Science is Having an Inluence on Religion

To Love Ibn-i Arabi

The Difference in Fasting
The Month of Fasting
Recommendations, Wishes...
The Murshid and the Shaki
Mother Mary
The Sun has set in England
Main in the Cosmic Calendar
Functions Pertaining to the Brain
Astro Moon
The Role of Fasting in a Healthy Diet
Towards Copying
the Man...
Wisdom Faith and Contentment / Certitude (iqaan)
Sexuality and the
I have Asked to the One Who Knows!....
The Touch
The Enlighteners
Mr. Ad
I have Asked to the One Who Knows!...(2)

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(This Essay was published in the monthly magazine "Popular Science")

‘’Surprisingly, I must be having a lot of mind, sometimes, once a week it becomes necessary for me to gather my mind together’’ says Mark Twain, he is absolutely right…

To be able to make the best use of the function of the mind, it is necessary to know the brain Very well. The human brain, with a fully developed cortex weighs 1450 grams, and has fifteen billions of nerve cells.,while the number synapses* are almost fifteen trillions.

These millions of cells are interconnected and making an exchange of electricity.

The researchers , by a special method , have made visible the electrical activities of the brain. Thus, The brain waves formed by the symbol that has been seen could be determined and simple Photographs that can be seen by the eye could be obtained.

While, the active functioning portion of the brain is around 6-7%, the portion around 90% remains as idle capacity. What is important is integrating these passive parts into the active portions.

The Scientists are saying that the woman is using her brain to a much larger extent than themale, Her capabilities of hearing, using a foreign language, defining the feelings and her memory are more advanced. They also say that the brain of the woman gets smaller more slowly than That of the man…

The brain works with the bioelectrical energy that is obtained from the phsical body. At the same Time it is transferring this energy into micro waves and registering them onto the spirit. So, after death theHuman being will continue to live till infinity with the things that he has produced in this world in his ‘’first and last ‘’ book , namely his spirit. This spirit is going to be transformed in various phases.

The life in this world is like sleep.When you wake up in the morning, every beautiful thing that you have seen in your dream comes to an end. Similarly, when death comes all the realities of this Worldly life will come to an end . They will be leaving their place to structures which are Continuing with the same conscious, but in different dimensions and frequencies. The spirit has to Go on living alone among thesestructures till infinity…

Either good or bad…

Those, who are obsessed with being incarnated (coming back) are pointing the view of Déjà vu

As the proof for the spirit coming back to the world. When a nostalgic vision, voice takes the person immediately back, then the resulting confusion brings to mind the following :

‘’I have lived this before…’’

The researchers are trying to solve the secrets of this feeling. Freud, who is considered to be the Father of psycho analysis has put déjà vu in the category of miracles, because he was Helpless (unable to find another alternative)….

*synapse: the minute gap at the end of a nerve fiber across which nerve impulses pass from one neuron to the next. When an impulse reaches a synapse, it causes the neurotransmitter to be released, which difuses across the gap and triggers an electrical impulse in the next neuron. Some brain cells have more than 15.000 synapses.

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According to the point of view which takes the Hologram Model (1) as a basis, this feeling is Awakened , because the smallest event is registered to the memory with all of its details!… In the universe of dreams, the brain concentrates its radar waves (Radio Detection And Ranging) To a certain place, watches whatever is there and registers the events that he has lived in that place To the spirit. Thus, an interference model is formed in the spirit.This determination which is made in that instant, does not have any relation with the past. Remembering; is a reflection from the spirit To the brain and it is perceived as if it has been experienced (lived) in the past.

The deciphering of Déjà vu that has come to the agenda once more, is possible only by solving the Relation between Spirit and the Brain.

Shakespeare, in one his works says:

‘’Tell me, where is the powerful imagination, Within the heart or in the brain?’’

My humble self is asking you!…

’In your body, is there a second organ which is able to make decisions other than the brain?…’’

The answer would be something like ‘’I am making all my decisions with my brain, of course there Cannot be such a thing’’…

You are completely right. In the biological structure, only the brain rules all of the other organs except The heart which works involuntarily.

The brain does not have properties such as taste , see, smell, differentiating the colours etc…

The impulses which come from outside are deciphered and they are perceived in the special Local sections as meanings. Registration is made to the spirit , by a system whose work is based on Positive and negative.

Each brain is having a communication(relation) with those structures that are suitable for its own Frequency. We must accept this harmony in frequencies as a give and take of energy.

Let us suppose that you have talked about a person in a manner that he wouldn’t like. In the mystical area this action is called as ‘’backbiting ‘’. The moment the word comes out of the mouth and is Named as ‘gossip’ , certain functions start. The positives, in other words the good deeds(sawaps) Are transferred to the person about whom the gossip was made. If the backbiter does not have Any (+) (good deeds), then he automatically takes over the negatives of the person about whom He was talking. In other words he takes over the sins!…

In the case of repentance (the feeling of sorrow for sin), the brainmatic works as follows:

-The positives in the spirit are being sent, this is inevitable, it is impossible to stop this. However,The negatives that will be forwarded by the other side will not function. It is necessary to perceive The following statement of Allah’s Rasul in this manner:

‘’The backbiter cannot be forgiven unless the person about whom he was backbiting forgives him’’.

Even if it cannot be seen openly, the forgiving of the person (stopping the negatives in the fuctions Of the brain) will take its place in you with the realisation for ‘’repentance’’.

Repentance is the name given to the mood in which the person realises that his thoughts are Wrong and stops thinking in that manner. However, it is very difficult to become aware of this fact, While the wrong deed is going on. The cause which formed the repentance in you, has taken place upon the wish of the person about whom you have been back biting.

1)For more detailed information see: Ahmet F.Yüksel; Science is Influencing Religion Popular Science, March ‘98

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The good in the thoughts will create a good deed (sawap) (+) even if it doesn’t come upto the dimension of the five senses. While badness will be accepted as sin(-) only when it can be perceived in the dimension of actions.

This is because the function of the good deeds are towards the thoughts and the function of the sin is towards the towards the action in the brain.

If the groups of cells reach above a certain density, then the thought is transformed into action.

The human being is not responsible for his negative thoughts. However, if these thoughts are continuous, then they find their place in the system and will definitely have a return!…

‘’Allah will question you with what you have in your conscious (your thoughts) whether you declare it or keep it to yourself…’’ (Bakara:2/284)

The wise, elderly people who are well aware of the working conditions of the system, know that modesty which has the smell of hypocrisy is a quality as bad as pride. However, they still keep their modest behaviour.

When you say ‘I’, a localized work will take place among the groups of cells within the brain and you function to produce will almost reach zero. Whereas, behaving in the opposite way, will be giving you a broader angle of observation.

You also do what they are have been doing… Do not say ‘’I’’, but say ‘’You’’!…

When you say ‘’YOU’’, in the sysytem there will be a broader angle of observation from you to him;on the contrary when you say ‘’I’’, there will be a flow from him to you.

Saying ‘’I’’, will be creating a restraint in the activities of the cells within the brain. In this state of being , it is impossible for an idea to reach you.

When you are saying ‘’YOU’’, it is certain that your receivers have started functioning.

Another subject which can be examined under this subject is genetics…

The child should look like the parents partially because of:

-the habits gained from the life style,

-the chromosomes carrying the loads of information in the DNA called ‘’gene’’, from generation to generation,

-with the openings in the direction of suitable astrological influences.

*Kerem Alýþýk, who has found himself in the midst of fame because he was the child of famous mother and father;

Harun Kolçak, who is famous in pop music is the son of Eþref Kolçak, a well known artist of Yeþilçam*, Öztürk Serengil’s daughter Seren Serengil, who cannot be shared by different groups, the sons of Çetin Altan, the experienced writer of the years, who are journalists and writers like him….

Abroad, there are many famous people who can be included in this list;

Kirk Douglas-Michael Douglas, Tony Curtis-James Lee Curtis, Alain Delon-Antony Delon and several others .

The interesting is that the researches and the findings have stated that the first child (no matter if a boy or a girl) looks like the father.

*all these names belong to the people in the Turkish movie industry

*Yeþilçam : The place where the heart of the Turkish movie sector beats

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And all of these results are in relation with the genetics of the brain.

‘’People have to obey the laws of the Universe, no matter if they have faith and believe in Allah, or have an atheist belief .’’

They cannot live without drinking (the body can tolerate the lack of water only for forty days).

They cannot live without eating (may stay without eating more than forty days) and sleeping.

When they make love without taking any precautions, they have a child, some time later they die.

They cannot fly, cannot jump from a height of ten meters (they are under the rule of the law of gravity, they can jump to a height of maximum 60 the world, 6 meters in the moon and 6 cms in the sun…)’’

Having faith to overcome these is not enough…

Yes, the part of the person which is in relation with the biological structure comes face to face with the laws of physics. This is inevitable.

Ahmet F. Yuksel


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