and every specialty of that
The genes are loaded with orders and information which determine the
characteristics of an organism. The system necessary for this process is supplied by the
The transfer of genes for making up the organism is done by the
function of reproduction. The reproduction in the human being starts with the production
of the egg in a woman and the production of sperm in a man. The DNA molecules, half of
which comes from the mother and the other half from the father are packaged and kept in
the egg and the sperm. In this manner, they are transferred to the following generations.
As can be seen clearly, the process of transfer is realised as a result of sexuality.
Through the sexual relation, the DNA molecules coming from the two
different sexes are broken up and they get united in a new form. The DNA’s that are
coming from the man and the woman may also be loaded with mistakes, however they make up a
whole and after the phase of the sexual contact they may gain a new youth.
Sexuality plays a very important role in the correction of the
mistakes that take place in the DNA’s. Because, it restricts the mutations which cause
the formation of DNA with mistakes. The process of restriction takes place during the
sexual contact, when the man and the woman are physically joined together.
At this moment, the repair enzymes push away the wrong code.
The human generations that have come into living approximately 4
billion years ago could continue their lives in a healthy way owing to the sexuality in
spite of all the changes that have taken place. Sexuality, has also provided the means to
unite the genetic data transferred from the mother and the father and enabled the
additional information apart from the characteristics of the parents to come out into the
open in the new generations.
To say it shortly, sexuality is a very advanced, developed system
which repairs the genes that carry all the information about the existence, which keeps
the mutations and the disorders under control, so that the genes are preserved in a
healthy manner. Thus, every species, in spite of all the micro and the macro changes
continue their lives and keep on repairing themselves from the pool of common
characteristics with new formations every moment.
In the recent days, according to a news that has taken place in the
press, a kind of wet tissue named as Xcite produced by the companu Kiotech is increasing
the attractiveness of the individual whoever uses it. These tissues have been produced in
two different kinds for men and women. They contain the chemical substance
‘’feromen’’ which is released for sending sexual signals and for attracting the
opposite sex. Actually, feromen is a hormone found in the sweat and the urine of the men
and in the vaginal secretions of the women.
Whether we want it or not we feel the pressures of the feromens and
get aroused sexually.
Here, the important thing is the individual’s hormones getting
influenced from outside towards the inside.
This same thing takes place when the sexual hormones get activated
through the genes from inside. This happenning is being formatted with the cosmic
influences that the baby receives when it is in the mother’s womb. It comes out into the
open through the suitable expansions. As can be seen in the case of Mr. Clinton, the
President of United States, the reason is completely genetic.
Mysticism, also refers to sexual actions with the concept of
‘’destiny’’ and forms a connection between the sexuality and the ‘’Genes’’
in a rather covered manner.
Richard E.Michod, Eros and Evolution
David M.Raup Extinction-Bad Genes or Bad Luck
Ahmet F. Yuksel
